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Kings Island / Cedar Point O.R. summer get together, Date!!


Date for summer get together at Cedar Point of Kings Island...  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Date for summer get together at Cedar Point of Kings Island...

    • May
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September

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  KruelHouse said:
What about the LAST weekend in May (i.e. Sat.5/30)? It's practically June, kids will still be in school (although it's a weekend so that wouldn't matter too much), enough advance notice for ppl to request time off (30-ish days). It may be a lil' cool, but hopefully not cool/wet enough to crap on a good tyme. Let's get some O.R Long-sleeved Tees printed up (insulated for tropical cats such as myself), and hit the park!


I like it.

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  max power said:
Its not hatred for noobs, its just tradition here to have a hookers option on polls.

yeah... OR is a different culture. It would be like going to india in a bikini, people wouldn't hate you because you're new, they'd hate you because you're not respecting the tradition...

so on the same note, maybe if someone really wants "hookers" to be in the poll, they could take the initiative to tell the said noob that there should be a hookers vote, or even better, step up and make the poll themselves!!:eek::D

Edited by OsuMj
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HOOKERS AND BLOW!!!!! I'm sorry... got distracted....

I don't give a fuck what month, really. You either have to deal with the weather or the fucking teenagers, the only difference is that I intimidate teens, not so much Ohio weather...

Either way I am going to drink too much, ride all the coasters, scream like a girl until I can't talk the next day and then ride home WAAAY to fast.

If I can afford it on my unemployed salary, that is... anyone want to buy some crack?? Suck yo dick for Cedar Point tickets and gasoline?? Oh, sorry, regressing again.... grrrrrr.

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HOOKERS AND BLOW!!!!! I'm sorry... got distracted....

I don't give a fuck what month' date=' really. You either have to deal with the weather or the fucking teenagers, the only difference is that I intimidate teens, not so much Ohio weather...

Either way I am going to drink too much, ride all the coasters, scream like a girl until I can't talk the next day and then ride home WAAAY to fast.

If I can afford it on my unemployed salary, that is... anyone want to buy some crack?? Suck yo dick for Cedar Point tickets and gasoline?? Oh, sorry, regressing again.... grrrrrr.[/quote']


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