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Paging any LEO: Drug Related Issue - My turn for drama - Let's Discuss


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Asking any LEO on this board that can perhaps help provide insight on a personal matter affecting me. I want to know there's an LEO ready to help & chomping at the bit to bust a dirt-bag scum fucker:


I have a relative that we are very suspect in having:


  • skimmed Oxycottin off the top of my father's Rx's for the past several months. We will have proof once the Nurse is with me and my father later today to review his meds. (they dispensed only 1/2 his required meds to him)
  • This person also has since confiscated 1-2 Rx's that have been filled in his name and won't return them.
  • This person has also removed $20k in cash from a safe at my parents home
  • This person has moved over $500k in funds out of my fathers name including an additional $150k in cash from a checking account
  • This person will not return his wallet or any of it's contents now that they are no longer to be in the picture of helping him
  • This person has the keys to his car and will not return them
  • This person has blocked all phone access to my elderly mother that they are also assisting
  • This person has been convicted of credit card fraud
  • This person is currently on Oxy as part of their pain regiment.


NOTE: Yes, my wife is a lawyer but not a criminal lawyer, she has for the past 12 months retired and overall we do not want her involved in ANY way to avoid ANY conflict of interest or cloud any issues, thus she's not going to be involved.



  • I have since been appointed sole Power of Attorney (POA), protected several remaining accounts/assets but am looking to pursue the above.
  • I have a meeting set with an Estate/Probate attorney
  • We are considering divorce proceedings
  • I am going to meet with a criminal attorney but in the mean time would love to ultimately see a Sherriff or LEO:
    • Enter their home and
    • seize the drugs taken
    • find other Rx related crimes/evidence
    • verify the multiple weapons on-site are legal
    • confiscate their CCW (Protection order for my father is in process) through the institution where he is located
    • return his wallet to us
    • return his keys to us (I have POA including rights to the vehicle)



Again, my time for drama. All that's transpired...you can't make this shit up. The above is but a fractional % of what we're dealing with too.


NOTE: Not going to kill, rambo anyone, etc....so humor appreciated, keep this real please.



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I shouldn't have to do this, but I'm going to preemptively warn that anything off topic in this thread will get infracted.


Tim, it may help to give an idea what police department would have jurisdiction. I wouldn't think you should have to be asking individual officers for this kind of help. Has local police been dragging their feet?


Chasing the cash may be the angle to go. Money from the safe would be hard, but moving half a mill from one bank account to the next without authorization should be easy peasy to nail them on. I would think any judge would see that and be happy to sign off on a search warrant to allow officers to enter and look for the drugs.

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Assuming the LEO will need probable cause to enter the residence, is this person in possession of the car, or just the keys? Could you report the vehicle stolen, giving the LEO reason to enter the home?
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To be clear...this 'relative' is a sibling or actual blood relative and not married to him, right? I ask because you are understandibly vague but it makes a huge difference. If this is a spouse...whether you like it or not...all the money matters are legit. Aggravating...but legit. Be careful the drug accusations don't get turned back on you, the nurse or others. Good luck.
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I am willing to bet you will find him completely fund-less. That money will never be seen again. I'm telling you this now so that you hold no hope in the future of recovering anything except satisfaction if you get something to "stick" in court.
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To be clear...this 'relative' is a sibling or actual blood relative and not married to him, right? I ask because you are understandibly vague but it makes a huge difference. If this is a spouse...whether you like it or not...all the money matters are legit. Aggravating...but legit. Be careful the drug accusations don't get turned back on you, the nurse or others. Good luck.

I'm assuming it's not his father's spouse because this person is stealing from his father and blocking phone access to his mother. Also, since they are considering divorcing this person you can assume it is either his father's sibling or child.


Tim, I agree you need to pursue legal action and attempt to divorce this family member. I doubt you'll ever see the money returned to your father, but it might be more likely to see something from a civil suit if the criminal charges won't stick.

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Assuming the LEO will need probable cause to enter the residence, is this person in possession of the car, or just the keys? Could you report the vehicle stolen, giving the LEO reason to enter the home?


My mother has the car in the family home in Cleveland. She has one set of keys and my sister the other half of this bullshit has the other.


I assume this person had power of attorney to do all this damage correct? Otherwise it's just theft? Is This person a caretaker?


My mother has POA yes. Most of the transactions she did were simply cleaning out joint accounts so she didn't need POA. HOwever, I just now at the bank found out $103k was off an CD only in his name and that's acting out of best interest and intent of the POA.


To be clear...this 'relative' is a sibling or actual blood relative and not married to him, right? I ask because you are understandibly vague but it makes a huge difference. If this is a spouse...whether you like it or not...all the money matters are legit. Aggravating...but legit. Be careful the drug accusations don't get turned back on you, the nurse or others. Good luck.


My sister and my mother. Some of the money matters are legit while they are still married. A divorce will stop and bring back others. Long story...but we're going in a process before we get to that step.


The good news about the drugs is the facility he is at is obligate by law to report the facts that they have discovered which takes away any accusations and turns them into solid evidence. Your point well taken though. Proceed with caution. check.


I am willing to bet you will find him completely fund-less. That money will never be seen again. I'm telling you this now so that you hold no hope in the future of recovering anything except satisfaction if you get something to "stick" in court.


Yes/no. He has way too much money to be fundless with what's happend and what we've protected this week. However, this will be a battle to get the funds so far back. I'm prepared.


I'm assuming it's not his father's spouse because this person is stealing from his father and blocking phone access to his mother. Also, since they are considering divorcing this person you can assume it is either his father's sibling or child.


no, it's both my mother and my sister. mom disconnected her phone and sister threatened harassment charges if any of us try and contact her.


Tim, I agree you need to pursue legal action and attempt to divorce this family member. I doubt you'll ever see the money returned to your father, but it might be more likely to see something from a civil suit if the criminal charges won't stick.


We're on the way legally. I supposed I asked for LEO info as I'm really honestly, waiting to see a swat team type response to the matter. Gotta have something go his way.


Thanks all. Moving forward and doing our best through all this.

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I would be pressing the missing Oxy and subscription fraud issue with the hospital / police. That should kick start some type of investigation and should trickle down to support the major issue of the funds "missing/taken" Having gone through a similar situation you can kiss that $$ good bye.
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Have you contacted your local PD & asked for any advice on the circumstances and what your next steps should be? Best of luck to you, this looks like it will take you sometime to solve. Edited by Cordell
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Back in 2004-2006 my father went through something very similar with his sister and her husband. He was the PoA for my Aunt (his sister) and came to realize that my Uncle's children, specifically his daughter, transferred a large amount of money out of an account, and it was a figure much larger than the number's you have provided this far. She had a stroke and my uncle had dementia along with a few other mental issues. Pain medication, along with other medication was found missing, along with family heirlooms and very valuable jewelry.


He never had to go Rambo, although he wanted to. I can say that he did a lot of "surveillance" with camera's in his free time. Get as much evidence YOU can. I know it sounds obvious, but literally stockpile as much info you can and walk into the situation of contacting Law Enforcement with your guns loaded and ready to be professional about it. That's what he did, and it ended up with the daughter being put into prison for a few years, and her husband being put in for awhile longer for unrelated charges as well. Not all the money was recovered, but it was enough that they could still live out their days comfortably. Not to mention getting a lot of things back that money simply couldn't buy.


Why people choose to stoop to this low of a level is beyond me, I hope this all turns out for the best for you and your family.

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My mother has the car in the family home in Cleveland. She has one set of keys and my sister the other half of this bullshit has the other.


Yes/no. He has way too much money to be fundless with what's happend and what we've protected this week. However, this will be a battle to get the funds so far back. I'm prepared.


I know from a past life how quickly an addict can go through that amount of cash. Trust me, between being a "friend" to others and treating himself it's feasible.


I wish you all the best and this guy the worst, really.

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My wifes family is in a similar situation. They have been advised to wait until the family member thats been taken advantage of to pass away before proceeding with lawsuit.


if my father passes away before all this is resolved, it's over. No chance of getting any money and the now $780K plus that they have taken will never come to the real intended beneficiaries.


:on topic, Have you contacted your local PD & asked for any advice on the circumstances and what your next steps should be? Best of luck to you, this looks like it will take you sometime to solve.


Going to contact the Police next. Gotta finish up some work here first as I can't lose my job. I'm confident or at least will soon have clarity on the Police and their commitment to serving and protecting. If I were an LEO and met my father and heard even a quick summary of what's happening, I'd likely be in jail for immediately going Rambo on their asses. Very hard for me to say about my own mother but I'm there.


Sorry you're having to go through this, Tim. This is why I disconnected myself from my local family. All they wanted was money and drugs. Hope you are able to get everything worked out.


My brother in Texas has pretty much done that. He's older and tired and been there done this in his life and he's been in the middle of nowhere TX for a while.


I know from a past life how quickly an addict can go through that amount of cash. Trust me, between being a "friend" to others and treating himself it's feasible. I wish you all the best and this guy the worst, really.


Good news is I stopped her from tapping a $200k credit card limit. I closed that after paying $36 in fast food bill. Fucking bitch had the nerve to use my parents CC. They hardly ever if ever used it. Especially given their age.

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I don't really have anything to add, but I wanted to say good luck and I hope things turn out for the best for you. I don't understand how someone could treat a family member like that. My family is dealing with something along the same lines you are (no drugs, just greed) with my step-grandmother. Problem is, since my grandfather died she got everything but the house, which is why she us mad at my family now.
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(extended care facility) aka nursing home.


No. He's in a very nice assisted living center. Like an all inclusive apartment. He just has to relax and deal with his life/health issues. Unfortunately he didn't sign up for this life lesson. At age 82 and a Korean War vet with medals and four kids, college and successful career, he really never ever imagined this.


I don't understand how someone could treat a family member like that. .


Niether do I. I've shed more tears and still am over the whole matter. My brother is Rambo Mad, I'm still stunned and speechless. Very disappointed is what I would say.


He's all of the above but today is the first I've seen him turn to being angry/upset. 58yrs of Marraige and his little girl, my sister, who he took care of his entire life. She's had the ultimate silver spoon and honestly, none of us brothers cared. That's just how my dad being an old school Italian rolled. Care for the women of the family no matter what. Now that they are turning on him. It's like raising Cujo and being killed by him in the end.

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