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My personal fitness GOAL's w/ updates..


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CR friends,


Some of you all may know me... I have been around this forum since the beginning, and have tried every diet plan known to man..


My recent commitment is to Weight Watchers, a large group of us from my work has joined the Points Plus Power program and have 12 week sessions (I am on my 2nd term) since Jan 9th 2013 to date I have lost 47.2 lbs! I have never felt better!! Eating my points and tracking them every week with all the rewards and focusing on it for this long sure has paid off... My Jan 9th weigh in weight was my heaviest 305.5 lbs and now down to a slim 256!!!


Another personal achievement of mine was to begin running, 5k, 10k, and maybe 1/2 marathon's.. In my life would NEVER think about doing these activities until now.. Since the beginning of March I have downloaded Runkeeper app on my I Phone and continue to use it breaking my own records each time out and keep on trucking... I hope to inspire people out there to live healthier lives and stay fit. Get off those couches take pride in yourself to happier living!!!


This morning I ran my 1st 13.1 mile run...no way close to championship running marks but for a novice such as myself I think it's HUGE!!!


If anyone would like to track my progress they can do so on FB, I will be coming out to some events bringing out the old Falcon Wagon hanging out with the old timers ;) This August I will be turning 40 and want to reach my doctor prescribed weight of 230lbs and reach my Weight Watchers Lifetime status by then...12 more weeks to go to reach it and I AM GOING TO DO IT!!!!


Thanks for reading <3


Daniel A. Weaver

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Congrats, I have gotten way to heavy for my liking and want to do something about it. I too weighed in at 305 (I was 235 just 4 years ago). I would like to get back down to that area, but would e comfortable at 250ish. Any more info on the weight watchers thing? My biggest issue is I love food lol.
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Congrats, I have gotten way to heavy for my liking and want to do something about it. I too weighed in at 305 (I was 235 just 4 years ago). I would like to get back down to that area, but would e comfortable at 250ish. Any more info on the weight watchers thing? My biggest issue is I love food lol.


Well that is the good part, I also love food!!! You get a lot of useful app's for you phone to help you pick out while you are shopping to get your points you need each day. When I started out I was at 62 points which is a lot of food, just had to cut out the very fat fast food things like double whoppers, baconator, and 20 Roosers chicken wings which can be almost 35 + points just by their self OMG!!


For example, my used to be eating habits, going to Red Robin, the "Roal Red Robin burger with fries (1 serving) = 29 - 32 points and before that I would eat almost 1/2 a onion ring order and some left over scraps my kids would not eat... SO MUCH FAT and bad food for you :( I have replaced home cooking items with much leaner stuff, cooking with ground turkey instead of beef, also Turkey bacon is much leaner too, and tastes good in my opinion!!


Hope this helps??

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Great work man! I am doing an alternative lifestyle change (I call it that so I don't feel like it's a diet, but a long term commitment..I'm doing low carb) and am down 72 pounds since January 1st and have been doing the c25K program. Here's to our continued success with our new found healthiness! =)
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Well that is the good part, I also love food!!! You get a lot of useful app's for you phone to help you pick out while you are shopping to get your points you need each day. When I started out I was at 62 points which is a lot of food, just had to cut out the very fat fast food things like double whoppers, baconator, and 20 Roosers chicken wings which can be almost 35 + points just by their self OMG!!


For example, my used to be eating habits, going to Red Robin, the "Roal Red Robin burger with fries (1 serving) = 29 - 32 points and before that I would eat almost 1/2 a onion ring order and some left over scraps my kids would not eat... SO MUCH FAT and bad food for you :( I have replaced home cooking items with much leaner stuff, cooking with ground turkey instead of beef, also Turkey bacon is much leaner too, and tastes good in my opinion!!


Hope this helps??


Haha that's exactly what I do, I have an issue with seeing food go to waste. I'll eat everything put in front of me until its gone simply because I hate wasting food. I really just need to talk to someone and figure out a healthy diet routine. I have access to a gym for free at school and have plenty of free time to use it. It's amazing how quickly weight can sneak up on you. I look at old pics and think "damn I was skinny", only to realize they are 2-4 year old pictures haha, so pretty recent.

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Whatever works in terms of achieving your fitness goals, if you like running, then run until you can run no more. If your goal is around 240, how tall are you, like 6'2"+?


Yes sir 6' 2" is exactly what I am...


And yes they do stack shit this high LOL!

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Haha that's exactly what I do, I have an issue with seeing food go to waste. I'll eat everything put in front of me until its gone simply because I hate wasting food. I really just need to talk to someone and figure out a healthy diet routine. I have access to a gym for free at school and have plenty of free time to use it. It's amazing how quickly weight can sneak up on you. I look at old pics and think "damn I was skinny", only to realize they are 2-4 year old pictures haha, so pretty recent.


That is why they invented left overs for another meal.

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Good job! Keep it up, working out is definitely addicting when you're seeing real results.


True dat. Started working out 8 years ago 1-3 times a week, now I feel like Im slacking if I take a day off.


And cheat meals are fun but if you eat good all the time you realize how crappy they really make you feel.

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Weight Watchers weigh in today, down another -5.8 lbs for a total 52.6 lbs lost, 22.4 to go.. I ran 33 miles last week and ate my points. I'm going to keep rocking until my goal is reached hopefully before my 40th birthday!!!
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Nice job Dan!

I used to run so much and when I was training for marathons I would be able to eat whatever the hell I wanted and couldn't gain a pound. Ever since I started flying though I've put on about 30. Maybe I gotta start following your lead.




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Congrats on losing the weight. I have just started eating better myself and cut out soda completely. In the last 3-4 weeks I have lost about 16lbs. I started at about 274 and I'm down to 158 now. I as well have switched to turkey meats and I can't even really taste a difference myself. Also with just about every meal we are sauté-ing (sp?) green peppers and onions to go with the food. I never realized that there are so many things you can cook that are healthy to eat and actually have flavor.
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  • 3 weeks later...



Weighed in yesterday my 20th week down another -3 lbs = 249.8, -55.6 lost so far. 8 Weeks to do August 6th my 40th birthday (which is a weigh in day) to reach my goal of 230 lbs. 19.8 lbs to go in just 8 weeks!!! Need to stay focused and reach my goal :D

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Congrats man, you're doing awesome. I started on Weight Watchers many years ago when I was around 15 and learned the whole system. I stopped it from there due to the amount of work tracking, but took the things I learned and threw them in to normal life.


That is insane you ran 13.1 miles. I am 6 foot, 170 lbs and I run probably 15-20 miles a week and couldn't imagine running 13.1 miles in one shot. I started to train for a 1/2 marathon once and couldn't follow through, so a true congrats that you were able to accomplish that!

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Weighed in yesterday my 20th week down another -3 lbs = 249.8, -55.6 lost so far. 8 Weeks to do August 6th my 40th birthday (which is a weigh in day) to reach my goal of 230 lbs. 19.8 lbs to go in just 8 weeks!!! Need to stay focused and reach my goal :D


good job.....it's tough. Summer is the toughest for me. I'm at 48lb's lost since March. I don't have as big a goal as you have so I don't sweat a bad weekend here and there but the weight loss has slowed down with the warmer weather.

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Awesome. I just started the Weight Watcher's thing with my girlfriend last week. Our first weigh-in is tomorrow morning. I like how the system works; it appeals to the gamer in me. Essentially, my life now has a mini-game in it. :)


But even with the ability to eat unhealthy, you're encouraged not to because you end up wanting a snack later and can't afford it without dipping into your weekly pool. So you start looking for low-point options to leave room for something bad later. :D I actually ended up leaving 15 points on the table yesterday.


I did find one questionable score. An ENTIRE Jet's Cinnamon dessert pizza (12 slices) is listed as only 4 points. I'm going to assume that's wrong...


We're cycling also, so I hope to see similar success to you. Great job!

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