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Good news for once from KY


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by AWR HAWKINS 11 Jan 2013, 6:08 AM PDT 197 POST A COMMENT


Jackson County Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman is making it clear that no law that violates the Constitution will be upheld in his county.

This especially applies to new gun control edicts Obama & Co. are trying to push onto the American people.

Said Peyman: "My office will not comply with any federal action which violates the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore uphold."

And far from worrying about repercussions for doing this, Peyman sees the gun control push as a sign of weakness that will crumble in the face of real opposition: "Just a few of us have to be willing to stand up to political opposition putting our people at risk. The other side will back down."

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found a patriot. And his name is Sheriff Denny Peyman.

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Wyo. considers pre-emptive strike on federal gun control




SALT LAKE CITY — Lawmakers in Wyoming are considering a pre-emptive attack against possible new federal gun control laws. If passed, HB0104 would declare any federal law limiting access to semi-automatic weapons or high-capacity magazines unenforceable in that state.



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Appreciate the sheriff's comments but.... confiscation is the 'nuclear' case and it's, frankly, easy to support the citizenry on that. First, because it's very cut and dried. Second, that it would be wildly unpopular and would spark a general resistance regardless of how LE or the military lined up. Third is that it is so constitutionally suspect as to guarantee action by the courts.


I wonder how many of these same LE will step up to physically defend a business that makes a sale or manufactures a product in defiance of an executive order? Or when some guy puts a proscribed flash hider on his 'post-ban' AK, posts it on the internet, and dares the ATF to do something about it and they do, what then?


Not so quick to roll the local SWAT team to face the Feds I'll bet. Oh, your local sheriff might refuse to help them but would he defend you? Would they be willing to arrest the federal agents on state charges?


For that matter, what would any of us do if the guy was our neighbor or that business was down the street from us?

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I can appreciate a local government standing up against the federal government. This is the way the country was designed to work until that big tall bearded dude started a civil war and decided to start squashing states rights.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Appreciate the sheriff's comments but.... confiscation is the 'nuclear' case and it's, frankly, easy to support the citizenry on that. First, because it's very cut and dried. Second, that it would be wildly unpopular and would spark a general resistance regardless of how LE or the military lined up. Third is that it is so constitutionally suspect as to guarantee action by the courts.


I wonder how many of these same LE will step up to physically defend a business that makes a sale or manufactures a product in defiance of an executive order? Or when some guy puts a proscribed flash hider on his 'post-ban' AK, posts it on the internet, and dares the ATF to do something about it and they do, what then?


Not so quick to roll the local SWAT team to face the Feds I'll bet. Oh, your local sheriff might refuse to help them but would he defend you? Would they be willing to arrest the federal agents on state charges?


For that matter, what would any of us do if the guy was our neighbor or that business was down the street from us?


The latest from Utah:




that's more like it. :fuckyeah:

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