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Fuck taxes


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Let's define some "BS" programs and spending. Surely if we can reduce tax rates AND be solvent, you can name a few big ones.


Let's see....


$4.5B spent on wasted food stamps.

$1.4B wasted on duplicate payments to deceased or ineligible recipients.

$13B on erroneous college credit clains by illegals, prisoners, etc.

$1M per year for meals on Mars

$2M+ service fees on expired empty grant accounts

$70M on pennies that cost 2.4 cents. (get rid of pennies)

Etc...etc...to start...



I wish the tax money was better managed and spent.




Money is flushed everyday because it's mismanaged or lost in translation...

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Let's see....


$4.5B spent on wasted food stamps.

$1.4B wasted on duplicate payments to deceased or ineligible recipients.

$13B on erroneous college credit clains by illegals, prisoners, etc.

$1M per year for meals on Mars

$2M+ service fees on expired empty grant accounts

$70M on pennies that cost 2.4 cents. (get rid of pennies)

Etc...etc...to start...







Money is flushed everyday because it's mismanaged or lost in translation...


doesn't matter, Obama doesn't think we have a spending problem and thinks getting our spending under control will throw our economy into hell

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Let's see....


$4.5B spent on wasted food stamps.

$1.4B wasted on duplicate payments to deceased or ineligible recipients.

$13B on erroneous college credit clains by illegals, prisoners, etc.

$1M per year for meals on Mars

$2M+ service fees on expired empty grant accounts

$70M on pennies that cost 2.4 cents. (get rid of pennies)

Etc...etc...to start...







Money is flushed everyday because it's mismanaged or lost in translation...


3.8 TRILLION spent by the .gov in 2012 and your idea of huge expenses and you can only come up with around 20 billion (plus however much you consider "etc, etc")? Youre at a half of 1%. Congrats

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You know what's fair? Taxing every single person at the same rate. You know what's not fair, the bullshit we have. Yet progressives always bitch about other people not paying their "fair share". As if the same percentage of more income is somehow less. Progressives love to tell people how greedy they're being while spending other people's money.


The government is huge, and wasteful. Please folks, stop pretending like we wouldn't have streets, or clean water if we correct obvious, heinous, errors in our taxes, and spending.


Drug War and prohibition. End it. DEA gone. Hundreds of thousands of court cases, gone. Millions of jailed and will-be jailed, non-violent drug offenders not burdening the tax-payer. Less prisons needed, and all of the overhead associated. There's a trillion dollars.


Major reform of welfare, and all entitlements. Safety nets for those who absolutely need them, otherwise severely limited length of benefit. No more generations of welfare abusers.


Close most if not all foreign military bases, bring troops home, and spend on actual defense. Troops can guard the borders, fucking Canadians.


Hold politicians that vote themselves raises, and lifetime security detail accountable for not passing a fucking budget in years.

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I say we eliminate the tax credits for having kids. You shouldn't be rewarded just because you or your wife crapped out a couple of screamin' demons.


I disagree, those kids most likely will pay taxes later in life. They keep this country going. If we were all D.I.N.Ks, this country would be doomed. Unless you have an open border to the south and north.

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I disagree, those kids most likely will pay taxes later in life. They keep this country going. If we were all D.I.N.Ks, this country would be doomed. Unless you have an open border to the south and north.


No one is proposing to quit having children. Tax credit or not, people will still have kids, and those kids will still pay taxes when they grow up. In fact, I have three kids and don't get a tax credit for any of them. So that is fair for me.... but not everyone?

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3.8 TRILLION spent by the .gov in 2012 and your idea of huge expenses and you can only come up with around 20 billion (plus however much you consider "etc, etc")? Youre at a half of 1%. Congrats


That was just a quick example, I don't think enough time in the day exists to list everything... ;)


Besides, that's another problem....people say it doesn't matter and the shit continues. Well guess what, on any budget...pennies add up. Lots of little stuff makes a BIG difference. It may not seem like much to you but $20BILLION will make a difference in someones life..


You know what's fair? Taxing every single person at the same rate. You know what's not fair, the bullshit we have. Yet progressives always bitch about other people not paying their "fair share". As if the same percentage of more income is somehow less. Progressives love to tell people how greedy they're being while spending other people's money.


The government is huge, and wasteful. Please folks, stop pretending like we wouldn't have streets, or clean water if we correct obvious, heinous, errors in our taxes, and spending.


Drug War and prohibition. End it. DEA gone. Hundreds of thousands of court cases, gone. Millions of jailed and will-be jailed, non-violent drug offenders not burdening the tax-payer. Less prisons needed, and all of the overhead associated. There's a trillion dollars.


Major reform of welfare, and all entitlements. Safety nets for those who absolutely need them, otherwise severely limited length of benefit. No more generations of welfare abusers.


Close most if not all foreign military bases, bring troops home, and spend on actual defense. Troops can guard the borders, fucking Canadians.


Hold politicians that vote themselves raises, and lifetime security detail accountable for not passing a fucking budget in years.



I agree with almost all of that but the military part...

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That was just a quick example, I don't think enough time in the day exists to list everything... ;)


Besides, that's another problem....people say it doesn't matter and the shit continues. Well guess what, on any budget...pennies add up. Lots of little stuff makes a BIG difference. It may not seem like much to you but $20BILLION will make a difference in someones life..





I agree with almost all of that but the military part...


My point is, you made it sound like youve got a great idea of programs that are sucking us dry that you'd eliminate, and your best idea you listed is about 1/4 of 1 percent. Will it add up? Sure. But you saying you can cut down the 15% of taxes by 2/3 and only give ideas of 1/2 of a percent dont jive.

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doesn't matter, Obama doesn't think we have a spending problem and thinks getting our spending under control will throw our economy into hell


Right, he and 99% of economists agree that austerity would damage our already fragile recovery. You believe austerity is good for an economy?

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My point is, you made it sound like youve got a great idea of programs that are sucking us dry that you'd eliminate, and your best idea you listed is about 1/4 of 1 percent. Will it add up? Sure. But you saying you can cut down the 15% of taxes by 2/3 and only give ideas of 1/2 of a percent dont jive.



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Your only looking at the view they dramatically cut government spending and thats whats causing the problems. The dramatic increase in taxes is great for investors into government bonds and is killing their economies at the present due to people having less and less on the same salary to improve their situation. Double edge sword and Portugal is a perfect example.
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Your only looking at the view they dramatically cut government spending and thats whats causing the problems. The dramatic increase in taxes is great for investors into government bonds and is killing their economies at the present due to people having less and less on the same salary to improve their situation. Double edge sword and Portugal is a perfect example.


No, raising taxes in a contraction is just as dumb. Thats why I said exactly that 3 pages ago.

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You know what's fair? Taxing every single person at the same rate. You know what's not fair, the bullshit we have. Yet progressives always bitch about other people not paying their "fair share". As if the same percentage of more income is somehow less. Progressives love to tell people how greedy they're being while spending other people's money.


I agree with most of your suggestions on austerity, just not now. Every percent of government spending pulled out of the economy causes an equal contraction in GDP. Now is not the time to institute austerity. If any lesson from the European financial crisis can be learned it is that.


A flat tax is, by nature regressive. Meaning it impacts poor people far more dramatically than the rich. A flat tax would put immenely more pressure on the middle class. As for the poor, it would create far more dependency on social safety nets or, as some conservatives would have it, old people dying on the streets.


I'm not saying it is greedy to complain about taxes, I'm saying it's naive.

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Your only looking at the view they dramatically cut government spending and thats whats causing the problems. The dramatic increase in taxes is great for investors into government bonds and is killing their economies at the present due to people having less and less on the same salary to improve their situation. Double edge sword and Portugal is a perfect example.


Portugal is a very, very different example and cannot accurately reflect the U.S.


1) Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. The U.S. has never endured years of crushing fascism. That man is the reason I don't have a grandfather and why my family emigrated to the U.S. The effects of his regime are still very present, as the current ruling parties have been pushed very far left out of a national disdain for right-leaning politics.


2) One of Portugal's biggest problem at present is the massive brain drain. While unemployment is very high, the people who employers there want to hire are leaving the country in droves. Portugal has a very good public education system but lacks the economy to sustain it. The U.S. has a relatively good economy compared to the absolute shit public education system (in both quality of education and wastefulness in $$$) we have.

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I agree with most of your suggestions on austerity, just not now. Every percent of government spending pulled out of the economy causes an equal contraction in GDP. Now is not the time to institute austerity. If any lesson from the European financial crisis can be learned it is that.


A flat tax is, by nature regressive. Meaning it impacts poor people far more dramatically than the rich. A flat tax would put immenely more pressure on the middle class. As for the poor, it would create far more dependency on social safety nets or, as some conservatives would have it, old people dying on the streets.


I'm not saying it is greedy to complain about taxes, I'm saying it's naive.


I know we'd disagree, but if we ever get out to a meet or C&C, I'd like to pick your brain, and exchange actual views outside of the forum construct.


I'm not saying it is greedy to complain about taxes, I'm saying it's naive.


I would argue not voicing your displeasure about unfair taxes, and failing to act makes one naive about the good nature of the body attached to the hand in your pocket.

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I know we'd disagree, but if we ever get out to a meet or C&C, I'd like to pick your brain, and exchange actual views outside of the forum construct.


I wouldn't seem as smart IRL. My facts are only vaguely remembered and require internet confirmation.


I live on the beach 800 miles away but if one of my Cbus visits lines up with a CR meetup, I'll attend.

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Make sure you check local tax rates, you could be anywhere from 2.5-4%+ depending on the area. Nothing like having a house payment as much as your taxes every month...


Also, if you are military with any disability check and see if you qualify. You can have your state taxes reduced on your home as well as VA funding fee eliminated. Don't forget DV plates and free toll passes also in TX...


Outside of Dallas, (minus a few areas) is usually sub 3%. You wouldn't believe what most new apartment complexes rent at around Dallas, it's laughable at best. I'll be using a VA loan for my purchase. Got Pre-approved a few months ago, just haven't had time to do my homework. No enemy marksmanship badges or injuries done to me, but it's nice to make my buddy drive when we go out. The Purple Heart tags come in handy for parking.

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First full month of 2013 and two pays later, even with my W4 moved to 4 deductions in hopes of saving me a little something on my bonus that was paid out in January, total taxes taken from me to cover all the bullshit programs was a solid 39%. FUCK YOU US Goverment!




...off to watch the various gov't agencies piss away my money.....


Spoken like a true Democrat.

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