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Easy way to get healthy


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JRMMiii, you might want to seek help for that OCD... although, if there is one to have, that is probably the best one. I mean its better than getting up in the middle of the night to straighten rug fringe or something.

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Did I lock the door?

Did I lock the door?

Did I lock the door?

Did I lock the door?

Did I lock the door?


roflmao.gif Now that just funny right there....I don't care who you are!!! :D

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It's blown out of proportion... but I've had to turn around on my commute to work once or twice a month to make sure the door was down - especially in the winter.

That's not OCD though, that's just because the sensors are screwed up and tend to cause the garage door to go all the way down, then come right back up... so I need to make sure the door is down for a good 2-5 full seconds.

Sometimes when I'm in a hurry, I end up getting paranoid and having to go back and check. I left it - or, I didn't, but I found it open once after being at work all day - luckily no one stole anything, but that's pretty much why I'm paranoid about my garage door.

Drugs are bad mmmkay, not a good way to stay healthy.

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Oh man, I'm glad I'm not the only one..... I was obsessed with Fitday.com for like 2 years. I logged EVERYTHING and when I couldn't remember I was stressed. Eventually I decided that it was not good for me to be doing that and I quit. Kinda wish I would get back in the habit, but not so obsessively

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Creepy, he knows!

lol, I have a family member who has to check her curling iron 2-4 times to see if it is unplugged despite the fact that it has an auto off. I think everyone has got a little bit of something.

Oh man, I'm glad I'm not the only one..... I was obsessed with Fitday.com for like 2 years. I logged EVERYTHING and when I couldn't remember I was stressed. Eventually I decided that it was not good for me to be doing that and I quit. Kinda wish I would get back in the habit, but not so obsessively

Yeah, its an interesting thing to do, but only if it doesn't make you less healthy (stressed). I don't plan on doing this for toooo long, but I do giggle a little bit when it makes my grocery list for me :D

Fat people are in shape....I mean round is a shape right?

round is definitely a shape!! :lol:

Everyone stop drinking your lame drinks and switch to Scotch

/thread :D

:p ... scotch???

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Beer IS food. Historically, and still is. It was a way of storing grain, without it spoiling, rotting, or being eaten by critters. Plus it's a liquid that is safe to drink compared to drinking out of the river or stream. Which isn't too good for you. Yes, civilization as we know it was dependent on beer and ale.

+1 Beat me to it.. :) Don't forget that we may have transitioned from nomadic tribes into settled civilizations in Europe mainly out of the desire to tend grain crops for beer... hehehehe Of course, then the climate/weather changes made it more difficult to grow grain so we went to more hardy crops like the potato... so you can think of Vodka as food too, though it severely lacks caloric content.

I depend on a strict regimen of Hookers and Blow to keep my figure in shape. It is great for strength, endurance and cardio-vascular health!! I get lots of rigorous exercise not only using up the whores, but then I get strength training when hauling their corpses to the dumpster!! All the while my heart rate stays at it's target level for exercise because of the exertion and, of course, the drugs. Oh, and extreme paranoia helps you sweat out toxins just like in a fancy sauna!! Some nights I run, mostly from the cops, sometimes from a pimp. But mostly just hookers and blow.

Actually, I eat right and exercise regularly for two reasons:

1: to offset all the damage I have inflicted and will inflict upon my body (both through bodily injury and recreational chemicals)

2: to look good naked

Some people treat their body like a temple, I treat mine like an amusement park. I party like a rockstar, work like a mule and still look 5 years younger than my peers. Plus, chicks dig abs...

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I say enjoy life and live it. Don't waste time obssessing over dieting. Just eat good foods and go on with your day. If you want something EAT IT. Just don't eat until your sick. You can't cheat life. The race started when you were born and you're losing. You're born dying.

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It's blown out of proportion... but I've had to turn around on my commute to work once or twice a month to make sure the door was down - especially in the winter.

That's not OCD though, that's just because the sensors are screwed up and tend to cause the garage door to go all the way down, then come right back up... so I need to make sure the door is down for a good 2-5 full seconds.

Sometimes when I'm in a hurry, I end up getting paranoid and having to go back and check. I left it - or, I didn't, but I found it open once after being at work all day - luckily no one stole anything, but that's pretty much why I'm paranoid about my garage door.

Drugs are bad mmmkay, not a good way to stay healthy.

:lol::lol:awww... thats OK then every mom have OCDs....

did he drink enough

did she drink enough

did he eat enough

did she eat enough

did he poo enough

did she poo enough

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I say enjoy life and live it. Don't waste time obssessing over dieting. Just eat good foods and go on with your day. If you want something EAT IT. Just don't eat until your sick. You can't cheat life. The race started when you were born and you're losing. You're born dying.

I had that policy for mmm... 4 years during which time I gained... ummm, 45 lbs. Yeah. I'll admit, I was underweight before I put on the 45, buuut, I'd like to not put on an additional 45 from just eating whatever. PLUS, what a sweet website, recipes and a grocery list!!!

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shhh, not out loud. I got chocolate cake in the fridge chillin' a bit...yum

Seriously, the fried stuff has to go. Entirely stop at first, then in moderation later on. Your stomach will thank you. Otherwise in a few years you might be doubled up in pain from that particular food habit. And it takes months to recover, if ever. Yes, I did that. And it took two or three months of veggies and bread and zero fried stuff to recover.

I just eat what I want as long as I stay right at 1500 calories. So, I can eat a big mac, but that will be 700 calories of my daily intake, and more than likely I will be hungry again later. But, I also can tell a difference in how my body reacts to certain foods (especially ones I love). I can't eat a snickers bar anymore without my stomach yelling at me (almost literaly). Those things upset my stomach so bad I just learned to stay away from them out of fear. Even milky ways do it. Must be a chocolate thing for me now. And red meat....oh god. I love my steak medium rare, but I am payin' for it later... and so is anyone else that is downwind. So, since I have really been "listening to my body", I have been eating better...but, more or else out of fear of having to sleep in the fetal position.

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