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Another shooting. Children dead. Term "Assault Rifle" being used as primary weapon


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  Forrest Gump 9 said:
I'm apologize in advance for my ignorant, but what will happen if the "assault rifle ban" pass? What will happen to my Sig556 and Mk90? Do I have to turn them in to the police?


That made me chuckle. + rep for you funny man.

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  Panduh said:
The gun used is irrelevant. Those people are dead because they have a psychotic son and didn't lock up their weapons. He would have used a shovel if that's what he had access to.


Indeed. I just love how the media will spin all these stories just to get attention.


Next high performance cars will be banned bc HP= recklessness and deaths. U.S. will resort back to the early 70's and there will be hp/tq laws that'll come into effect along with speed governer.

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  Panduh said:
The gun used is irrelevant. Those people are dead because they have a psychotic son and didn't lock up their weapons. He would have used a shovel if that's what he had access to.


exactly! a shovel is a tool but when said tool is used to kill it then becomes a weapon.

BTW this maybe a repost but NBC has admitted that NO assault rifle was used in the Sandy Hook school shooting.


A late night video (here) shows police destroying forensic evidence when they handle and eject rounds from a loaded firearm located inside the trunk of a car that was presumably driven to the scene by murder suspect, Adam Lanza.


If the AR-15 remained in the car, as reported by federal and State authorities, it could not have been used as the murder weapon. If the firearm found in the car was not a Bushmaster AR-15 we must consider that this assault rifle, allegedly owned by Lanza’s mother, was never at the crime scene.


If .223 bullet casings were found in the school how did authorities know for sure they were fired from a Bushmaster AR-15 if the gun discovered in the trunk was a shotgun or something else?


How is it possible that a firearm, not matching the AR-15 description, was found in the car trunk hours after authorities had already confirmed they found a Bushmaster AR-15 in the car.?


If .223 shells were found at the scene is it possible that a yet unnamed suspect could have been firing an assault weapon inside the school?


From ABC News:


“A Sig Sauer handgun and a Glock handgun were used in the slaying and .223 shell casings — a round used in a semi-automatic military style rifle — were also found at the scene. ” (Bushmaster AR-15 was not specifically mentioned)


“…However, federal authorities cannot confirm that the handguns or the rifle were the weapons recovered at the school. “ Source

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I feel like I say this ad nauseum.


A shovel is a tool for shoveling. Its specific purpose is to move dirt. It just happens to be good at killing things when used for that purpose.


A gun is a tool for killing. It is not good for tilling earth. It is not good for constructing buildings. It is not good for ensuring proper bolt tightness. It is not good for most tasks other than killing.


I can't help but categorize this in the same realm as reducto at hitlerum. It's freaking silly.

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