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The wussification of America...


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In the words of the red stripe guy...

"hooray responsibility"

It is possible to be a good parent without beating your children at every opportunity, my parents did a good job, and I may have been beaten a dozen times the entire time I was growing up. I am terrified to do anything that would disapoint my parents. It's about respect.

that and the knowledge that they can beat you. my friends don't start crap with me because they know they'll get an ass kickin'

(I'm not an ass kickin machine, my friends are just really weak :lol:)

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Someone is dying to be a mommy!

but I agree with you. As a kid my parents used the same method of guilt inducing punishment and I don't think I turned out that bad

don't say that, someone is not dying to be a mommy, someone is actually dying to tell some stupid people who are mommys and daddys to grow up and learn how to raise their children. lol

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haha... either way she sounds like she likes kids

Nothing wrong with that though.. I love kids, and want them... now women on the other hand... well I think you know where that is going, but I can't have one without the other :(

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haha... either way she sounds like she likes kids

Nothing wrong with that though.. I love kids, and want them... now women on the other hand... well I think you know where that is going, but I can't have one without the other :(

you could make a family with two daddys :D

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Well, there are plenty of single mothers out there who are raising children without any sort of alpha male influence, which is needed to promote and encourage the will, or that drive to succeed. No, your kid is not special unless he rides the little bus. Yes, your kid is NOT exempt from a sudden illness or even death. Yes, there are other kids besides yours who will rise in the ranks and be better than your little angel. Of course it's your kid so he/she can do no wrong ever. Wrong attitude. George Carlin said children were like adults. A few winners and a whole lot of losers. Some people are just destined to fail and others have it thrust upon them. That's just life but we should still encourage competition whenever we can. People are NOT made equal...

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Well, there are plenty of single mothers out there who are raising children without any sort of alpha male influence, which is needed to promote and encourage the will, or that drive to succeed. No, your kid is not special unless he rides the little bus. Yes, your kid is NOT exempt from a sudden illness or even death. Yes, there are other kids besides yours who will rise in the ranks and be better than your little angel. Of course it's your kid so he/she can do no wrong ever. Wrong attitude. George Carlin said children were like adults. A few winners and a whole lot of losers. Some people are just destined to fail and others have it thrust upon them. That's just life but we should still encourage competition whenever we can. People are NOT made equal...

I disagree with the G Carlin quote. Children are like playdoh and to complete the analogy adults are rock. There is much dispute about when this change occurs, but I honestly believe it. I have faith in kids to change, adults not so much

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I disagree with the G Carlin quote. Children are like playdoh and to complete the analogy adults are rock. There is much dispute about when this change occurs, but I honestly believe it. I have faith in kids to change, adults not so much

eh, I have faith in both children and adults to change. I've seen it happen... I mean drastic changes, but it took a good kick in the face for the adult to change, where as kids learn from their environment.

I think kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, especially if you challenge them to make good decisions on their own & without being scared to make the wrong one.

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