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Rally for gun rights


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Friday, February 8 infront of the statehouse downtown. There will be another rally for gun rights. The instructors of my CHL are looking for more people to show support.


I'm going to use a sick day, and hopefully get a group together.


Anyone here interested?

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That's a good point. Maybe a portion of the rally should be thanking the State legislature for such support.


This is a friendly rally, not a protest. It is to show the public that gun owners are not like the movies, we come from a variety of backgrounds and careers.


Some quote from the news..


Organizers hoped to stage “Guns Across America” rallies at state capitals in all 50 states beginning at noon. National organizers said they wanted the rallies to be peaceful shows of support. The rallies come after President Barack Obama unveiled his proposals for gun control earlier this week.


Matt Smith, from Cincinnati, helped to organize the rally in Columbus today and said he was pleased with the crowd, estimated to be between 700 and 900.


We wanted the message to be that gun owners are your neighbors, that we aren’t too be feared,” Smith said.


Several hundred people in the crowd stood along High Street between Broad and State streets with signs and flags -- in some places the line between the lawn and the street was seven or eight deep -- spreading their message to passing motorists.


Others marched by the dozens around the block. The crowd was diverse, from men in Columbus Blue Jackets jerseys and young children in stocking caps and cartoon-characters coats to elderly women and businessmen in suits.


Luke Longshore came wearing his firefighters’ union jacket and carrying a sign that read, "I’m a firefighter, not a murderer."


The 23-year-old, who works for a private ambulance service in Columbus and lives in Delaware County, brought his pregnant wife and their two young children, too.


He carried his Remington 1911 handgun on his hip. He said he came to the rally because he believes in responsible gun ownership and the right to protect his family.


“America’s gun owners are not a bunch of loners living the woods with our cameras and our hundreds of guns. We’re firefighters and lawyers and shop owners and bag boys at Krogers,” he said. “People needed to see us here today.”


Columbus police reported no problems at the rally.


Authorities in other states where rallies were held also reported crowds of several hundred people.


Smith said organizers in Ohio accomplished what they set out to do.


“Everyone came with one goal,” he said. “A lot of people made new friends who shared their common goal.”

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