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iOS7 Beta


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  • New/Smaller font looks cleaner and gets more stuff on the screen
  • New icons look lame with dark background on black phone
  • Reminds of the the windows 8 phone I hated
  • A better settings menu slides from the bottom
  • Overall ... feeling more negative than positive ...



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You could always arrange the icons freely.


Nope! You needed to Jailbreak and install "Gridlock"


I mean space them out or line them up the way you want. Install an app and it falls one behind the next currently.

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I liked apple products at first but I have had the same phone since, 2009... Yes the 3gs and 4, 4s. The only thing changing is slimmer and a bit in style... the font and icons get clearer. Other than that, nothing is new.


This is how much it has changed in 6 years... :(


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No need to update to this and lose jailbreak. I don't care about the new look because it is just slimmed down. Kind of like how each new iphone gets skinnier. At least they are good at developing that technology...
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Dear apple:

You're welcome

-The jailbreak community



All the new stuff is nice, I installed a the beta build on one phone I have since i have a dev account. Its nice I like the changes, I would still like widgets but overall seems quite polished

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So, what you're getting at is... The iPhone will look like an Android, but it'll actually work? Great!


Weird how something that takes up 75% of the market doesnt work. 2006 called, they want their anti-android argument back.

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Weird how something that takes up 75% of the market doesnt work. 2006 called, they want their anti-android argument back.


2006 left a message, they said it's still relevant, 7 years later.

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I think the biggest plus for the new iOS/new iPhone will be a battery life advantage.


BINGO! I love my phone but cant fucking stand that i cant go an entire day without charging it. Every Saturday it will die b/c i'll be out doing something and wont have time to charge it fully before going out that night, biggest pain in the ass.

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I'm calling Crayola because the fucking crayons my kids use are the same fucking ones I had as a kid. WTF kinda innovation is that? Couple new colors, a few new shapes, but fuck, basically the same damn thing.


Fuck it, I'm switching them to markers from this point forward.......


I'm waiting for iOS 8. Rumor is they will have smellovision and feelovision on the next iPad. Will make porn seem so much better.

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Weird how something that takes up 75% of the market doesnt work. 2006 called, they want their anti-android argument back.


75% of the phone market? Weird how apple makes so much money than with only 25% they must know business. The whole apple vs android argument is lame now. Use what you use and laugh online with the other about how apple sucks. Because adults don't care anymore. Besides you douches root everything anyway

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BINGO! I love my phone but cant fucking stand that i cant go an entire day without charging it. Every Saturday it will die b/c i'll be out doing something and wont have time to charge it fully before going out that night, biggest pain in the ass.


There are tons of USB external batteries you can buy to charge your phone. I carry 2 fully charged on me. I can charge my phone and PSP from 1% to 100% in the middle of the forest.

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2006 left a message, they said it's still relevant, 7 years later.

Last time I checked I don't have to jailbreak my phone to customize it. IOS is slowly becoming irrelivant and people are jumping ship. I've seen quite a few of my IPHONE using friends switch, Why spend 200$ to upgrade to a iphone 5 when for 99$ you can get a Samsung S4 which is a far superior phone.


Apple started out great they came on the scene and brought in some new ideas and concepts. But the problem is they stayed the same for the most part. While Android has been constantly making major changes and reinviting the smart phone, A recent shoot out between Siri and Google Now showed that not only was google Now faster it was more relivent.


So if your goal with your phone is to have a talking assitant that makes jokes and you enjoy being locked down to using Itunes for all of your functions by all means get a iphone. But if you want freedom to customize and modify your phone then Android is the way.


Smart phones have came a long way since my old PPC 6700 and Mogul. I remeber when I got my iphone 3g I was stoked about not needing to reboot my phone 3 times a day.

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But if you want freedom to customize and modify your phone then Android is the way.


Still curious as to what productivity increasing valuable customizations an S4 would give me over an iPhone. I am curiously interestd in the S4 but if it's just going to give me geeky shit to tweak and no real value, then why change for change sake?


Let me know.

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