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ok need some opinions


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so after my trip to virginia beach and back on the R6 im debating to keep it or not..

first day 670 miles

i felt like poo afterwards

mostly because i left right from work tired and sore already from work.

2nd day 400 miles

felt alot better than the previous, back not bothering me too much, neck is killing me though ( i have neck problems anyway) and wristss are so so

3rd day on the way back

back is still the same, neck still hurts like hell, and wrists got worse

now we logged almost 1500 miles in 3 days, and in reality i dont feel as bad as i thought.

thing is i wanna do alot more touring.. alot more! i love it!

now i think myself, i could probably keep touring the r6, id have a few complaints but id still do it.

BUT.. i will be doing alot of trips with the wife as well. and having her on the back, i know she wont be comfortable, and having her leaning on me is gonna make me even more uncomfortable than i already am.

so what the fuck should i do.

i like my bike alot, but at this time i can really only have one bike. since i dont know how the economy is gonna be.

and you never know.. i could get laid off, or my wife.. so id really not like a payment on a bike right now. the R6 is paid, and i could sell or trade it for something else.

or just roll it the whole season..

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i looked at heli bars.. unfortunately they dont make them for my bike

im very interested in an interceptor, but im still unsure of how comfy she will be on the back.

and even though i said i would never own one.. i am considering a harley as well.

maybe a yamaha roadstar of some sort as well..

i dunno i will need to think on it

even though i

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You are welcome to ride my ZRX any time. They are supposed to be great for touring 2 up - plenty of power, reasonably sporty, and you can buy them pretty cheap.

only thing I would change for long rides is a taller windscreen, nothing major

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you just need to train your body to get used to the long trips. you rode 1000 miles in 2 days, when your body is used to riding 100 miles an entire week or whatever. shit is gonna get sore.

and get your wife her own bike. :)

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It all depends on how 'sporty' you are going to sport tour. 2-up touring is going to limit your options. Honda STs, FJRs, and BMWs are prolly your best choices but they are spendy. I know a couple that did some light touring on a modded 1st generation FZ1.

I've done alot of sport touring. My preference is sport standards with a few addons. You have many more options with riding positions by changing bars than you do with clipons/helibars. I have done several 4 day 2,000+ mile trips on this:


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if you wife ride with you, you need cruiser.whatever you do with the bike will be comfy for you,but you cant change nothing for the passenger.i just trade electra glide for 848.my girlfriend loved the bike, backrest.but i like more sport riding so i rather bend my back.she not going ride with me on the 848 and i dont blame her.will you ride on the back seat that long?

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i dunno man. im kinda debating the same thing. i took my g/f for 1 ride to mid ohio and back to watch a race and she didnt like it at all. i dont like riding mine for too long either. hurts too much. we were just talking about me getting a different bike so she can ride with me. ive been looking at touring bikes and crusiers. goldwings are sweet. haha.

but i dont know squat about the touring/cruiser bikes. if i were to get one, the top 2 things i require are reliability and comfort. i want the cushey seats with backrests and the foot rest things where i can put my whole foot on it. can i do that to any touring/cruiser bike though? no clue.

but anyways.... yea, im tossing around the idea too.

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