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Fleas: Frontline(fiprinol) Resistance


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Well its high flea season.. and despite monthly frontline treatments we have them.


With 5 animals, we are always proactive with the flea prevention.

The usual suspects -

Blankets washed frequently, Floors vacuumed often...

Our Vet has suggested we try Sentinel, which is the upgraded Heartguard (heartworm prevention)

Its a pill and it kills fleas too!


Im hoping this works... i hate these littel buggers.


I tried K9Advantix II for a month but apparently the chimical they use isnt safe for cats?? (according to the vet, yes i know they make a cat forumula)


So.. What is working/not workig for yall?

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Do you treat your lawn for fleas, ticks, flies, ants? If not I highly suggest doing it at least twice a year. I used to not do this and always got fleas on the animals. A few passes on all of my grass with growth regulator and no more issues. If you have the liquid stuff you can spray it on concrete. I haven't had issues with it but test it out yourself if it bothers you.
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Do you treat your lawn for fleas, ticks, flies, ants? If not I highly suggest doing it at least twice a year. I used to not do this and always got fleas on the animals. A few passes on all of my grass with growth regulator and no more issues. If you have the liquid stuff you can spray it on concrete. I haven't had issues with it but test it out yourself if it bothers you.


I have enough issues with using chemicals directly on/in my dogs, im certainly not going to spray my yard where i grow my own food.

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They sleep in the bed with us, definitely no fleas.


INteresting read on trifexis vs sentinal.

The comments are very educational-



Im still not sure which is better, but since we think our puppy i a border collie mix, we may stick with sentinal and use capstar couple doses of capstar

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I have enough issues with using chemicals directly on/in my dogs, im certainly not going to spray my yard where i grow my own food.


I have a garden in my backyard and I still eat what I pull out of the ground. No weird side effects yet :) I am not an exterminator but IMO an IGR is the only sure bet to keep fleas from bothering you. If your yard and carpet are treated it doesn't matter about anything else long term. Fleas can travel and will land in your yard, your pets, and make it inside but will lose the ability to reproduce. They will die shortly after.


There has to be some organic plant based method out there...

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There has to be some organic plant based method out there...


Breweres yeast was considered an alternative for a long time, but its just not as effective, but i have never had great luck with it.



Vitamin B

Brewer's yeast is touted as a natural remedy for fleas for dogs and cats because fleas have an aversion to thiamine, which is found in abundance in brewer's yeast. Thiamine is part of the B complex vitamins. When you feed brewer's yeast to your pet, it ingests the thiamine and exudes it through its skin; it can even be found in its blood, and the taste and odor drive fleas away.



The recommended dose of brewer's yeast to drive away fleas is 1 tsp. for cats and smaller dogs, 2 tsp. for medium-sized dogs and up to a tablespoon for large dogs. It will take at least four weeks of oral doses of brewer's yeast for the brewer's yeast to effectively drive away fleas, so you should begin supplementing your pet's diet with brewer's yeast in early spring if you hope to prevent a flea infestation. Brewer's yeast as an oral supplement will not work as a flea deterrent for every pet, though it will work with most pets. While excess B vitamins will be flushed out of your pet's body in its urine, excess amounts of brewer's yeast can cause skin allergies. Keep an eye on your pet's health and do not give it excessive amounts of brewer's yeast.


Flea Powder

If you are unsure about feeding your pet brewer's yeast or want to speed up the process of driving away fleas, you can also apply brewer's yeast externally. Put brewer's yeast on your pet's coat and rub it in. Not only does this drive away fleas, but it is also much safer for your pet to lick brewer's yeast off of its coat than to lick and ingest the pesticides found in most flea powders.




Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5241147_brewer_s-yeast-rid-fleas_.html#ixzz2Yl8V9VUm

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Whats the cost like?

Where do you buy? Is

At our vet-

Sentinal is 10.75 per pill for 51-100# dogs


Trifexis is more expensive than Sentinal.


Sentinal just came back on the market due to a long Novartis shutdown. Trifexis was sold as the Sentinal substitute. I wouldn't say that Trifexis is better though

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I have enough issues with using chemicals directly on/in my dogs, im certainly not going to spray my yard where i grow my own food.


There is garden dust you can use on animals and plants. Same stuff in the flea drops. It's always reccomended to treat your yard.

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We have been using Revolution for the dogs this year and haven't had any flea problems. I think it was close to $175 for the year for a dog in the 20lb range. We have a house cat that is allergic to fleas so we always have to take special flea precautions. If she gets bitten she loses her fur.
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we have been battling the shit out of the fleas lately and nothing we do seems to work. I've used about every bomb, spray, and pill on the market. I just bombed the house this week for the 3rd time this summer and am still seeing fleas. We vacuum everyday and spray the carpets. I got a bag of diatomaceous earth that I'm going to dust around the house and out in the yard but that only kills the adults. My yard is where I think I'm making the mistake. I haven't treated the yard with anything so that's next on my list. The problem is the chemicals haven't even killed the fleas in the house. The pets were boarded while we were on vacation and I bombed before we left and after we got back then kept the animals in the garage for 2 days while I bathed/dipped them before bringing them back in. No difference. I've about given up on being able to get rid of them myself. Not sure what else I can do other than treating the yard but like I say....I've barely made a dent on the ones in the house. Tired of putting all these chemicals down with a 9 month old crawling around too.
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Well its high flea season.. and despite monthly frontline treatments we have them.


With 5 animals, we are always proactive with the flea prevention.

The usual suspects -

Blankets washed frequently, Floors vacuumed often...

Our Vet has suggested we try Sentinel, which is the upgraded Heartguard (heartworm prevention)

Its a pill and it kills fleas too!


Im hoping this works... i hate these littel buggers.


I tried K9Advantix II for a month but apparently the chimical they use isnt safe for cats?? (according to the vet, yes i know they make a cat forumula)


So.. What is working/not workig for yall?

Advantix used to make a cat formula. I know my cut got really sick when he licked my dogs back (There weird).

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Do you treat your lawn for fleas, ticks, flies, ants? If not I highly suggest doing it at least twice a year. I used to not do this and always got fleas on the animals. A few passes on all of my grass with growth regulator and no more issues. If you have the liquid stuff you can spray it on concrete. I haven't had issues with it but test it out yourself if it bothers you.


^^ This. It's the best thing IMO. No fleas in the yard and no fleas on your pets. Having very short haired dogs helps us but the Brindle makes finding fleas a nightmare thus we check the black/white one most often as a test case. Knock on wood, never had them and don't want them. I just had a second application of bug stuff applied this week too as with all the rain shit is bound to explode out of the ground.


I have enough issues with using chemicals directly on/in my dogs, im certainly not going to spray my yard where i grow my own food.


Meh...you'll be fine. Just keep it away from the food as best you can. Besides, you likely eat a shit-ton of chemicals in food you don't grow so the little bit more that you get in your yard isn't what you should be fearing.


We have been using Revolution for the dogs this year and haven't had any flea problems. I think it was close to $175 for the year for a dog in the 20lb range. We have a house cat that is allergic to fleas so we always have to take special flea precautions. If she gets bitten she loses her fur.


^^ this too. Have used Revolution for years. I buy it from a place in Australia that ships to the US and it's like $12mo for two 70+lb dogs. Worth the savings if you can wait the 7-10 days to get it. I buy 12mos at a time and there's no need to present and Rx for the Heartworm either. Some vets here make you do that.

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