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explosion at boston marathon


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CNN is juicing the story of the 8 year old boy up. On their bottom news line it talks about him dying, they have now added how he had just got done hugging his father before the blast. I hate the media and how they profit off tragedy's. It sucks to begin with, I don't need to know that he was hugging his dad right before he died, that just adds insult to injury.


All they do is sensationalize everything. Anything to get a reaction from the public. I cannot fucking stand watching the news. Reddit is the only news source i need. It usually comes directly from the source.

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No matter what way you spin this two things popped out to me, the camera men for all the news stations were just standing there videotaping as people were trying to pull debris off and help victims, and this POS who ever did it killed/hurt women and kids (8yr old boy confirmed). This is what our world has become and it looks like its only getting worse. I just hope whoever did this is found and killed. If I was the father of the little boy killed I would stop at nothing to gain revenge. As for the cameramen I dont know how you dont have the balls enough to run in there and try to help screw your job get in there and help people.
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I do agree with most of the theories that this is domestic terrorism, however there are a TON of international students in Boston. I can remember some pretty radical students from Asia and the Middle East when I was at BU; a lot of rich sheikhs send their kids to Boston/DC for political science and/or finance degrees.
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wife just landed in milwaukee. thank god she's out of there.


she was standing right where the explosion was 5 minutes before it went off, and left to see her friend at the finish line.

Glad to hear she is ok. That has to be nerve wracking.


Some news stories are already revising the story of the 8 year old boy too. He was there with his family and was standing on the fence with a few other little kids (sisters?). His father was not running that day. However it happend it's a sad story, but there are some news outlets reporting that the boy ran out and hugged his dad as he approached the finish line, only to step back to the curb and die, but this morning they said that was false.

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We should also remember it took 2 years to arrest the real perpetrator behind the 1996 Olympic bombing. We all want answers right now and are hitting refresh on reddit or the like, but justice may be a long way off.


More importantly, who really cares who the real perpetrator of this bombing is. It's important we get him/her/them, but I hope the name(s) are buried and the "why" is never answered. That's the reason they do this; to bring attention to their cause.


One of the trending things on a lot of social media was PBS Parents' statement;


“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” -Fred Rogers


Those are the names that need to make headlines.

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No matter what way you spin this two things popped out to me, the camera men for all the news stations were just standing there videotaping as people were trying to pull debris off and help victims, .


You have a very narrow point of view. I agree their intentions are likely for their own benefit and advancement of their career but at the same time there are plenty of people helping. Additionally video and photographic footage are a paramount source of evidence as to what happened which could lead to justice. Everyone on here wants to act like they're Chuck Norris, but if not one...but 2 bombs go off, most people's reactions are to run away.

Edited by Berto
edited because I failed at 'they're, there, their'.
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From AP


WASHINGTON (AP) — A person briefed on the Boston Marathon investigation says the explosives were in 6-liter pressure cookers and placed in black duffel bags.


The person says the explosives were placed on the ground and contained shards of metal, nails and ball bearings. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.


The person says law enforcement officials have some of the bomb components but did not yet know what was used to set off the explosives.


President Barack Obama said Tuesday the bombings were an act of terrorism but investigators do not know if they were carried out by an international or domestic organization, or perhaps by a "malevolent individual."

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The AP article went on to say that these pressure cooker based devices had a similar design to others that had been used in other Islamist attacks including Time Square.


I think, at this point, this is indicating foreign terrorists (not that its not possible that some homegrown asshole could have copycatted).

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You have a very narrow point of view. I agree their intentions are likely for their own benefit and advancement of their career but at the same time there are plenty of people helping. Additionally video and photographic footage are a paramount source of evidence as to what happened which could lead to justice. Everyone on here wants to act like their Chuck Norris, but if not one...but 2 bombs go off, most people's reactions are to run away.





my wife is an ICU nurse. she could have easily run to the scene to help out. my advice::: get the fuck out, now!! its not like you're the first responder to a car crash. there's a huge likelihood of further bombs/etc. there were plenty of police officers, paramedics, first responders there to manage the situation. no need to risk dying.


the reporters---they're doing what they're trained to do. gather information, document everything, and basically stay out of the way.

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You have a very narrow point of view. I agree their intentions are likely for their own benefit and advancement of their career but at the same time there are plenty of people helping. Additionally video and photographic footage are a paramount source of evidence as to what happened which could lead to justice. Everyone on here wants to act like they're Chuck Norris, but if not one...but 2 bombs go off, most people's reactions are to run away.


Not really though, when all they are doing is zooming in on rescuers trying to pull people from below debris its a bit different. I could see your point if they are shooting around trying to find any evidence but that wasn't the case. Anywho not here to start a flame war.

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The AP article went on to say that these pressure cooker based devices had a similar design to others that had been used in other Islamist attacks including Time Square.


I think, at this point, this is indicating foreign terrorists (not that its not possible that some homegrown asshole could have copycatted).


Right, because foreign terrorists are the only ones with access to pressure cookers. Just as I speculate based on my lens, you and Mike Huckabee do too.

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Right, because foreign terrorists are the only ones with access to pressure cookers. Just as I speculate based on my lens, you and Mike Huckabee do too.


From the AP article:


Pressure cookers have been involved in numerous terror plans prior to the Boston Marathon bombings.


One of the three devices used in the 1 May 2010 attack in Times Square incorporated a pressure cooker containing approximately 120 firecrackers.


In March 2010, terrorists used a remotely detonated pressure cooker bomb in an attack on World Vision International in Pakistan.


A planned attack in Jammu, India in September 2003 was foiled after security officers seizing 88 pounds of explosives in two large pressure cookers.


In March 2003, four Algerians were convicted of plotting to bomb a French Christmas market using pressure cookers packed with explosives.


In February 2002, two pressure cooker bombs were used in an attack on the old tower of Lukla Airport at the foot of Mount Everest and in February 2001 four policemen died instantly when Maoist Rebels used two pressure cooker bombs in an attack on a convoy containing judicial officials in Nepal.


These are some facts. My opinion is that it is likely, since pressure cookers have been used in the past by primarily Islamist terrorists as IEDs with similar construction to kill and injure civilians that it follows that these are the most likely perpetrators. Notice that I also followed this up with the smaller possibility that it could be someone else copying the design.


Time will tell. The FBI continues to say that their investigation is "wide open" as it should be.


Sorry that my speculation that the Boston bombing may very likely be the same 'jihadis' who have successfully killed thousands of innocent Americans, attempted to attack hundreds and perhaps thousands more, and constantly threaten us with similar carnage seems to rub your progressive sensibilities the wrong way.

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My progressive sensibilities have nothing to do with the argument.


If Jihadist terrorists have always claimed responsibility immediately after the event, why would they not this time?


NM: I'm wrong. http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/04/16/how_long_does_it_take_terrorist_groups_to_take_responsibility

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There are some additional pics out there of how awful it really was (SO not safe for anyone):





This guy captured pics seconds before the first blast from immediately above:





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The pressure cooker really isn't the tell all proof that the IED was made by some "Middle Eastern Terrorist". It is mainly a vessel in which can span an explosive in a spherical type blast radius. Thus, when packed with flechettes or ball bearings, it can maximize the radius of damage. Something similar to a Claymore (as some of you gamers know) which is flat, but curved, is a directional charge, only really covering roughly a 60 degree horizontal arc, but can effect 180 degrees.


Round, spherical object can obtain a 360 degree perimeter of death. I have heard of pressure cookers utilized in IED's, but I personally have not witnessed one. I have however, been blown up by a fucking Chiquita banana box that was stuffed with 6 - 120mm mortar shells tied into a cell phone as an RCIED. I hate those boxes everything I go to the grocery store.


But on topic, the vessel in which the IED was placed had no real significance, but it maybe a flag into the right direction.

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So is anyone else seeing the picture of some random guy on the rooftop during the explosions that is circulating around? Also, I am waiting on the "there was bomb drills being ran near Boston" reports to come out


Alex Jones needs attention. As in he can't breathe without it.


People go on roofs when you live in the city.

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