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Like the outdoors? -Vacation Pics Inside


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Been out of pocket for about a month or so posting hit or miss as we just returned from a 3 week vacation all throughout the North West, mainly across the border in Vancouver and Alberta areas of Canada. I spent quite a bit of time up in the NW and intend to retire someplace from Oregon up through the great NW of Canada. Searching for more property as we speak.


Anyway, I pulled down nearly 2,000 pics over the course of our trip and will likely add a few here and there once I am grounded. Until then, enjoy a few of the good times had.


What would a trip with a two kids be without a stop at a Zoo.


Vancouver Zoo





But a real trip up north involves the outdoors.


As we started the week we ventured to the coast and decided to visit Capilano Suspension Bridge and ParkTree Top walking and zip lining through the canopy was a blast. 100-150ft up and if you're fearful of hieghts, stay away. Our kids were fearless.


Jump over to Alberta and you can go rock climbing and hiking.




But the most enjoyable times were had in the Canadian Rockies. Colors at sunrise and sunset with the mountains all around and the pure silence of mother nature makes for times unlike any around here.



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