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Responses to TM and Zimmerman Trial


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Bottom line is that there is guilt on both sides. Both parties made bad decisions that lead to the death of a young kid.


Zimmerman was over zealous and should have called the cops and went back to minding his own fuckin biz and it is very likely that he was profiling. A lesson for everyone really.


Martin should have gotten the hell out of there if he was truely scared. Granted he was not doing anything wrong or illegal regardless of his views on race.



With that said. If I were Z, I would have continued to mind my own biz and not profile the kid. If I witnessed something illegal then I would have called the cops. That is what neighborhood watch is supposed to do. Nothing more. It is amazing how much trouble can hapen when you involve yourself in other people's biz.


Now if I were TM, and I had some "crazy ass cracker" following me around, I would have knocked that mother fucker out too. The smart thing would have been to run away but I will stand my ground too.


A lesson here is to mind your own fucking biz.



It amazes me that we are where we are in life and race continues to dominate subjects like this.


It also amazes me to watch peoples true colors come out in situations like this, who supposedly are not racist. The comments and racial undertones tell it all no matter how much you try to hide it. There truely are some very ignorant people in this world on both sides of the race card.


In my opinion simply pulling the race card is racist no matter who it is. And those who use stereotypes to argue or get their point across are even worse.



Should Zimmerman go to jail?

I think he should. He overstepped his bounds and someone died as a result. I don't think he deserves life but he deffinitly deserves some form of punishment.

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For rent/lease/sale.

But I think he will walk just because. All this is getting more attention than it should IMO.


Lying under oath...doesn't sound like a rock solid "witness."


She definitely isn't helping the cause of TM in my eyes. Her attitude alone is completely uncalled for, especially in this setting.

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I really don't care, looks like a case of Darwinism to me. Bunch of stupid fuckers being stupid, all of them. I wasn't there so that is my way of looking at it, because it seems like both sides are about worthless.
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The smart thing would have been to run away but I will stand my ground too.


^^ :lol:

Translated to be that you know the smart thing but would still to choose to do the dumb thing even with knowing by examples that it's dumb.


I'm not even gonna waste my time reading it but based off the title im not surprised at all that you posted this.


Yep....you'd stand your ground alright. Your statement qualifies you as a politician. For the record I'm offended that you're comment seems to profile me based on my historical record.

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I dont think he deserves to go to jail.. Of some of the court hearings I have listened to, the kid was probably acting like a thug up to no good. Would I have followed him? Maybe from a distance to make sure he didnt do anything hes not suppose to do. But in my head from the stuff I read it seems he followed him, then TM started running his mouth. When TM tried beating his ass he got shot.


In my head I cant imagine what it would be like to use my gun to protect myself, and then be in Zimm position. Missing all of the work, spending thousands in court costs.



PS- I am so sick of hearing Black VS White.... I read (not always true) There has been 17 deaths in the same town TM was shot, Black shooter, black guy dies.... Didnt see anything on the news about those..

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Missing all of the work, spending thousands in court costs.


One of the bigger reasons on why it is a bad idea to follow or confront someone you find suspicious. There is no reason to actively put yourself in that situation. That's the opposite of self preservation

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One of the bigger reasons on why it is a bad idea to follow or confront someone you find suspicious. There is no reason to actively put yourself in that situation. That's the opposite of self preservation


Ok I agree, but say Zimm was walking and TM wanted to be a thug and jump him. Zimm felt his life was in danger and shot him.. He would be in the same situation I think...



It almost makes me nervous to use my handgun if I had to, to avoid all of this.. God forbid if he / she is of color..

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Anyone who thinks there is any evidence beyond a reasonable doubt is seriously retarded. Regardless of whether he was in the moral right for doing what he did is irrelevant, in the legal sense this isn't even a contest. I've heard speeding tickets with more credible arguments than any of this shit.


Zimmerman walks, begins new life in Montana as John Doe.

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Don't think Zimmerman should go to jail? Clearly you are an ignorant, ill-informed, racist waste of life. I'll accept nothing else.


So what charge would you convict him under?


What facts are you using to call the poser a racist?

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Bottom line is that there is guilt on both sides. Both parties made bad decisions that lead to the death of a young kid.


Zimmerman was over zealous and should have called the cops and went back to minding his own fuckin biz and it is very likely that he was profiling. A lesson for everyone really.


Martin should have gotten the hell out of there if he was truely scared. Granted he was not doing anything wrong or illegal regardless of his views on race.



With that said. If I were Z, I would have continued to mind my own biz and not profile the kid. If I witnessed something illegal then I would have called the cops. That is what neighborhood watch is supposed to do. Nothing more. It is amazing how much trouble can hapen when you involve yourself in other people's biz.


Now if I were TM, and I had some "crazy ass cracker" following me around, I would have knocked that mother fucker out too. The smart thing would have been to run away but I will stand my ground too.


A lesson here is to mind your own fucking biz.



It amazes me that we are where we are in life and race continues to dominate subjects like this.


It also amazes me to watch peoples true colors come out in situations like this, who supposedly are not racist. The comments and racial undertones tell it all no matter how much you try to hide it. There truely are some very ignorant people in this world on both sides of the race card.


In my opinion simply pulling the race card is racist no matter who it is. And those who use stereotypes to argue or get their point across are even worse.



Should Zimmerman go to jail?

I think he should. He overstepped his bounds and someone died as a result. I don't think he deserves life but he deffinitly deserves some form of punishment.


Well put. I agree with everything you said.

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Don't think Zimmerman should go to jail? Clearly you are an ignorant, ill-informed, racist waste of life. I'll accept nothing else.


What evidence do you have? You are the ignorant one. Remove emotions from the trial - this is a no-brainer. Morally, I think Zimmerman is a piece of shit for trying to take matters into his own hands, but legally, he's squeaky clean.

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This shit is getting old, calling each other racist and talking about this shit isn't going anywhere. You guys want to flame each other do it on some other topic.


Yep, tired of the race baiting this subject brings, and the fact people can't be civil about it.


Take it to facebook like the rest of 'merica.

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