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A Zombie Outbreak just occured


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Your only companion is the last person you talked to.


You must escape your immediate area using only the object to your left.



Post the person you talked to last and the object to your left.


How screwed are you?


Edit: We will make this classy and say They are Slow walking zombies

Edited by Rustlestiltskin
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Just talked to my dad so that's not awful. Choices of objects to my immediate left...


- Large Mt. Dew Baja Blast Freeze from Taco Bell

- some nail files

- a computer mouse

- a computer monitor

- a comb

- some remotes

- a screwdriver set


Obviously go with the screwdriver set. Would have to be some CQB so hopefully these are Walking Dead/original Romero-style zombies and not 28 Days Layer/Dawn of the Dead remake-style zombies.

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Talked to my wife last. Do we get to use the items currently on our person? If so, between those and the cell phone on my left (worthless) we'd be ok for awhile. Should at least make it back home to resupply.




My little mexican roommate was the last person I talked to. Im going to have to shoot her for holding me back.


:lol: I pictured:



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Hmm, my girlfriend and a TV remote... I'm so unprepared.. Even the WRX is unprepared, dead batt and one debeaded rally tire...


I'm going to find the first zombie I can find & infect myself. Fuck running around & living in constant fear.


Maybe just slowly injest small amounts to build up immunity.

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I was excited that zombies really showed up. But this will do for now.

Wife was last person talked too.

My M48 tomohawk and my Kabar Zombie Killer Machete are always on my computer desk. My computer desk is also were I keep all my daily carry pocket knifes. Got a 38 special sitting on my gun shelf too my right. My Backpack with supplies is also on my right as well.

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my youngest daughter and my gun safe is to my left (I have a biometric safe in my night stand) so I guess that will work... I think my daughter might slow me down though since she'll want to run up to them and kick them in the shins.
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