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Another state announcing Semi-Auto Confiscation


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California lawmakers are proposing an anti-Second Amendment law that will rival the one recently passed in New York. Democrats in control of the state Legislature unveiled ten proposals they boasted will make California the most restrictive state in the nation for possessing legally purchased firearms.


The new law would outlaw all semiautomatic weapons in the state and force gun owners to load bullets one at a time. CBS News reports that authorities also want to make prohibitions apply to current gun owners, thus resulting in confiscation.



One bullet at a time?!?1 golly I feel bad for them.

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I hope they do. I'm to the point where I hope they flat out trash 2A laws in one state just so we can prove it doesn't do a damn thing to curb "gun violence".


Unfortunately they'll just play the "guns are coming from our neighbor states" card.

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"We can save lives..."


How about all of the good guys that are going to be killed because they can't counter the attack of a criminal any longer?


Remember, not all that long ago at all, that we were mocked and made fun of by uninformed idiots that the gubment will never try to take your guns, you redneck!


Stand by.

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hopefully io.. i hope our gov stands up for second amendment rights, and none of this bs comes here. (and i am a blue fan, but yea happy ohio isnt jumping on)this shit pisses me off to no end. i have a friend thats a cop in cali he and i talk about this crap all the time he cant stand it.
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