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Babysitter's House Caught Fire


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On Thursday our babysitter's house caught fire. It was an electrical fire that started with the clothes dryer. Thank goodness our girls were not there yet and the kids who were go tout safely, along with the sitter and the dog. However, she has lost everything on the lower level of her home and most items upstairs are heavily smoke-damaged.


We are looking for donated children's items (pack n plays, high chairs, booster seats, a swing, bouncy seat, any toys for small children). She lost all of this and since babysitting is her only income and she is a single mom, we are trying to get her back on her feet as quickly as possible. She has been a second mom to our two girls since they were infants.


Please let me know if you have anything you can donate or sell for a small fee and we will arrange to get it from you. Thanks!

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  LJ said:
No shit. Her brother John is a friend of mine and lives directly across the street from us.


Small world! We've been taking the kids to her since they were infants. Couldn't ask for a better sitter. I know she has arranged for a place to stay for awhile. It was definitely a crazy morning.

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sorry to hear that.....we have a 7 month old right now so we're using most of that stuff but there's a church in Lancaster that has a free store she might check with. We donated a ton of stuff to them last year. I'm sure there are also similar church's in columbus she could check with also that will help her out.
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John told me a bit more about the situation this afternoon. Not only am I pissed, but she really could use any help getting back on her feet.
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  10phone2 said:
we should have a few things for her in a couple of days.


Great! Just PM me what you have and we will get the rest figured out. Right now we have arranged for two pack n plays, a high chair and a swing as far as large items go.

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I talked to her and her daughter tonight. They are worn out but Dont seem down. I didn't mention anything about getting stuff to help her out.
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Ugh, we just had a garage sale and gave away everything kid/toy related that didn't sell.


Having said that, I've tried to teach my 6 and 4 year old sons to "help their neighbors", and I would bet they'll donate some toys. I can drop whatever they come up with at your work Wednesday morning.

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  nurkvinny said:
Ugh, we just had a garage sale and gave away everything kid/toy related that didn't sell.


Having said that, I've tried to teach my 6 and 4 year old sons to "help their neighbors", and I would bet they'll donate some toys. I can drop whatever they come up with at your work Wednesday morning.



Sweet! I'm off on Wednesday, but go ahead and drop it off. Just let my guys know its for me and I'll get it Thursday.

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For anyone who was trying to put some things together to donate, our sitter and her daughter are moving in to their new location this weekend and we were going to drop a load of kid stuff off, if possible. We can pick up what you have tomorrow, or you can bring it to our house or Tire Discounters. PM if you need our address.



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  10phone2 said:
another one could be to take donations for her at the next c&c
good idea. maybe if some one could do that and some one on the east side that's driving home could drop that off to derek


  TurboRust said:
For anyone who was trying to put some things together to donate, our sitter and her daughter are moving in to their new location this weekend and we were going to drop a load of kid stuff off, if possible. We can pick up what you have tomorrow, or you can bring it to our house or Tire Discounters. PM if you need our address.



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  Paul said:
good idea. maybe if some one could do that and some one on the east side that's driving home could drop that off to derek


Not opposed to this at all. She told us today that anything is welcome at this point! We can never get to cars and coffee due to work schedules, so any donations are appreciated and welcome.

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