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Replacing plates could become law

El Karacho1647545492

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And its a blatant cash grab.




If my research is correct, there's between 6.5-7million registered cars in Ohio. Lets assume 7m for the sake of easy math. Again, for easy math, lets assume they're on a rolling basis of 1 million cars needing plate replacements each year.


So every year, at $10 bucks a pop, DPS is raking in an additional $10million from a completely needless, pointless plate law.


How often do you see a plate that is so rusted and unreadable that the entire state needs to replace their plates every 7 years?


Call it a fee, call it a tax, whatever. Its still fucking stupid.

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Hell no. I love my red white and blue plates. I don't what that ugly ass plate on my car.


Unless they are bringing out the new red and white ones.




they will soon look like this.


and I agree with paying double for half the plate. I'd gladly do so.

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they will soon look like this.


and I agree with paying double for half the plate. I'd gladly do so.


Yes, I can't wait for these to come out. I need new plates for my Cobra and that's what I'm getting... :cool:

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Charge me double and give me half the plates.


State of Ohio gets double the income from registrations and pays half the cost of making license plates.



This!!!!!! I am tired of getting stupid parking tickets from meters in columbus because I don't have a front plate. There is money in the meter, leave my car alone!!!!!!

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A buddy of mine is still rocking the old gold plates. His are rusted to shit, but he refuses to pay extra to replace them. The state made him buy the shitty plates that didn't last, he doesn't see why he should have to pay extra to replace them.


With a 7 year cycle they would probably switch to cheaper plates that won't last. No need to have them hold up 10 or 15 years when you have to replace them after 7. If they want the extra cash, I'm with the twice the price, half the plates crowd.

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A buddy of mine is still rocking the old gold plates. His are rusted to shit, but he refuses to pay extra to replace them. The state made him buy the shitty plates that didn't last, he doesn't see why he should have to pay extra to replace them.


With a 7 year cycle they would probably switch to cheaper plates that won't last. No need to have them hold up 10 or 15 years when you have to replace them after 7. If they want the extra cash, I'm with the twice the price, half the plates crowd.




Completely agree. My wife wondered why I was so upset. I think it's bull shit that they will make you replace them if not legible. We already pay yearly for stickers that are outrageous priced. Why the hell should we pay to replace shitty government made plates?

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Seriously if this passes they need to do away with the stickers as well. Replace it with the same fee.


Edit: Wait it's only every 7 years for mandatory new plates. I don't think that is all that much of a money grab. I'm not sure I've even kept plates for 7 years as it is now.

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It doesn't matter if it's 7 years, if it passes I bet they will make it with cheaper material, therefore having to replace every 3 years. It also probably gives police a reason to pull you over if they can't "see" it.


It's just more money going to the state, and that's bull. You should only have to pay for them once, it should be "free" to replace if the cops can't see it.

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My 1964 plates aren't rusted out. And they are over 7 years old.




When I got my old Apache from my uncle, I still had the 1963 California plates on. Shit, they held up better than the Bicentennial plates I currently have.


I agree with a previous post, if you're going to make us replace plates, at least lengthen our stickers so that we only have to re-register ever 3.5 years or something. I'd love if on the left where there's room for a sticker we could pay for an extra sticker with a #1 or something on it that states we only need 1 plate.

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