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Lady gets hit by car and people flip out!


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I imagine that if the mob wasn't there, the driver and the lady would have resolved issues (cops may be called to legally resolve it or make some kind of deal such as pay the hospital bills etc).


I don't blame the driver for flooring it out of there, but thought it was unnecessary to go that fast as the maximum running speed of people are typically 5-10 mph or 15 mph for the people in that video. I would have just drove away at about 30 MPH and pulled over in a safe area to call the cops to inform what happened.



Woman not at fault IMO, did not have to drive that fast to get out of the mob.


just out of curiosity.....what's the typical speed of a bullet? Let's say someone is running 5-10mph and then fires a bullet into your car that you're speeding away in at 35mph what is the difference in speed?

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The mind set in that crowd would put me in prison a long time if I went in that environment.


Hermit mode, engaged.


Joe...Joe...JOE!!! Stop having flashbacks!!!


Oh, geez...now you got him started...


Anyone know "Flippy" from Happy Tree Friends? ;)

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I absolutely hate ghetto fucking trash, and that's all That was.


I'm just glad white college students a few miles away from you would NEVER engage in that kind of "ghetto fucking trash" activity.



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Joe...Joe...JOE!!! Stop having flashbacks!!!


Oh, geez...now you got him started...


Anyone know "Flippy" from Happy Tree Friends? ;)


I used to watch happy tree friends, loved that show.



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Here is why there was so many people, and black rubber all over the road... its an "event" they affectionately call "Crenshaw Takeover"


From the same night...




Notice they were friendly to the white kids in the corvette who were acting like retards, also nearly hitting people....



My guess, girl in car tried getting through intersection as they were blocking traffic, and didnt notice the pedestrian when she came through...

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Hate to tell you this is not a race, creed, or color issue, but one of stupid people doing stupid things.


Stupid people in large groups are really scary. This mob thing can end really bad, did right here in central ohio:



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IMO "ghetto fucking trash" has got nothing to do with the color of someone's skin and more to do with their attitude and mentality. I don't give a damn what color this crowd was.


I think the difference is that the day after the OSU riots you wouldn't walk around the campus thinking "these people are ghetto fucking trash". You'd likely think exactly that if you walked through Crenshaw right now.


Don't get it twisted, I probably would too. I'm just as guilty of these biases as any other segregated suburban bred white male. If we are aware of the hypocrisies of our own biases we can challenge our own narrow perspectives.

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Here is why there was so many people, and black rubber all over the road... its an "event" they affectionately call "Crenshaw Takeover"


From the same night...




Notice they were friendly to the white kids in the corvette who were acting like retards, also nearly hitting people....



My guess, girl in car tried getting through intersection as they were blocking traffic, and didnt notice the pedestrian when she came through...


That "car meet" seems legit. Lots of quality racing going on :dumb: after seeing what was going on before she hit that girl, I'm actually upset that she didn't hit more of those retards.


Where are the cops? Y they no care?!

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LOLing at people saying she should have stopped when she hit the truck, like then everyone would exchange information and wait for the cops so they could file a report. IIRC, she's got no issues driving away, but she would have to report it to the police within 24 hours.
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I'm kinda conflicted over this...


The driver was an idiot for hitting that person and deserved having her car trashed in the least.

Call the police, and let the legal system work. The mob violence is retarded



But I don't blame her for plowing through the crowd to get out of there.

Yeah she was probably in fear of getting beat to death



BUT she hit & ran another car that wasn't involved, so I hope she gets the book thrown at her.

I hope she does not get the book thrown at her, once again she could be alive today because of how she fled. Maybe she'll handle the hit and run like an adult and the courts will see what she did was common sense




Sir, you are retarded...

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Definitely dumb on her part running after hitting the truck, however


Yes, because the smart thing to do would have been for her to stop, get out of her car, and talk to the driver of the truck because nothing else was going on around that time and a mob of people that had just smashed her windshield weren't running after her.

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Yes, because the smart thing to do would have been for her to stop, get out of her car, and talk to the driver of the truck because nothing else was going on around that time and a mob of people that had just smashed her windshield weren't running after her.



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Yes, because the smart thing to do would have been for her to stop, get out of her car, and talk to the driver of the truck because nothing else was going on around that time and a mob of people that had just smashed her windshield weren't running after her.


The smart thing would have been to drive off in a controlled manner and NOT hit the truck. But hey, maybe endangering others when fleeing a mob is mandatory. I must've skipped that day of class.

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The smart thing would have been to drive off in a controlled manner and NOT hit the truck. But hey, maybe endangering others when fleeing a mob is mandatory. I must've skipped that day of class.


She technically only really endangered the mob surrounding her car (which I'm perfectly okay with). That truck was barely hit...I highly doubt any injuries occurred.

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