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Zimmerman found not guilty


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Hopefully this is a lesson to everyone that isn't the police, mind your own business.


I disagree. Hopefully this is a message to everyone to get involved. Block Watch and community involvement is way more powerful than the a few cops.


Fuck minding my own business. Not advocating the Zimmerman approach but if ones neighborhood is experiencing a boosted level of crimes, the last thing anyone should do is simply mind their own business.

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What the fuck? I said I agree with the verdict.


Clearly intellectual capital and reading comprehension skills are not prerequisites for "Super Moderator" status. I'd think the latter would at least be recommended.



*Edit... Way to Ninja edit your way out of that one.


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I disagree. Hopefully this is a message to everyone to get involved. Block Watch and community involvement is way more powerful than the a few cops.


Fuck minding my own business. Not advocating the Zimmerman approach but if ones neighborhood is experiencing a boosted level of crimes, the last thing anyone should do is simply mind their own business.


I agree completely, one could argue that many of the mast shady neighborhoods are that way because people do just that "mind their own business" It's the same reason that as a kid my friends and I could get away with very little because the whole neighborhood was in our business but it kept us straight

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I disagree. Hopefully this is a message to everyone to get involved. Block Watch and community involvement is way more powerful than the a few cops.


Fuck minding my own business. Not advocating the Zimmerman approach but if ones neighborhood is experiencing a boosted level of crimes, the last thing anyone should do is simply mind their own business.



Block watch is one thing, putting yourself in danger because of a few break-ins just ignorant.

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There's no victory here, even if found guilty. Zimmerman asked for everything that happened that night. I agree with the "stand your ground" law, but if you go looking for trouble and get in over your head, I don't think that should allow the force he used.

Oh well, not much sense in arguing either side any further...hopefully a lesson was learned, so this doesn't happen again.

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Block watch is one thing, putting yourself in danger because of a few break-ins just ignorant.


Exactly. The result of this? Someone is dead and another spent 100's of thousands on legal fees. Not worth it. Self preservation is key.

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Black out your profile pics on Facebook to show your support for TRAYVON. 1 like= 1 supporter




I never said I support TM either. Your capiticy four nuance within a perspective is about as significant as Not Brian's.


My point is that many of you have convicted Trayvon of guilt (Being on top, jumping Zimmerman, etc.) with exactly as much evidence as was used to aquit Zimmerman, which is to say: not enough. Zimmerman was not found to be innocent, he was found to be not guilty based on a lack of evidence. That same lack of evidence would aquit Martin if the Zimmerman had been armed with the skittles instead (and if the justice system was truly fair).



Your Neg really broke my heart.

Edited by iwishiwascool
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I never said I support TM either. Your capiticy four nuance within a perspective is about as significant as Not Brian's.


My point is that many of you have convicted Trayvon of guilt (Being on top, jumping Zimmerman, etc.) with exactly as much evidence as was used to aquit Zimmerman, which is to say: not enough. Zimmerman was not found to be innocent, he was found to be not guilty based on a lack of evidence. That same lack of evidence would aquit Martin if the Zimmerman had been armed with the skittles instead (and if the justice system was truly fair).



Your Neg really broke my heart.


are you fucking serious, there is direct evidence that shows that trayvon was on top. maybe thats the problem with you and others. you tend to ignore the facts and evidence.


lets take a quick walk down evidence lane


key eye witness testified that trayvon was on top (only other witness that testified who she saw was on top wasnt sure until weeks later when she watched the news.....)


zimmerman's clothing showed him being on the ground


forensic specialist testified that trayvons hoodie was 2-4 inches away from his body when he was shot, meaning he was leaning over zimmerman


only marks/cuts/abrasions to trayvon were on his knuckles and the gun shot wound.

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trayvon martines pants




not sure about you but those look like grass stains to me

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I'm glad he was not guilty. He was a man about it and didn't run away after he shot him, plus he admitted to shooting him.


"Iwishiwascool" what is your point in all your comments? Are you just angry at whoever is happy that justice was served?


Yes I know a kid was killed and I feel slightly bad for the family but he still was a thug. Which probably means he would have ruined someone's life eventually if he didn't before all this. Just because he had skittles and an iced tea doesn't mean he didn't break into someone's car to pay for it.

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I'm glad he was not guilty. He was a man about it and didn't run away after he shot him, plus he admitted to shooting him.


"Iwishiwascool" what is your point in all your comments? Are you just angry at whoever is happy that justice was served?


Yes I know a kid was killed and I feel slightly bad for the family but he still was a thug. Which probably means he would have ruined someone's life eventually if he didn't before all this. Just because he had skittles and an iced tea doesn't mean he didn't break into someone's car to pay for it.


^^^ Agreed, 1,000,000% ^^^

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trayvon martines pants




not sure about you but those look like grass stains to me


That's odd, why are there only grass stains on the knees if he was being attacked?:wtf: Oh that's right, the "good" kid, who was going to "turn his life around" was beating the hell out of Zimmerman...............

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It's actually quite simple people. Zimmerman losing the fight is not in question or even relevant. What is in question is who started it. None of you have evidence of who actually made first contact. I see accusations and assumptions based on what you think you know and fabricated stories. They cant prove who started the fight as that the most important part of this. If they don't know, then you don't know so stop acting like you do. This missing piece is why the trial never stood a chance. I do think that because he left the car he will lose the wrongful death suit.


Zimmerman could have ran up on the kid like SWAT and tried to make a citizens arrest for all we know. Failing at wrestling the kid down COULD have lead to him getting his ass beat.... Who knows. I wishiwascool is right. I see people making assumptions to support their side, while making it appear as others assumptions are irrelevant.

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are you fucking serious, there is direct evidence that shows that trayvon was on top. maybe thats the problem with you and others. you tend to ignore the facts and evidence.


I believe the verdict was correct because of the "facts and evidence".


I believe it is probable that Martin was on top. What we don't know is whether Martin was "standing his ground"; we don't know who initiated the conflict, we don't know what Zimmerman said or did in the moments preceding the event.


What if Zimmerman approached Martin, grabbed his arm and showed him his holstered gun? What if it wasn't holstered, what if Zimmerman intended to hold Martin at gunpoint until police arrived (having no authority to do so). The point is that we don't know. Many of you are convicting Martin on the basis of his ThuggishRuggishness which is exactly why this is a race issue. You are filling the gaps left by a lack of evidence and filling them with stereotypes.


I have zero emotion invested in this case aside from the fact that I live in a "stand your ground" state and think twice in situations of potential conflict. What I am concerned about is the complete lack of culpability for putting in oneself in a situation in which you choose or must stand your ground. I think it is absolutely crazy that I can go initiate a conflict with a dude twice my size then pull out a gun when I lose control of the situation.


I believe in castle doctrine, I support gun ownership, I cannot believe there are laws that give the power of life and death to sad sorry fucks who can initiate a fight and become executioner if they cannot finish it. Fight pursuant to the code of a gentleman.

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OK, I am a little old, have any of you heard of a concoction(drug) called lean??

I saw this on another forum and thought I'd ask the question and share for those of you like me had never heard of this...here you go:





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It's actually quite simple people. Zimmerman losing the fight is not in question or even relevant. What is in question is who started it. None of you have evidence of who actually made first contact. I see accusations and assumptions based on what you think you know and fabricated stories. They cant prove who started the fight as that the most important part of this. If they don't know, then you don't know so stop acting like you do. This missing piece is why the trial never stood a chance. I do think that because he left the car he will lose the wrongful death suit.


Zimmerman could have ran up on the kid like SWAT and tried to make a citizens arrest for all we know. Failing at wrestling the kid down COULD have lead to him getting his ass beat.... Who knows


this. so many assumptions have been made from both sides. People should be more upset with the misleading media coverage, horrible prosecution effort, and our nation for letting this become what it has.

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this. so many assumptions have been made from both sides. People should be more upset with the misleading media coverage, horrible prosecution effort, and our nation for letting this become what it has.




P.S. The media thanks you all for their larger payday and looks forward to the next hot topic they can use to divide us.

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What if Zimmerman approached Martin, grabbed his arm and showed him his holstered gun? What if it wasn't holstered, what if Zimmerman intended to hold Martin at gunpoint until police arrived (having no authority to do so). The point is that we don't know. Many of you are convicting Martin on the basis of his ThuggishRuggishness which is exactly why this is a race issue. You are filling the gaps left by a lack of evidence and filling them with stereotypes..


and here is exactly the other problem, you are assuming that if martin was white, zimmerman wouldnt have profiled him as up to no good.

this is not a race issue, never was. martin fit the description of previous suspects who broke into houses in that neighborhood. coincidentally they happen to be young black men.


in my eyes, i dont care about skin color, anyone who displays ones self as a wannabe gangster, will be treated and reacted to like one.


if you saw a person (leave race out of it) wondering around your neighborhood who you did not know, was walking next to the house windows where people dont walk. in the middle of the night, while its raining. would that draw your attention? would you find it somewhat suspicious based on previous events?


are you also excluding zimmermans previous history with black people? such as mentoring black children and taking a black girl to prom? i guess thats the heart of a true racist right there.


its sad that people want this to be a racial issue soooo bad even when there is no evidence that supports that

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I'm hoping that if anything, this trial shows some people that if you want to act like a thug, be prepared to get treated and profiled as one. This doesn't apply to white, black, Hispanic, etc. but really anyone regardless of race.


I think it would be awesome if a leader in the black community in that area piped up and said something about this case, and how the judicial system works since apparently people don't think "justice" was done. It seems that instead of this, they continue to egg on protests and demand "justice." Do most schools not teach the branches of government? Checks and balances? The point lf jurys? Maybe it is an Ohio thing or just happened at my school, but the system of checks and balances along with my constitutional rights were harped upon time and time again during school. It seems people aren't understand with this case "innocent until proven guilty." No proof or evidence exists (that was brought forth) shows that Zimmerman did not act in self defense. This isn't to say Martin was black and therefore a thug. That's a flat out ignorant assumption on anyone's part. His social media appears to show his life a little different than the cutesie lifestyle everyone made it look to be. I have no solid proof, but from what I've heard is he tested positive for more than just dope. But who are any of us to judge. It's his life.


Undoubtedly, this is a sad case. I feel sorry for TM's parents as they lost a child. I also believe it is unfortunate that a young life had to be taken in all of this. This does not mean that I feel sorry for TM at all. As said, he acted like a thug, and may have well been up to no good. Also he may have been just walking home. Zimmerman was innocent. The case is closed. But of course, some people seem to have never learned that in life you don't always get your way, crying and bitching about it won't make it change. It just makes you look like a fucking idiot.


Edit: it's a damn shame that people get all riled up about this. Then the government has a load of corruption and scandals, no one bats a fucking eye.

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