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Two choices each person gets when confined. Bottled Mexican tap water with non-cooperation, or Evian with cooperation. With nothing other than a pail in the corner of their room.:o

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Uhh, like psycho said... you use better techniques. Torture doesn't yield results. I'm not going to dig through all my links again, but I believe I read that the best results were yielded when you befriended the terrorist to the point where they saw that their 'enemy' wasn't really that bad - and as trust and rapport is established, the information and communication gateway is open. This method is much better at yielding ACCURATE information than torture.

You can't see how ignorant the stance is on using torture to gain intelligence? If I was getting sodomized by the worlds largest horse and it started becoming painful and you screamed at me "Tell me where my family is and the horse will stop".

1) If I'm innocent, I have no clue about your family, so what's the right answer? If I say "I don't know" you assume I'm a liar and punish me more. So, I'll makeup information just to get the torture to stop.

2) If I'm guilty, how would you know? You can't PROVE it, I'll just act like I'm innocent and we'll repeat situation 1. Even if you're absolutely SURE I'm guilty, and terrorist worth their salt isn't going to cave - they'll continually send you on while goose chases, wasting YOUR time and resources as you investigate every potential lead, until you decide to kill them. And what do you benefit by killing them? Nothing other than to serve your own petty emotions of vengeance, as they're the only ones who knows where your family is. Besides, they're already prepared to die for their cause or they wouldn't be in that situation to begin with.

So, once again, tell me how much great information we ever got by torturing people? Mr. Salem Witch.

I agree torture isn't always effective, just wanted to see what your alternative is. but not every terrorist is worth their salt.

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