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Ederley woman pulled over Trooper thought Buckeye sticker was Marijuana


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Lol, Tennessee.......


Wonder what happen if it was two African American college students instead of two senior citizens?


Probably much worse than it would be for European Americans, Asian Americans, South American Americans, Australian Americans, Antarctic Americans, and American Americans.

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How fucking ignorant and stupid is that. I don't give a shit if they had a whole fucking poster of a pot plant in their back window. They don't have the right to stop you for that, (and if they do, wtf?). And really? They thought that someone who's was part of a huge "marijuana ring" was gonna give it away for the authorities by sporting a small leaf sticker? Fuck me... :rolleyes:
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Unfortunately what are you suposed to do? After you are pulled over, I guess you would have to sue the department, incur legal fees, to get nothing out of it except for the department to be repermanded and for them to continue to practice said profiling. I don't think you could win a monetary settlement.


So face it, they really can stop you for whatever they want, most of us will not take the time and money to hold them accountable.

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Unfortunately what are you suposed to do? After you are pulled over, I guess you would have to sue the department, incur legal fees, to get nothing out of it except for the department to be repermanded and for them to continue to practice said profiling. I don't think you could win a monetary settlement.


So face it, they really can stop you for whatever they want, most of us will not take the time and money to hold them accountable.


The sad truth.

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Unfortunately what are you suposed to do? After you are pulled over, I guess you would have to sue the department, incur legal fees, to get nothing out of it except for the department to be repermanded and for them to continue to practice said profiling. I don't think you could win a monetary settlement.


So face it, they really can stop you for whatever they want, most of us will not take the time and money to hold them accountable.


Yep. Just like denying them a search if they ask. "Oh, well, I've got probable cause, now." :rolleyes:

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Tennessee vs Garner?


Wow, was about 90% that no one would get where I was going with that.


I suppose it's really 1974, but I believe the court case was 84.




CLIFFS: 15 year old runs away from cops, goes to jump a fence, cop busts cap in head of 15 year old. Apparently, just running away from a cop in Tennessee is grounds to get capped if you are a black man in the 70's. Tennessee courts upheld the ruling (no surprise there), supreme court struck it down (hooray for common sense). The moral of the story, you fat, out of shape punk ass Tennessee cops, is CHASE a mutherfucker, don't just shoot him cause you suck at running.

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See if I got this correct.....


police pull over black people = people complain


police pull over white people = people complain


If you've ever been to East Memphis you would understand this a little better. Think Cleveland only crappier and more drugs.

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Wow, was about 90% that no one would get where I was going with that.


I suppose it's really 1974, but I believe the court case was 84.




CLIFFS: 15 year old runs away from cops, goes to jump a fence, cop busts cap in head of 15 year old. Apparently, just running away from a cop in Tennessee is grounds to get capped if you are a black man in the 70's. Tennessee courts upheld the ruling (no surprise there), supreme court struck it down (hooray for common sense). The moral of the story, you fat, out of shape punk ass Tennessee cops, is CHASE a mutherfucker, don't just shoot him cause you suck at running.


You were 90% right, google helped me with the 10%. :)


Carry on.

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See if I got this correct.....


police pull over black people = people complain


police pull over white people = people complain


If you've ever been to East Memphis you would understand this a little better. Think Cleveland only crappier and more drugs.


Better food and music, though.

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Actually....I was mistaken. It's West Memphis that I was thinking about. We used to drive through there going to the gambling boats in Tunica. Only place I've ever seen bars on the windows at a KFC. Memphis in general is a rough town but has some good areas like any other place. Just not many of them.
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How fucking ignorant and stupid is that. I don't give a shit if they had a whole fucking poster of a pot plant in their back window. They don't have the right to stop you for that


In the South they do.


Trust me whole different world down there, cops littlerally do whateverthefuck they want, period. One of the main reasons I moved back, couldn't stand being treated like a criminal every single time I got pulled over, or followed like some kingpin just because I had a sporty car.


"were greeted by a pair of black SUVs containing officers wearing "body armor and guns"


The norm for the South, what the article failed to mention was the "we own you" attitude that surely came with. Fuck the South.

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PS, fuck anyone that thinks a bumper sticker is cause for detaining me.


Here is how it goes in the South: you say "fuck you copper, you can't pull me over for that". Copper then rips you out of your car, cuffs you, tears your car apart then arrests you for obstruction of Justice. Happens every.single.day down there.

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