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Zimmerman found not guilty


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Queston: When you guys say "woot" and "good", what do you feel is the victory?


I don't believe anyone honestly feels like this is some form of "victory". The case has sure made a left vs right and a racial issue out of an altercation. Lost my train of thought...........there's boobs on TV.

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Which part of the second amendment gives one the power to provoke a confrontation then assert deadly force when one realizes they bit off more then they could chew?


I agree that the evidence was lacking and the prosecution was a joke, but I certainly don't understand how this feels like an emotional victory for anyone.

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Which part of the second amendment gives one the power to provoke a confrontation then assert deadly force when one realizes they bit off more then they could chew?

Trayvon was on his third suspension that year from school for drugs and graffiti bullshit and was carrying a backpack with jewelry "a friend gave him" in it when cops arrived.


But maybe you're right, maybe Trayvon was a just a misunderstood kid out in the middle of the night planting trees for mother Earth and helping old people cross the street when this crazed Mexican goon bumrushed him.

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Trayvon was on his third suspension that year from school for drugs and graffiti bullshit and was carrying a backpack with jewelry "a friend gave him" in it when cops arrived.


Oh shit, I didn't know those warranted the death penalty in FL.


You are right, the world is a better place without him. Good on GZ, either way... nod, nod, wink.

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Good on the innocent vote. Z wasn't guilty of anything but defending himself and the nieghborhood.


Which part of the second amendment gives one the power to provoke a confrontation then assert deadly force when one realizes they bit off more then they could chew?


Has nothing to do with the 2nd ammendment. It's his right to defend himself. If the prosecution was hoping for manslaughter at the worse, then they should have found evidence of provocation. They didn't.


I agree that the evidence was lacking and the prosecution was a joke, but I certainly don't understand how this feels like an emotional victory for anyone.


because at the end of the day the general population may feel Zimmerman is a fucking bastard that is tired of the bad guys winning but Trayvon was no fucking angel and the world knows it. About fucking time the bad guys take one in the ass in the public eye. Trayvon should have kept running instead of trying to be all bad-ass. Darwin scores again.

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If any form of authority questions me, I don't reply with fists.


Quad Post FTW.


If a black man is following you in a dark neighborhood at night while you are armed with a bag of skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea your natural instinct is fight of flight. Mine would be too.


We don't know with certainty who instigated the conflict. To say you do is being disingenuous. If GZ was the instigator, then stand your ground should not be an option. In Florida, it still is. Either way, nobody knows and the only story that can be told is by the one whose self interest it is in to create a mitigating narrative.


Our justice system demands a burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. This caveat is what creates the distinction between "innocent" and "not guilty".

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