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We are planning on going to Disney next spring. Were getting a good tax return because of the two kids so we figured why not do something for them. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips. The kids will be 4 and 1. We do plan on going back in a couple years so the youngest can appreciate it, and hopefully every couple years after that.





Also any tips for getting over the fear of flying?

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FWIW don't go. Save the money for a few years as your kids are too young and won't remember nearly what they should from this trip. That is if its truly for them. Your call.


If you do go consider driving. 10hrs door to door to Atlanta count frequent stops. 8 if you fly straight through. Spend the night Hit the aquarium and make another 1-2 days of it.

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Also any tips for getting over the fear of flying?


Find a hose or a sprinkler or something and then take off your pants and just use the water to get all of the sand out of that vagina.


As far as the trip itself, make sure you plan at least one full day for each park you visit and get a hotel outside of the parks that has a kitchen so you can save a ton of $$$ on food.

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the older one saw the castle in a flyer we got and wants to see where the princesses live..


and she'll forget about it soon too


I agree, too young. Mine are 5 and 3 and they want to go, I said maybe next year but even then I think they are too little to really enjoy it. IMHO, the sweet spot is around age 8 or so.

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and she'll forget about it soon too


I agree, too young. Mine are 5 and 3 and they want to go, I said maybe next year but even then I think they are too little to really enjoy it. IMHO, the sweet spot is around age 8 or so.


We took Smalls at 6 and she remembers EVERYTHING!





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FWIW don't go. Save the money for a few years as your kids are too young and won't remember nearly what they should from this trip. That is if its truly for them. Your call.


If you do go consider driving. 10hrs door to door to Atlanta count frequent stops. 8 if you fly straight through. Spend the night Hit the aquarium and make another 1-2 days of it.




If you do still want to move forward with this let me know. I worked at Disney World on the college program and know enough to give you some tips. I still have some connections there that can help with any other questions as well.

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I took my daughter last year. She's 3. She loved it. We stayed at the Disney's Boardwalk Inn, which is a resort onsite....Great place! The parks are packed, but you can get a hopper pass to bypass most of that. The whole package was about $2200.
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If you are going to go I would suggest one of the value resorts. You are going to be spending a majority of your time in the parks so staying at one of the mid-level or higher resorts is money wasted.


My wife and I did our honeymoon there and stated at Pop Century since we knew a majority of our time would be spent in the parks.

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your best bet is to go in the winter---still good weather there, with much smaller lines. we've been the past three years--we go the first week in december. last year, we went the mickey's xmas party. pretty sweet, they shut the park down and everyone with a party pass stays. no lines on the rides, a sweet parade, etc etc etc.


i'd wait until your one year old is at least 2 and a half. there's tons of ways to save money, but you also miss out just a bit on the experience


i'd recommend a princess makeover, and at least 1-2 character meals

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I went when I was 14 and barely remember it


Who cares if you don't remember it 10-20 years later...It's nothing more than a Cedar Point trip for the Orlando natives. You enjoyed it while you were there, came back, shared your photos and told all your friends. Mission accomplished.

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We took our son at 3 and he doesn't remember anything. We just took both our son and daughter in January (now ages 9 and 6) and they didn't like it at all. I won't be going to Disney again.


Like others have said, save your money and take them when they are older. Also don't go in July, you will die from the humidity.

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If you are going to go I would suggest one of the value resorts. You are going to be spending a majority of your time in the parks so staying at one of the mid-level or higher resorts is money wasted.


My wife and I did our honeymoon there and stated at Pop Century since we knew a majority of our time would be spent in the parks.

You can also rent points from someone that has a time share. We found this to be a pretty decent deal, but you also get a room with a kitchenette so you can make your own food (if necessary in your budget). You stay at a different building than the main hotel, so you will have to walk farther to the buses.

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Save the money Buster. Once you get back if you go, something will happen, and you will post on CR about an obscure car problem and need advice on what to do. I'm serious, and not trying to be a dick. Shit happens to people all the time like that. Put that money away for next year, and use that tax return.
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Thank Obama





a lot of people actually use this. we don't like to be limited to what/where we have to eat. we typically do one character breakfast, as well as the princess makeover for the girls with dinner inside the castle. i got a pirate makeover with my boy, and we all know how that turned out :fuckyeah:



we already have reservations for next december. when you reserve this far in advance, rooms are cheaper. we've stayed in the contemporary for the past couple years. its nice, since its so close to the magic kingdom, where the kids get the most out of. its very easy to spend a ton on one of these trips when you figure flights, resort stay, park entrance, etc etc etc.


regardless, the trip will be much more fun during a non-peak time of the year

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for what it matters, were getting around 12 grand total with tax return and her student loan which all she needs to buy is a couple books. Her car is fine just need the timing belt job still, hours dropped to 20ish at work and we used up the extra we set aside for that on bills. my car needs about $100 to fix which I'm doing the slave and speed sensor this weekend.
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