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Where are the WRXs?


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Hi! I use to be a member a long time ago. I haven't been much into cars or racing in several years since I got rid of my 2003 SRT-4. Before that I had a 2002 VW Jetter 1.8T. Several cars later and I got the itch again. Now that the family has been started, I wanted a new toy to play with. I've always wanted a WRX since 2002 when I first got the SRT-4.


Fast forward to last week... I finally got the AWD turbo car I've always wanted. I picked up a used 2009 5-door WRX and have been loving it! As far as I know it's stock. I wanted to join CR to gain some local insight on my car see what direction for modding it would be best. I'm looking to start with a tune and crank up the boost a little.


Here's what she looks like now:











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*le sigh*




I really don't think I deserved that.


lol if you care about that. I got like a billion of those.

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