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explosion at boston marathon


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The moments after those bombs detonated, I would have been on the highway on my way far far away. They should have already had cash stored up and not robbed that store. Them robbing that store is when things seemed to go down hill for them.
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The moments after those bombs detonated, I would have been on the highway on my way far far away. They should have already had cash stored up and not robbed that store. Them robbing that store is when things seemed to go down hill for them.


That seems like the logical thing to do, but their identity was known.. If this didn't play out in Boston, another city would have gotten lucky.

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My friend said this very same thing while sitting here lol. Now the conspiracy videos come out of the woodwork. Also anyone else hear that the nut job dad is on his way to the US...why would we even let that guy in after the comments he made today.


Last I've heard was his dad is being question by Russian secret police. So I doubt he'll head over here anytime soon. Plus the immigration an always deny his entry at the port.

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The moments after those bombs detonated, I would have been on the highway on my way far far away. They should have already had cash stored up and not robbed that store. Them robbing that store is when things seemed to go down hill for them.


IMO it seems like they were planning more attacks, since they had bombs and what not on them during the chase.


Whatever the case these guys are fucking idiots.

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The moments after those bombs detonated, I would have been on the highway on my way far far away. They should have already had cash stored up and not robbed that store. Them robbing that store is when things seemed to go down hill for them.


I'm pretty sure the whole bomb going off was when things went down hill.

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The moments after those bombs detonated, I would have been on the highway on my way far far away. They should have already had cash stored up and not robbed that store. Them robbing that store is when things seemed to go down hill for them.


they didn't rob the store

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Muslim @ Beth Israel Medical Center :lol:


I want to hear more about the Saudi that's also a "suspect". I bet there's more to him as well.


the guy from the day of the bombing? or someone else?

if it's the former he was already released same day...he was falsely profiled and was nothing more than a scared bystander running away...like everyone else

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My friend said this very same thing while sitting here lol. Now the conspiracy videos come out of the woodwork. Also anyone else hear that the nut job dad is on his way to the US...why would we even let that guy in after the comments he made today.


right to free speech, maybe? Has he made any threats?

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The Saudi national was supposedly deported under suspicion of terrorist activity. He comes from a prominent Saudi family which is why we probably won't hear anything else about him and his deportation file will be classified. That is what Glenn beck reported citing multiple unnamed sources so take that for what you will.
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Is the Father a US citizen?





Being a citizen of The United States does not grant one rights, being a human being you have inalienable rights, per our constitution the government is suppose to recognize those rights.


The question is, should we allow him to come and defend his son(s), as one would expect a father to.

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The Saudi national was supposedly deported under suspicion of terrorist activity. He comes from a prominent Saudi family which is why we probably won't hear anything else about him and his deportation file will be classified. That is what Glenn beck reported citing multiple unnamed sources so take that for what you will.


Not being deported, not visited by Michele Obama. Glen Beck and Alex Jones embarrassed themselves on this one. More so than usual




Fox News's Steve Emerson did the same:



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