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Ever wonder How the flashing light bulbs on towers get changed


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I would knever do that know matter how much they paid me.


Took the words from my mouth.


Fuck that climbing with nothing to catch you if you fell, except at a couple select breaks. Itd take me a 8 digit paycheck and some crazy safety harness, THEN id think about it.

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I've heard that several native american tribes get hard-ons for this sort of work... higher in the sky = closer to god. That said, I can understand OSHA not requiring them to tie off as they climb, but I am a little surprised that parachutes aren't required (or the preferred method of getting back down, for that matter)
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With a tie-off of some sort, I'd do that no problem. I love heights. When I was a kid, my father took down a huge tree in my grandmother's yard. He lopped all the branches off at about 2 feet and then topped it. When he took a break before cutting the trunk down, I climbed right up and sat on the top like a giant chair. :)
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