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FS: Memorial Tournament Tickets

Dr. Pomade

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Just because I've gone dormant doesn't mean you can deduct 718 rank-points from me.


this made me chuckle.... You still #1 in my book... All we need is Kevin R back and some graphs and I will fall to 7 quickly

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Is that you attempting to be an "Eminem" to-my-Clarence in the final battle rap of 8-mile?




I've learned a lot about how CR runs. I better not upset a mod. YOU WIN!!!


Not upset, or trying to win. I'm just having a conversation and trying to give you insight on my point of view.

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this made me chuckle.... You still #1 in my book... All we need is Kevin R back and some graphs and I will fall to 7 quickly


You don't need to lie to save my feelings Phil. I know I'm washed up. Kevin will be back this summer. Here's to hoping.

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Is that you attempting to be an "Eminem" to-my-Clarence in the final battle rap of 8-mile?




I've learned a lot about how CR runs. I better not upset a mod. YOU WIN!!!



you haven't even scratched the surface yet. wait til they call you to tell you that you are pissing people off. Then take it farther to the point you call all the mods out in the mod section, then tell Anthony to tell Tina to suck it. Then you may have some issues. Even with all that Im still here. You may not make it that far, but Im just saying, you aren't to the point of them caring about you yet.

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You don't need to lie to save my feelings Phil. I know I'm washed up. Kevin will be back this summer. Here's to hoping.


I talk about you like 2x a wk, no joke. Grant is working as a trainer at lifetime where i spend 3 hrs a day staring at myself. He always talks about you and how he fucked up. :fa:

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you haven't even scratched the surface yet. wait til they call you to tell you that you are pissing people off. Then take it farther to the point you call all the mods out in the mod section, then tell Anthony to tell Tina to suck it. Then you may have some issues. Even with all that Im still here. You may not make it that far, but Im just saying, you aren't to the point of them caring about you yet.


what? haha

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I talk about you like 2x a wk, no joke. Grant is working as a trainer at lifetime where i spend 3 hrs a day staring at myself. He always talks about you and how he fucked up. :fa:


LOL. How he fucked up what?

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Can I tell you that I do not wish to gain your insight nor your point of view?


clearly not one of an open mind. I see you son, i see you.



Here is how you battle brian, dont use logic, it doesnt work. Dont get mad, that doesnt work either, oh try being racist, Ive always found that racism works well.


Brian you light skinned jungle bunny, stop using your mod power to have an adult conversation with this white guy! Clearly your jigga-boo angles dont amuse his whiteness further leaving you 2 steps behind him. black people LOL.....negros:lolguy:

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clearly not one of an open mind. I see you son, i see you.



Here is how you battle brian, dont use logic, it doesnt work. Dont get mad, that doesnt work either, oh try being racist, Ive always found that racism works well.


Brian you light skinned jungle bunny, stop using your mod power to have an adult conversation with this white guy! Clearly your jigga-boo angles dont amuse his whiteness further leaving you 2 steps behind him. black people LOL.....negros:lolguy:


Are you coming at that like a Daniel Tosh.... Or a Dave Chappelle?

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idk im too busy looking at myself and trying not to draw more attention to my awesome as he speaks.


Yeah it's tough to hear people when you're on the CRAL. My therapist asked why I'm all ADD and don't respond to questions consistently. I told that cunt to "shut it" before I fired her ass. She was all like "you can't fire me I don't want you as a patient anymore". I was like "Sorry what? I was marveling at my rank on the CR Awesome List."

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Are you coming at that like a Daniel Tosh.... Or a Dave Chappelle?


I come at this like a man, Im 40



Yeah it's tough to hear people when you're on the CRAL. My therapist asked why I'm all ADD and don't respond to questions consistently. I told that cunt to "shut it" before I fired her ass. She was all like "you can't fire me I don't want you as a patient anymore". I was like "Sorry what? I was marveling at my rank on the CR Awesome List."


CRAL :lol: we need to have this list made

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If someone did the same thing to you with absolutely no contact/communication then you should lift it up as well.


Do you even lift it up bro?


Sounds like you are the one making intimations.... now doesn't it? BITCH....


Anyone else get the feeling homeboy would've never used or known what "intimations" means had Tilley not used it?


More than Phil, more than 1-2. PLUS NUMEROUS other stories about shady happenings. all which have never affected me. like your boy jump'jive


Been with CR since it's conception. Met Ant before CR was even around. Never once have I been treated wrong by the genuine people. Never has anyone slept or tried to sleep with my wife. Only DJ, Mitch, and Steve tried to rape me personally prison style, but I pos repped them because rape ain't rape if you asked for it.


If you're not a shady person/moron than shady/moronic things won't happen to you for the most part.


I was calling everyone else who had issues piece-of-shit whiners.


Get that straight you dipshit.




keeps me sharp...




Is that you attempting to be an "Eminem" to-my-Clarence in the final battle rap of 8-mile?




Can I tell you that I do not wish to gain your insight nor your point of view?


Then why ask people for their insight and point of view?




Are you coming at that like a Daniel Tosh.... Or a Dave Chappelle?




This was fun. Carry on. :)

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Anyone else get the feeling homeboy would've never used or known what "intimations" means had Tilley not used it?


It was more of a "how do you like them apples" from Good Will Hunting (ie - turning it back on him). You missed.




Been with CR since it's conception. Met Ant before CR was even around. Never once have I been treated wrong by the genuine people. Never has anyone slept or tried to sleep with my wife. Only DJ, Mitch, and Steve tried to rape me personally prison style, but I pos repped them because rape ain't rape if you asked for it.?



The word you were looking for was "inception"........ What you did is called a malapropism (unintentional misuse or distortion of a common word or common phrase).... So, when you feel like busting my balls for assuming that I don't know what the word "intimation" means... you can sit right back down.



And the second "bolding" is for my witty comment "as far as you know"......




If you're not a shady person/moron than shady/moronic things won't happen to you for the most part.


Ditto and agree. I hear these stories and shrug my shoulders in disbelief.

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The word you were looking for was "inception".....


I may be wrong... but if he was there for the initial idea and conversation leading up to the creation of cr he was there at the conception.


*checking dictionary

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I may be wrong... but if he was there for the initial idea and conversation leading up to the creation of cr he was there at the conception.


*checking dictionary


My bet is that he was attempting to use the common term "since its inception"



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It was more of a "how do you like them apples" from Good Will Hunting (ie - turning it back on him). You missed.


You missed how little I care. :lol: This was all hilarious to me. Never seen someone admit to the butthurt before.


The word you were looking for was "inception"........ What you did is called a malapropism (unintentional misuse or distortion of a common word or common phrase).... So, when you feel like busting my balls for assuming that I don't know what the word "intimation" means... you can sit right back down.









1.The action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived.

2.The forming or devising of a plan or idea.


Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll remain standing. Wait...I'm sitting...and was when I typed the first part. Either way, you're wrong...again.


Also...ellipses...just because I can.


And the second "bolding" is for my witty comment "as far as you know"......


Like I said, act shady and moronic...


My wife and I are loyal. Not a single doubt in my mind. If there EVER was she wouldn't be my life. Still standing (or am I?). ;)






I may be wrong... but if he was there for the initial idea and conversation leading up to the creation of cr he was there at the conception.


*checking dictionary


Webster agrees.


... Aww, who cares. Yenner reminds me of the Turtle man anyway... "Live action!"


I hate to pull a page of Diamonds book but I'll make lame media refrences. By turtle man do you mean Dana Carvey? Do I look all turtle-y to you?


Or do you mean this guy?




Either way I'll still have your blaby.


My bet is that he was attempting to use the common term "since its inception"






Webster > Google.

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My bet is that he was attempting to use the common term "since its inception"




Probably. What more would you expect from a guy who doesn't lift.

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