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OSHP fine?


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My friend is relatively new to Ohio and just got nabbed by OSHP doing 89 in (I'm assuming) a 65mph zone. Odd thing that he texted is that the trooper didn't know what the fine would be.


I've checked OSHP's website and FAQ page, but nothing pops out readily indicating what the fine would be. Any knowledge what the speeding fine breakdown is for OSHP?

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Probably will be wreck less opp too


I thought it was cop's discretion to initiate charges on that, not the judge's.


In other words, if it's not on the ticket, it's not reckless op.

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I once got nabbed for 95 in a 65. I went to court, paid $120 in fee's and got no points. This was 6 weeks after I got an 85 in a 55, and I did the same thing for that.


I started driving slower after that...and bought a laser jammer.

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Just got a text back...no ReckOp.


I told him that I don't know what the cozzies let him get away with in the U.K., but we have LAWS in this country!




Not sure about the UK, but in Australia they will ticket you for 2mph (well, kp/h) over. Fuckers have speed cameras in undercover cars all over.


:fuckyeah: murica, even in ohio we get a courtesy 5+mph


last OSHP ticket I got was $150 or $155

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