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Easy way to get healthy


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I don't know if anyone else sat around as much as I did this winter, but I was pretty inactive. To top that off, I think its been said on more than one occasion that I pretty much eat fast food all the time. This sounds like an infomercial, but a friend suggested this to me and its actually pretty cool.


Its free & really cool. It gives suggestions on exercises, health, food, keeps track of all of that & it even gives you suggestions on what to make for each meal to meet your goal and generates a grocery list for you. Maybe I'm lazy, but this website is sweeet!! Thought I'd share...

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That's cool. I have gained a lot of weight (roughly 30 lbs) since I exited the Air Force in 2006. I just recently started to lose weight because I am taking in less calories. Finally starting to see the affects! Been eating a harty green salad for lunch with low fat cheese and low fat vinegarette dressing, with a slim fast. But, I pretty much say, calories in - calories out. There is also fitday.com I believe. Not sure if it generates a shopping list, but helps you more or less journal what you eat.

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That's cool. I have gained a lot of weight (roughly 30 lbs) since I exited the Air Force in 2006. I just recently started to lose weight because I am taking in less calories. Finally starting to see the affects! Been eating a harty green salad for lunch with low fat cheese and low fat vinegarette dressing, with a slim fast. But, I pretty much say, calories in - calories out. There is also fitday.com I believe. Not sure if it generates a shopping list, but helps you more or less journal what you eat.

yeah, the calorie watching is the basic premise of this site, but it keeps ranges for protein, fat, and carbs too, and then makes suggestions to keep in balance... i'm actually just really excited because it makes a pie chart of what I eat every day. :D

Beer is food. :D

Vodka too for that matter. 2000 calories worth of beer anyone?

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Beer IS food. Historically, and still is. It was a way of storing grain, without it spoiling, rotting, or being eaten by critters. Plus it's a liquid that is safe to drink compared to drinking out of the river or stream. Which isn't too good for you. Yes, civilization as we know it was dependent on beer and ale.

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I like the pale ales. But I'm such a heavy drinker I stick with MGD Light. Its hard for me to get drunk from beer because I drink beer probably 5/7 days a week or more. What can I say...I love beer. I have to stick with the light stuff so I don't die. :lol:

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Dollface, you got it right. Energy in and energy out. Can't get around that. Build up some muscle. Once your body is tuned up, it will tell you what you need to eat and when. If you listen close and can hear it speak. (Is that Grokking?)

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Dollface, you got it right. Energy in and energy out. Can't get around that. Build up some muscle. Once your body is tuned up, it will tell you what you need to eat and when. If you listen close and can hear it speak. (Is that Grokking?)

haha, even when i was in shape my body was telling me to eat chocolate cake, chipotle, and wendy's... i've learned not to listen to it anymore.

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haha, even when i was in shape my body was telling me to eat chocolate cake, chipotle, and wendy's... i've learned not to listen to it anymore.

shhh, not out loud. I got chocolate cake in the fridge chillin' a bit...yum

Seriously, the fried stuff has to go. Entirely stop at first, then in moderation later on. Your stomach will thank you. Otherwise in a few years you might be doubled up in pain from that particular food habit. And it takes months to recover, if ever. Yes, I did that. And it took two or three months of veggies and bread and zero fried stuff to recover.

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Try Becks Premier Light 64 Calories better than MGD 64......

and the following diet drinks,,,,;)

Bacardi Rum and Diet Coke

Captain Morgan's Original Spiced Rum and Diet Coke

Absolute Vodka and Crystal Light

Grey Goose and Sugar free tonic


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Alcoholic beverages should be consumed with meals to decrease the rate of absorption and decrease the likelihood of impairment.
haha, thinking about the time I drank a half a bottle of Tequila and it got absorbed by beef and noodle dinner. It all cut loose later on, and I never in my life hallucinated on alcohol like I did that night. whooo boy
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Seriously, the fried stuff has to go. Entirely stop at first, then in moderation later on. Your stomach will thank you. Otherwise in a few years you might be doubled up in pain from that particular food habit. And it takes months to recover, if ever. Yes, I did that. And it took two or three months of veggies and bread and zero fried stuff to recover.

I need to cut fried foods out of my diet. I enjoy them, then feel like shit after I eat them.

Try Becks Premier Light 64 Calories better than MGD 64......


Will do! :cheers:

haha, thinking about the time I drank a half a bottle of Tequila and it got absorbed by beef and noodle dinner. It all cut loose later on, and I never in my life hallucinated on alcohol like I did that night. whooo boy

:lol: AHAHAHAHA...that sounds nasty. I can totally imagine what that was like. :lol:

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If you're worried about calories and a true alcy, then MGD Light 64 calories is the way to go. ;)

Becks light has always been 64 calories. I love that one. It's a beer everyone will like once they try it.

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P90X, running, and counting calories... FTW. I've got a spreadsheet of EVERYTHING I've ever ate and their calorie content (minus a few travel days) from 2007 - present, along with my "wake up" and "just before bed" weights.

OCD, maybe - but it works.

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Beer is food. :D
Beer IS food. Historically, and still is. It was a way of storing grain, without it spoiling, rotting, or being eaten by critters. Plus it's a liquid that is safe to drink compared to drinking out of the river or stream. Which isn't too good for you. Yes, civilization as we know it was dependent on beer and ale.

A loaf of bread in every bottle! ;)

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P90X, running, and counting calories... FTW. I've got a spreadsheet of EVERYTHING I've ever ate and their calorie content (minus a few travel days) from 2007 - present, along with my "wake up" and "just before bed" weights.

OCD, maybe - but it works.

How many $2 Buddy steaks did you enter on your spreadsheet?!? :grin:

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How many $2 Buddy steaks did you enter on your spreadsheet?!? :grin:

Of course I had to guesstimate, since I didn't know the actual cal content, but the formula I typed in was: =4*320+200+800+4*200, which per my description is 4 steaks @ 320/ea, 200 for the fries, 800 for the sandwich, and 4 beers @ 200/ea... so my spreadsheet shows

Date: 1/31/2009

Calories Consumed: 3080

Food item: Beers, Steaks, Sandwich, Fries, etc @ Buddy's in Brunswick

Calories Consumed: 350

Food item: Strawberries and Whipped Cream

Total Cals consumed on 1/31/09: 3430

I aim for 2200-2500, but I'm around 2800 average I think. Obviously, that day was high.

That day, I woke up at 206.5lbs and went to bed at 207.5lbs.

Edited by JRMMiii
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