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This is strange.. Kinda speechless .. Discuss?


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It's just like 911 and jfk and so many more throughout history. The 100 percent truth will stay unknown. It's only to lead on the sheep and have them follow the herd. You can't change it. No one will be able to change it so we live with it and change in our own ways and go about our lives. We still have it better than many others....... It's only the ones who serve and then choose to go against the power they are fighting for that I have a problem with. It's a corrupt world that will never change.
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I actually watched this earlier and felt sort of sick in my stomach. I along with my wife and a few friends actually visited Newtown after the shooting and I made mention to them while there how the town reminded me of something you'd see in a scary movie. It just had that feeling of a sleepy little town that you would see rocked by some killing spree (think Woodsboro in the Scream films). I hope this is just a video put together in attempt to make you believe its a conspiracy, but as others have said, we'll never know the real truth should it actually be a hoax
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some points he was talking about i kind've brushed off (like when it asked how he had his brothers "VALID" id if he hadn't seen him in year...who said it was a VALID id and not an old expired one?)


but some points did make me question some things, like who did they arrest in the woods, the dad laughing before the interview, the memorial funds set up days before or the morning of


and that neighbor they interviewed was creepy/sketchy, but i think he was probably just looking for his 15 minutes of fame and made up shit.

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I have a feeling most of the interviews were with people that didnt know much and like stated above people just looking to get 15 minutes of fame. The big questions are the suspicious department of defense gatherings, websites created the day of or days before and the lack of medical professionals present.
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The most distrubing things I saw in that video were the father laughing and looking as if he was preparing himself for a role and the medical examiner who after watching it a few times seems sketchier and sketchier each time


X2 as a dad it pisses me off

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Your tinfoil hats are too tight. Jesus Christ. Spend a fraction as much time looking at the debunking as you do the conspiracy theories and you won't sound like crazy people.


As a father, I have no fucking idea how I'd react in that situation. People do and feel crazy shit in surreal situations. Non of us can judge the reaction to what that dude was going through.

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calm down. i dont think its a conspiracy theory, but a couple things in there i wouldnt mind hearing more about


the training for scenarios...meh. doesnt strike me. the gun in the trunk, i thought they already said it was a shotgun, and the video is too grainy to tell


i would like to know the things i mentioned above. who was in the woods, the memorial pages, and the dad laughing day after

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calm down. i dont think its a conspiracy theory, but a couple things in there i wouldnt mind hearing more about


the training for scenarios...meh. doesnt strike me. the gun in the trunk, i thought they already said it was a shotgun, and the video is too grainy to tell


i would like to know the things i mentioned above. who was in the woods, the memorial pages, and the dad laughing day after


This +1, I visited the town days following the shooting and really don't think it was a conspiracy. Its just something to think about and some things that do bring up thoughtful points of interest.


I know that the town wasn't prepared for all the donations that were heading their way. In 20mins of us being there, we loaded a truck for them, unloaded a truck full of mail carts, unloaded our truck, helped collect donations from random people walking up and as we left a Wal Mart semi pulled up. They had 3 people working in a building that the school uses, thats where all the donations were being collected. There was so much stuff that they were litterally putting stuff outside on giant tarps.


No one in that town really spoke to us or even looked at us, not that we was expecting some sort of heroes welcoming. It was just a very numb feeling, thats the best way I can describe it. Everyone kept their heads down and just cried. The town really does look and feel like one you would see in a scary movie as I mentioned earlier. It has 4 hills that lead into the downtown which is about the size of Millersport, maybe downtown Granville, it's tiny! We visited the firehouse which is right in front of the school (did not actually see the school) to drop off a teddy bear that our local cub scouts sent with us to deliver to a firefighter who is in charge of the cub scouts there, he wasn't there. Aside from the fire fighter we spoke to while there, I believe we spoke to a total of 9 people while in Newtown


Guy at gas station who told us how to get to the donation building

3 people at the donation center

4 cops

1 firefighter


If its a hoax then a lot of people are in on it as there was 119 police departments involved in helping out. I do know this much, there was enough money collected December 14th to pay for all the funerals according to the city worker we helped. He was one of the 3 people working the collection center, they were so over worked and understaffed that it was insane. Everything we dropped off had to be inspected by bomb sniffing dogs. It was not something I ever want to expierence again, I can tell you that.


As for being crazy because what you see on a video, I think those that brush it off as nothing are the ones who are really crazy and brainwashed. I am not saying any of that stuff in the video is true, but I can't sit here and tell you for certain that its not.

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How about a handful of little less insane theories:


News media wants to interview a parent. After badgering the parents all grieving too much to want to do, or incapable of doing an interview, news media hires a crisis actor to pose as a parent. Crisis actor flubs it up with a not totally convincing performance. Same could be said for that creepy, seemingly unprofessional medical examiner.


The old guy that talks about sheltering the 6 or so children comes off more as a lonely, possibly mentally challenged or disturbed person, simply liking the attention of giving the interview.


The contradictory and confusing, and changing "facts" of the case that were reported are due to the chaotic dispersal of information as it happened, and the news media's eagerness to get that information out there as fast as possible- before doing a fact check or questioning if the information is credible, feasible.


A quick PS/HTML edit made for the conspiracy theory video can explain the websites existing before the event. Did you actually see them before, or first learn of it through this video?

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I treat this the same as the 9/11 truthers, sure there is some odd stuff in there, but coming to a conclusion, and then looking for evidence pointing to that conclusion, is generally unscientific. Furloaf, that's an interesting theory, and the media has been guilty of worse.
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