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anybody a doctor?


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or have a decent medical knowledge? the wife has suffered two "attacks" where she has severe pain starting on both sides of her spine. It then spreads around her sides and she pukes, either from the pain or whatever is happening is making her sick. She was thinking maybe her gallbladder is acting up? her mom had hers removed 6 months after having britt. The first time it happened was Sunday nigh and it lasted a few hours, and shes having one right now. Im holding a sleeping baby, not just letting her suffer while on cr. any thoughts?
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or have a decent medical knowledge? the wife has suffered two "attacks" where she has severe pain starting on both sides of her spine. It then spreads around her sides and she pukes, either from the pain or whatever is happening is making her sick. She was thinking maybe her gallbladder is acting up? her mom had hers removed 6 months after having britt. The first time it happened was Sunday nigh and it lasted a few hours, and shes having one right now. Im holding a sleeping baby, not just letting her suffer while on cr. any thoughts?


I have decent medical knowledge. Go to the er. Could be anything, let me break out my crystal ball

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