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shower security


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What do you guys do for security when you're home alone and in the shower? I don't live in Mogadishu or anything, but I like to have a gun around all the time, and when I'm in the shower I feel like I'm even further behind the curve if something happens, especially if I've got soap all over my hands or something. I've got 2 dogs that like to bark, so an intruder would be welcomed by a bunch of barking, but the dogs bark at people/dogs/cats/cars/etc... outside so it's not as simple as grabbing a gun any time I hear a peep out of the dogs. Generally I just put my Glock onto the top of the toilet since it's right next to the shower, figuring that it's probably the most practical solution, and counting on grabbing it only if there's an inordinate amount of barking.


Do any of you guys have any HD preparations, or simple precautions you take when you're in the shower?

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Tough times taking a shower. You never know what you're made of until you find yourself naked with another man who wants to hurt you. I usually have a couple claymores rigged up on motion detectors and just keep the phone near the shower. People know to call before they come over. If someone trips a claymore, they weren't welcome any ways.



In all seriousness, that might be a little too hyper vigalant for most on here to be able to relate too. And I assume most post would heckle it. Hyper vigilance is typically a byproduct of being exposed to a situation that was out of your hands, but you wish there was something you could have done about it. It actually runs pretty close to PTSD, but does not require combat exposure to induce the thoughts. You could even find similarities with some ADHD symptoms.


Every sinario can't be full proof and have a 100% safe result. It turns into an odds and level of want from the threat. If the threat wants you and has no care you have to meet that threat with the same level of commitment or out smart them and eliminate the threat. I joked about the the claymores to make the point that, most would agree that's a little over the top just to take a safe shower. But non the less, you would feel safe wouldnt you? But what if the threat knew you had claymores? They could shoot your house with a rocket, still kill you and win. Now we are getting pretty far with things, but where should it end? I'd say it ends with what you have done. You have dogs to alert you. You keep what you feel you need to near you to protect yourself. You've addressed your hazards and have thought through how to midigate them. It comes down to a risk assessment of the situation and being realistic. Dogs are a great tool and key to lowering risk at home. I would not suggest anyone post their home defense strategies on a forum. I want us all to look out for each other on CR, but we have had criminals on here shopping before. As with your home, mine is the wrong one to come to uninvited. I think discussing things like this should be kept to those close to you or someone who's info you trust and want thier input.


On a side note, booby trapping your land or home, I believe is illegal. I think someone did this a few years ago with a shotgun rigged to a door. Two guys broke in, one got shot. The other took him to be treated. Police were called to the hospital. Investigation found the homeowner was out of town and rigged the door and the room had a safe in it. Home owner, was caught up in court. I need to see if I can find info on this though. It was like 5-6 years ago.

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I dont have a dog, so if someone is sneaky enough, they probably could get in while i was in the shower. If i recognize it, then i might have time to get to the night stand (10ft away) and retrieve my pistol. If not, then looks like im dying alone, wet and crying in the shower hahaha.
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This site is ridiculous





I would probably move if I was scared to take a shower.


Agreed. This site is getting ridiculous with all the crazy gun nut talk.


Next threads here today: "how do you guys arm yourself when swimming?"


" How do you arm yourself when having sex with your lady?"

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Agreed. This site is getting ridiculous with all the crazy gun nut talk.


Next threads here today: "how do you guys arm yourself when swimming?"


" How do you arm yourself when having sex with your lady?"


Im mad i cant +rep you right now


Really, if im THAT worried about my life being in danger during a <10 minute shower, its time to just accept that im going to die and let it be. Being armed in public is one thing. Being armed against a burglar during the night is anoher. But if someone is breaking in and realizes youre in the shower and decide to come in, its strictly to kill you and not to steal your tv and xbox while you're oblivious to the situation due to not hearing shit over your shower

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I have a snub nose behind the dry wall under every light switch in my house. Just a quick punch thru the wall and grab the revolver off it's stud attachment. My shower cap also has a deringer in it so I'm always prepared and it's always dry. I'm working on hiding firearms throughout my family/friends' houses but it's taking quite a while since they don't exactly know.
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