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Senate rejects expanded gun background checks


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Good for now, but we all know the powers that be won't stop trying. No thanks. Just spurring me on to buy more firearms in spite of them. By Saturday I will own another one just for the hell of it.


I agree. Not that I have anything to hide. Just want to get some more before its more difficult.

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Presidents about to make a speech about gun violence here shortly today. Lmao should be talking about Boston.


Can't wait to hear him discuss how unreasonable I am for not wanting to have more 'sensible' laws put in front of me to jump through, when his administration has the worst-ever record on enforcing existing ones.


Prosecute 44 out of 76,000 (this only in 2010) people caught lying on federal background checks... preach how we need more background checks.

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Can't wait to hear him discuss how unreasonable I am for not wanting to have more 'sensible' laws put in front of me to jump through, when his administration has the worst-ever record on enforcing existing ones.


Prosecute 44 out of 76,000 (this only in 2010) people caught lying on federal background checks... preach how we need more background checks.


90% of Americans wanted expanded background checks lol. Where do they get that #?

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For curiosity's sake, what do you guys feel was wrong with the legislation?


One thing I was concerned about is when you sell a gun to a friend or another person on here you don't need to do a background check. You would if that bill passed. Also it's about Obama trying to take away our rights. Sure it wasn't really that bad but if he knows he can pass one he will try to pass harsher ones later.

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For curiosity's sake, what do you guys feel was wrong with the legislation?


Because everyone in their right mind understands that this legislation would do absolutely nothing in regards to preventing a mass shooting.


Because NY has proven to everyone who has ever used the "slippery slope", "give an inch, they take a mile" arguments that they weren't just political obstructionists, and that whatever garbage they try to pass really is just an eventual gateway to even more restrictive laws. If 10 round magazine limits were safe, why bother pushing for 7 round limits? The next logical step is no guns with detachable magazines, and I bet you see such stupidity within the next ten years.


Among others.

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For curiosity's sake, what do you guys feel was wrong with the legislation?


If I want to sell a close friend a firearm I prefer to not be required to pay for a background check.



I am all for gunshop background checks. When it is business with unknown people, it's a whole different story.


An example of related regulation would be, paying cash for a car. If I sell my Cobra and someone hands me 18k cash, no big deal. He gets his car, I get my money.

If I sell a car on my lot for 18k cash, I have to fill out IRS forms detailing the cash transaction, the denominations of the bills, etc.


Businesses should have more regulation than than individuals. Current legislation aligns with that. The proposed (and failed) did not.


Kudos to them for shooting (pun intended) that garbage down.

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The same amount I would feel if they killed someone while driving a car I sold them.


So if he took the keys from you and then ran down his girlfriend, you would not feel any responsibility?


Guns are only designed to kill. Nothing else. Cars, forks, knives, hammers, toasters, pipes, baseball bats, candlesticks, dumbells, feet, hands, etc. have other uses. They CAN be used to kill, but the primary use of those things is not to kill.

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