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Feeding Tube Removal


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Fill's gagging made it all worth it. On the downside, they put the wrong one in and I have to go through getting a new one put in the morning. Click for the video. I'm not a big fan of the way it embeds vids from Photobucket.



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Pancreatitis, Docs say the Pancreas needs to completely rest in order to heal. When ever you eat or drink anything, it does the exact opposite. I have not been allowed to eat since I came in to the hospital on Friday evening. Supposed to show improvement after a couple of days and mine has actually started to get worse. They say I need my nutrients and what not, so feeding tube it is.



The real shitty part is that I asked the Doc how long I will need the feeding tube until I get better. He said he has seen people take as much as 7-8 weeks, so its kind up in the air. I am really hoping that I can be back home before the weekend is over. On the flip side I get Dilaudid every 3 hours and Phenergan every 4hours. The shots of blood thinner in my stoma h hurt like shit though.

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I forgot about the blood thinners. I had those when I spent 2 weeks in the hospital as well, no they are not fun. That sucks about the tube. When I was in there I had no appetite what so ever. I actually lost 48lbs in a week because I just wouldnt eat anything.


That's crazy...it's possible to lose 48 pounds in a week without eating?


Note to self.....don't eat anything for a week. :fuckyeah:

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I forgot about the blood thinners. I had those when I spent 2 weeks in the hospital as well, no they are not fun. That sucks about the tube. When I was in there I had no appetite what so ever. I actually lost 48lbs in a week because I just wouldnt eat anything.


I didn't have an appetite until yesterday. Im not really hungry but I cant stop thinking about food lol.

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I didn't have an appetite until yesterday. Im not really hungry but I cant stop thinking about food lol.


Watch porn. It will take your mind off the food. ;)


That's crazy...it's possible to lose 48 pounds in a week without eating? Note to self.....don't eat anything for a week.



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