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So he never used an AR only pistols.


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TODAY | Aired on December 15, 2012


^^^ This


As we were discussing in another thread, there is no new information *and* it seems suspicious that there are ZERO video shots, even stills of Lanza from a school that had cameras everywhere. That would easily settle what weapons he was carrying.


Think about Columbine where pictures of those two poltroons were on the news that evening.


Why the difference?

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TODAY | Aired on December 15, 2012


Hate to say it but, bingo. Friend of mine put that up on FaceBook yesterday and I said I hate to point out the date this aired... There were a lot of rumors like that going around right after it happened.


But I do agree with many of you about the lack of actual coverage about the events since then. No camera or shots makes you wonder if there is something they are hiding.

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Think about Columbine where pictures of those two poltroons were on the news that evening.


Why the difference?


I don't know. My WAG would be that there's a difference between Columbine, and videos that may show a bunch of dead first-graders. Or maybe Columbine was an exception, and cities have since learned how better to control evidence.


However, in situations like this where you can either answer:


1) I don't know, or

2) I find it plausible that all of the eyewitnesses and the medical examiner (including the ME's staff) are lying for some reason,


the only rational answer is 1.

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