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B Dubs hates guns


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It sounds like your opinion is skewed based off of the people you surround yourself with. It's like you said, everyone will react differently but, you should have an idea of what you're going to do before the situation ever arises. This wouldn't be the first time you've ever been put in a fight or flight situation. What have you done in the past in less life threatening situations? Personally, I think you should have a pretty good handle on how you would react to various situations before you're even put into it. It's part of being a responsible CCW holder.


Apparently you've missed the boat. I said those that I know. I figured one could infer that I have the mental capacity to also know that this doesn't mean all CCW holders.. I'd hope if someone was carrying a firearm they would have certain situations played out in their head a few times at LEAST so know what they would do, but picturing something mentally and actually doing it are totally different I would think.

But what do I know. I know nothing about any CCW shit and can only make somewhat of an uneducated guess compared to the gods that be on CR :dumb:

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If you don't feel comfortable NOT having your gun on you at all times, and somewhere says you can't have it there, one would assume common sense would kick in and say "Hey, since I want to have my gun on my person at all times, maybe I shouldn't go in here so I can keep it on me."

Who woulda thunk it

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Aleast two of them were familiar with weapons. One even had hundreds of hours under his belt handling weapons and proper training. In fact, he was the one who did absolutely zero to help the situation he was faced with in the simulation. You're right, one-sided, completely. :rolleyes:


One was familiar from using it in airsoft. Com'on

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oh, boo hoo I can't take my pistol into a restaurant. Jesus, bunch of whiny babies in here.


Ha, some butt hurt gun fan boy gave me neg rep for this comment without saying who it was.



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Ha, some butt hurt gun fan boy gave me neg rep for this comment without saying who it was.



It's okay, it's probably the same bitchass crybaby fuckboi retard that left me one of these ironic negative scene pointz, too.



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It's okay, it's probably the same bitchass crybaby fuckboi retard that left me one of these ironic negative scene pointz, too.




I bet you are devastated! LOL


I forgot we even had rep, what's it for again?

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I bet you are devastated! LOL


I forgot we even had rep, what's it for again?


Oh noes, I got even more negate scene pointz.. I'm literally going to cry myself to sleep tonight.


At least Trowa admitted he was butthurt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol.



My day goes on..

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+1 and I have my CCW. I rarely carry.


Watch this



Your retarded for even trying to use this video to make your point. Just a little biased.


I really don't think anywhere close to even 50% (and I'm afraid this is being generous) of CCW holders that carry would be able to hit the target in the heat of the moment. Between focusing enough to get it out of the holster quickly, taking the safety off, loading the chamber, and not just taking the shot, but making the first shot effective because that may be the only shot you have.


You can run a dry practice all you want, but no telling until you get a real adrenaline rush from seeing a weapon pointed at you or someone else.


Easy, plenty of pistols now dont have a safety, if your not carrying one in the chamber then you probably deserve whats about to happen to you, and if you dont shoot a controlled pair then like i said, you deserve to probably die. Anything else you want to pull out of your ass? Think it through stud.


Video is one-sided.


Guns given to people with gloves, oversized shirts and no training what-so ever.



There are people who get this CHL, and do nothing else. There are also people who get their CHL, and continue for further training to master it. Big difference.


There are multiple courses around Ohio that teach advance handgun training. Commence Fire is one of them up here in NEO, but there is also TDI which is awesome. Both teach to how to fire under stress, movement, and from a holster.


No range can offer you that.



What I'm saying, is that there are plenty of people that go beyond just being able to handle a gun, so please do not generalize the whole CHL population with a 1-sided video.




I personally participate in a little group up here that run IDPA practices/drills. It isn't IDPA, but it utilizes the same targets, hit score, and timers. They set it up for self defense situations, where you have limited target area available, limited ammunition, reloading, off-hand shooting, shooting on the move lef/right forward/backward...etc. Every drill is from your holster, so you need to draw and engage.


Anyways, at first I sucked at hitting targets effectively. But now after practicing more and more...you get a lot better at it.




As well, Geeesammy, you don't know much about CHL do you? I carry with no safety, one in the chamber....aka condition 0.


Exactly on all points.

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This is retarded on multiple levels, but heres my .02. I like BW3s and will continue to go there. Never had a problem with CCW there before because usually im having a beer anyways so i dont carry. Regardless though, as dumb as it may be (which i do think it is), companies do have the RIGHT to decide if they want to allow Civilians to CCW. I accept that. I understand that i cannot carry everywhere, and thats ok. Especially lately since my schooling is at Grant and i do Hospital clinicals and ride with Fire Depts, so i cant carry anywhere anyways. Now if i found out that places like this were supporting Anti-gun people, then that would change the story. But as far as i know they dont, and Bdubs has good wings, so ill continue to go. End rant.
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companies do have the RIGHT to decide if they want to allow Civilians to CCW.


And I have the right to not give those places any of my money. Amazing that nobody was able to come to that conclusion in three pages of horseshit.

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And I have the right to not give those places any of my money. Amazing that nobody was able to come to that conclusion in three pages of horseshit.


Posted earlier.


You've got a valid point, and that's your choice to do so. Bitching and moaning about a personal choice or lifestyle you make is another thing.
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Your retarded for even trying to use this video to make your point. Just a little biased.



The irony comes quick in this sentence.


Easy, plenty of pistols now dont have a safety, if your not carrying one in the chamber then you probably deserve whats about to happen to you, and if you dont shoot a controlled pair then like i said, you deserve to probably die. Anything else you want to pull out of your ass? Think it through stud.


I'm sure this really warrants someone's death.


Jimmie level: Rustled.

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The irony comes quick in this sentence.




I'm sure this really warrants someone's death.


Jimmie level: Rustled.


Just saying, you shouldnt be carrying if your too stupid to have one chambered.

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