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Easy way to get healthy


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Just thought I would share my caloric intake for the day -

Breakfast: 2 pouches of Strawberries and Cream oatmeal - 260 calories

Lunch: One chicken corn dog - 180 calories

Slimfast - 180 Calories

Snack: Bag of TGI Friday's Fried Potatoe skins (bbq cheese flavored) - 150 calories

Coffee: 40 calories (I use low fat creamer and two splenda packets)

Tea: Sweeten with honey - 60 calories

Total for today so far: 920 calories

It is only almost 2 and I have 580 calories to go. Maybe I will have another bag of chips...mmmmm

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I lost ten pounds in about two weeks by running and only eating twice a day... small meals. I didnt even realize I lost the weight. :dunno: I need to do that again, it got cold for awhile and I lost motivation to run. But its real niiiooce out today! :D

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I'm of the opinion that it really isn't hard to stay in shape as long as you find out what works for you. I've always been on the heavy side, probably peaking at about 190 late in high school/early college (I'm about 5' 9"). I tried everything from the low-fat, low-calorie thing to the simple "eat less, exercise more", but nothing really worked and I hated every minute of it because I didn't get to eat anything I liked.

Then I stumbled upon the Glycemic Load Diet last November and things changed completely. It's sort of like Atkins, but instead of saying "no carbs" it just says "no sugar, no starch", and backs up the idea with some really compelling evidence. Wow, what a difference it made. By simply cutting out starch and sugar, I lost 10 lbs over winter quarter with absolutely no cardio exercise. Actually it was probably more than 10 lbs of fat lost, but I built up a decent amount of muscle because I was lifting weights 3 days a week the whole time. Plus I got to eat my favorite foods; steak, pork, chicken, eggs, bacon, sausage...all that great stuff. You should have seen the looks I'd get when going to City BBQ with my friends and getting a full rack of ribs and saying "it's cool, I'm on a diet" :D Hell, I start off each day with a 3-egg cheese omlete, 4 strips of bacon, and several sausage patties/links. The funny thing is is that I sort of fell off the wagon towards the end of last quarter and havn't really had the motivation to get back to it 100%. I'm still losing weight though! I'm almost down to 175, and that's still without any cardio (actually I started doing it recently, but just in the past week) and with lots of weight lifting. I hope to be down to 165 or lower by the end of this quarter.

I figure that the low fat stuff never worked for me because even when I was trying really hard to lose weight, I would come home from the gym and have a lunchmeat sandwich or something, toast was a common part of my breakfast, and I would drink lots of things like orange juice thinking that it was all healthy. I guess my body just reacts more to starch than other peoples'.

Again, it's really about finding what works for you. If you're one of those people who have a hell of a time losing weight, try some new things, even if they seem to fly in the face of conventional wisdom. Worked for me :)

anyone like riding bicycles? I have a crappy mountain bike, but I like riding on the trail by the river and stuff and I'd be up for some other riding if anyone has any suggestions...

I'm a fan. I have really bad feet and can't run, and I really hate ellipiticals and other stationary cardio equipment. I used to bike a ton when I lived home; we have tons of bike trails up in northeast Ohio. Me and my roommate are getting into it this quarter...it's really great exercise.

Edited by Harb67
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I usually go with Glenlivet. The year I buy is largely decided by how much I've already spent that month :D

Here you go....



Recommended my Kosmo:

Ardbeg 1975/2000, 1976/2002

Aberlour-Glenlivet (1972) 8 yr. I had chance to drink it, will not find it.

Highland Park 1974/2006

Talisker 1981/2002, 1980/2000

Glenlivet 1981/2003, 1975/2003

Ardmore 1979/2001

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