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explosion at boston marathon


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Looks typical double amputee from an IED. Looks like medical first responders and some National Guard jumped in.


God Bless the folks out there that were victims of the blast. I'm drawing conclusions as to the blast was HME based. I hope the swift Justice doesn't go silent.


I'm assuming hme as well, but by foreigners.

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I'm calling 25-30lbs worth of HME caused that due to the flash. It wasn't an amateur, but it seems it was either time delayed, or an RCIED.


Very sad. It looks just like tannerite to me... I'm no explosives expert though. I know they have been talking about banning tannerite so here it goes..




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It was in the city of the "shot heard round the world" which started the Revolutionary War, on "Patriots Day", which just happens to be tax day. It was clearly a low level improvised explosive with cell phone triggers, the kind that any domestic anti-government terrorist would make, not a state sponsored terror event like we've seen in the past. It also just happened to be along the last mile which was dedicated to the Newton families and the first one was triggered next to the families.


I'm guessing this is what will flush out. The fact that right wing talk show hacks are already calling it a false flag attack reinforce that they think this will be the narrative too... and are redirecting the attention they are about to get for breeding these idiots.

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It was in the city of the "shot heard round the world" which started the Revolutionary War, on "Patriots Day", which just happens to be tax day.


That thought crossed my mind too. A disgusting use of symbolism as a guise for a terrorist act. It did seem more as an "attention getter" not a mass casualty producing device.

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Right, Left, North, South don't really matter.


Word. When one goes to this far of an extreme it is not on a standard political spectrum. Just as I, a lefty, should not be judged by the actions of PETA, Green"Peace" or the 911 Truthers, Conservatives and domestic terrorists will not be conflated.


I suspect, however, that those who did it believe this will start some new "revolutionary war" to "take back our government". They will be mystified when they are standing alone.


Who knows though, it's all wild speculation at this point.

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Word. When one goes to this far of an extreme it is not on a standard political spectrum. Just as I, a lefty, should not be judged by the actions of PETA, Green"Peace" or the 911 Truthers, Conservatives and domestic terrorists will not be conflated.


I suspect, however, that those who did it believe this will start some new "revolutionary war" to "take back our government". They will be mystified when they are standing alone.


Who knows though, it's all wild speculation at this point.


I would say the Crazy left, and the Crazy right probably make up less than 5% of the population. With the other 95% being a lot closer than they think (even though they lean one way or the other).


What blows my mind is how these bat shit crazy, ass wipes tend to get so much control in the parties.

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wow...it seems that man in the picture has been through a lot of shit




losing a son in service in Iraq, losing his 2nd son to suicide because of the grief of the loss of his 1st son


same pic here, bigger..still NWS



that's him @1:50 on the street pulling the barriers down with the 2 Army men and cops

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I would say the Crazy left, and the Crazy right probably make up less than 5% of the population. With the other 95% being a lot closer than they think (even though they lean one way or the other).


What blows my mind is how these bat shit crazy, ass wipes tend to get so much control in the parties.


Yep, and its the Crazy Left and Crazy Right that cause the larger share of political/social issues we have.


I have an ex-coworker that is one step beyond crazy left already blaming us "gun crazy hate monsters" of causing this.


They don't even know who the fuck did this, yet blame is already being passed out.

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Very sad. It looks just like tannerite to me... I'm no explosives expert though. I know they have been talking about banning tannerite so here it goes..




One thing that stands out to me is how long after the initial explosion the flags were violently blowing around. They were relatively calm just before the explosion, so either the wind coincidentally increased, or there was a long and large expansion of gasses.


The hospital is saying that the shrapnel they are pulling out of the victims are not typical, but mostly regular objects you would find on the street. It was definitely a simple home-built device, and the fact that no one has claimed responsibility leads me to believe it's some crazy individual acting alone.

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this infuriates me.....


I tell you what infuriates me, is when pieces of shit, make up a fake story, on a fresh tragedy, just to get some fucking facebook likes or some fucking tweets??????


(there was an 8 year old BOY who was killed, that was there watching his father run)




and I cannot believe there are already political pundits (including in this thread) blaming the other political party for this horrific act??? fucking pathetic.

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I tell you what infuriates me, is when pieces of shit, make up a fake story, on a fresh tragedy, just to get some fucking facebook likes or some fucking tweets??????


(there was an 8 year old BOY who was killed, that was there watching his father run)




and I cannot believe there are already political pundits (including in this thread) blaming the other political party for this horrific act??? fucking pathetic.



Yup, just was informed from another friend, and fixed my post with an edit...

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CNN is juicing the story of the 8 year old boy up. On their bottom news line it talks about him dying, they have now added how he had just got done hugging his father before the blast. I hate the media and how they profit off tragedy's. It sucks to begin with, I don't need to know that he was hugging his dad right before he died, that just adds insult to injury.
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CNN is juicing the story of the 8 year old boy up. On their bottom news line it talks about him dying, they have now added how he had just got done hugging his father before the blast. I hate the media and how they profit off tragedy's. It sucks to begin with, I don't need to know that he was hugging his dad right before he died, that just adds insult to injury.


When I was growing up and we were always told you should have 2-3 good sources for a news story.


In today's media its whatever some hipsterfuck tweeted, or some equipment manager intern in a football program might have been told by a grad assistant who was sitting outside a meeting

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CNN is juicing the story of the 8 year old boy up. On their bottom news line it talks about him dying, they have now added how he had just got done hugging his father before the blast. I hate the media and how they profit off tragedy's. It sucks to begin with, I don't need to know that he was hugging his dad right before he died, that just adds insult to injury.



thats all media cares about is profit. they will milk these dead for as long as they can to make cash off the dead. plain and simple. they been still doing it with sandy hook and will milk this one until something else happens. they know there would be young injured or killed in this and they will milk them for cash.

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and I cannot believe there are already political pundits (including in this thread) blaming the other political party for this horrific act??? fucking pathetic.


Obviously you are referring to me.


People (including me) interpret events that are beyond control and make them comport to a world view. Seeking order in chaos is what humans have done since we had the ability to intellectualize the reality around us. It isn't pathetic so much as it is part of the natural human experience.


That being said, when I said "right wing" I clearly did not mean it on the standard deviation scale of political philosophy. Just as my views have nothing in common with Ted Kaczynski, the term "right-wing" does not implicate republicans, tea party members or anyone else other than the one or more sociopaths who did this, if it even goes that way.

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