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Zimmerman found not guilty


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I do think that because he left the car he will lose the wrongful death suit.


Doubtful such a case will even be heard. I haven't pulled details on it, but IIRC, Stand Your Ground and being found to have shot him in Self Defense will thus protect Zimmerman from any Wrongful Death lawsuit. Thus why the family will have to look at the HOA for money...but I do believe they were offered a settlement already.

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Doubtful such a case will even be heard. I haven't pulled details on it, but IIRC, Stand Your Ground and being found to have shot him in Self Defense will thus protect Zimmerman from any Wrongful Death lawsuit. Thus why the family will have to look at the HOA for money...but I do believe they were offered a settlement already.


i dont believe they used the stand your ground offense. if they would have, they would have done it before trial or pursued it if zimmerman were to be found guilty. they only used self defense.

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i dont believe they used the stand your ground offense. if they would have, they would have done it before trial or pursued it if zimmerman were to be found guilty. they only used self defense.


Yes, stand your ground is a pre-trial hearing with a judge who makes the determination. They used the standard self defense

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i dont believe they used the stand your ground offense. if they would have, they would have done it before trial or pursued it if zimmerman were to be found guilty. they only used self defense.


Yes, SYG and Self Defense were both applied to the defenses case. Thus again, in Florida, I believe Zimmerman is not able to be prosecuted civilly as that's one of the main points within SYG. Doing so would be a form of double jeopardy. It's a good law too. It's what allows me to shoot/kill an intruder in my home and not have to worry about the fuckers family profiting from his crime that eventually lead to his own death.

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I never said I support TM either. Your capiticy four nuance within a perspective is about as significant as Not Brian's.


My point is that many of you have convicted Trayvon of guilt (Being on top, jumping Zimmerman, etc.) with exactly as much evidence as was used to aquit Zimmerman, which is to say: not enough. Zimmerman was not found to be innocent, he was found to be not guilty based on a lack of evidence. That same lack of evidence would aquit Martin if the Zimmerman had been armed with the skittles instead (and if the justice system was truly fair).



Your Neg really broke my heart.



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I believe the verdict was correct because of the "facts and evidence".


I believe it is probable that Martin was on top. What we don't know is whether Martin was "standing his ground"; we don't know who initiated the conflict, we don't know what Zimmerman said or did in the moments preceding the event.


What if Zimmerman approached Martin, grabbed his arm and showed him his holstered gun? What if it wasn't holstered, what if Zimmerman intended to hold Martin at gunpoint until police arrived (having no authority to do so). The point is that we don't know. Many of you are convicting Martin on the basis of his ThuggishRuggishness which is exactly why this is a race issue. You are filling the gaps left by a lack of evidence and filling them with stereotypes.


I have zero emotion invested in this case aside from the fact that I live in a "stand your ground" state and think twice in situations of potential conflict. What I am concerned about is the complete lack of culpability for putting in oneself in a situation in which you choose or must stand your ground. I think it is absolutely crazy that I can go initiate a conflict with a dude twice my size then pull out a gun when I lose control of the situation.


I believe in castle doctrine, I support gun ownership, I cannot believe there are laws that give the power of life and death to sad sorry fucks who can initiate a fight and become executioner if they cannot finish it. Fight pursuant to the code of a gentleman.



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Really??? Everybody looks cute and innocent at that age. Maybe they should have made up some posters of Zimmerman at that age and had rallies to support his innocence. lol

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Which part of the second amendment gives one the power to provoke a confrontation then assert deadly force when one realizes they bit off more then they could chew?


I agree that the evidence was lacking and the prosecution was a joke, but I certainly don't understand how this feels like an emotional victory for anyone.



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You should try and "take" the streets, see how that works out for you.


Justice was served in court, in accordance to the law, anything else is just prejudice.

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The little Miata speeds along the interstate, its demure lines reflecting the overhead lights as it zooms past each one. Paul's mother had given him this car in sympathy after she had upgraded to an Acura. Since then he had meticulously coated it with flat black spray paint and added hoot pins to give it an edgy look. It has low 13s in it, he just knows it. "Someday" he thinks as he barrels down Southbound 71 past the 17th avenue exit. It is late. He had known he would need clean streets to test the additional HP his brand new SAFC would grant him. He's a long way from his home in St.Clairsville, but Paul is sure his fellow CR buddy will let him crash if something goes wrong. As he leans it down one more click he feels good. The car is pulling "hard" and just earlier he had posted the absolute perfect .gif in a thread on Columbus Racing. He feels reassured that his fellow CR members would praise his ability to post just the right .gif at just the right time.


Rocks in a tin can. A ruckus of clanking; almost like something completely blew off the engine. He loses power entirely and coasts his car to the side of the road; within eyeshot of the 11th st. exit Paul pops the hood; having installed K&N air filters, a painted valve cover, and wire Paul has an intimately familiar with his engine bay. In 10 minutes of examination he realizes that his recently installed fuel pressure regulator had blown completely off. With no restriction on his fuel rail, his car is inoperable. He reaches for his pocket to phone his friend. It's dead. He pounds the hood down in frustration for not charging it when he knew he should.


He decides to walk for help.


Unfamiliar with the area he takes a left at 11th avenue. He walks purposefully toward Cleveland Avenue hoping to see the bright lights of a gas station. No luck. He reaches Cleveland Avenue, the aura of lights to his left indicates that there might be hope in that direction. He proceeds down the sidewalk. The Eagle Supermarket on his right is closed. He continues to walk. Bars block the entrance to Ray's market on his left as a pair of black males in hoods loiter outside. He continues to walk. He reaches Windsor Avenue and looks back to notice one of the hooded men following him. Paul walks faster. "What are you doing around here" the man exclaims breathlessly. Paul ducks his head and walks faster. He looks back; the man is still pursuing him. He darts down the stairs and behind some bushes near the Cleveland Avenue Medical Center. He looses sight of his tail but is sure he's still looking for him. 10 minutes passes and he emerges from his hiding spot determined to reach the Fire Station just a few hundred feet away.


He begins to run. A tug pulls at his arm. He spins around and is face to face to the man in the grey hood who had been following him. "What the fuck are you doing in my hood" the aggressor demands as Paul pulls away. The hooded mad tugs at his zipper to reveal a holstered Glock G22. In his immediate panic, a curious though coursed passed Paul's neurons; how did this man of obviously modest means come across such a weapon. The though vanished as quickly as it appeared.


The hooded man reaches for him again. Paul, having recently taken a MMA 101 course redirects the hooded man's momentum and throws him to the ground. Positive he can not retreat and take cover before the man can unholster his weapon and fire, Paul jumps on top of the hooded man in hopes of rendering him unable to retaliate for his initial take down. Having watched dozens of movies where any blow to the head renders an assailant unconscious, Paul slams the hooded man's occipital into the pavement below. Stunned that the hooded man who was a moment ago displaying his gun and pushing him is now screaming for help he tires once more to render him unconscious. He fails; they continue to scuffle. The hooded man reaches his right arm across his body and unholsters his weapon. Unaware the hooded man is reaching for his gun, Paul continues to attempt anything to render his assailant unable to fire at him when he attempts to escape; it is far harder than it is in the movies or video games.


A deafening bang.


Paul's ears ring. His vision goes blurry, then brown. He gasps as he feels a warm fluid quickly drip from the corner of his mouth.


Everything goes black.

Edited by iwishiwascool
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Yes, SYG and Self Defense were both applied to the defenses case. Thus again, in Florida, I believe Zimmerman is not able to be prosecuted civilly as that's one of the main points within SYG. Doing so would be a form of double jeopardy. It's a good law too. It's what allows me to shoot/kill an intruder in my home and not have to worry about the fuckers family profiting from his crime that eventually lead to his own death.


They did not use Stand Your Ground. It removes the duty to retreat, they claimed that there was no way to retreat, thus self defense.


“Stand your ground” is a legal release from the traditional duty to retreat, if safely possible, before using force in self-defense. When safe retreat is not possible, however, the duty does not apply. If the duty does not apply, “stand your ground” is not needed to release you from that duty. In this case, at the moment George Zimmerman used deadly force in self-defense his attacker was pinning him to the ground and reaching for his gun. [This is Mr. Zimmerman's version of events.] Under such circumstances no reasonable avenue of self-defense exists, so there is no duty to retreat even absent “stand your ground.”


As I said, Stand Your Ground is a pre-trial hearing with a judge


The state’s 2005 “Stand Your Ground” law removed a person’s duty to try to run away in the face of danger before using deadly force, created a presumption that such force is lawful and immunized those who kill in self-defense from prosecution and private lawsuits.


The law provides that a person who claims to have killed in self-defense can seek a court ruling, before any trial, that he acted legally, but Mr. Zimmerman and his lawyer decided against that option and presented his case directly to a jury.

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Waste of time, waste of tax payers money. Glad it is over.. now can we move on?


Lets focus on more important matters.


Like this




and this




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The little Miata speeds along the interstate, its demure lines reflecting the overhead lights as it zooms past each one. Paul's mother had given him this car in sympathy after she had upgraded to an Acura. Since then he had meticulously coated it with flat black spray paint and added hoot pins to give it an edgy look. It has low 13s in it, he just knows it. "Someday" he thinks as he barrels down Southbound 71 past the 17th avenue exit. It is late. He had known he would need clean streets to test the additional HP his brand new SAFC would grant him. He's a long way from his home in St.Clairsville, but Paul is sure his fellow CR buddy will let him crash if something goes wrong. As he leans it down one more click he feels good. The car is pulling "hard" and just earlier he had posted the absolute perfect .gif in a thread on Columbus Racing. He feels reassured that his fellow CR members would praise his ability to post just the right .gif at just the right time.


Rocks in a tin can. A ruckus of clanking; almost like something completely blew off the engine. He loses power entirely and coasts his car to the side of the road; within eyeshot of the 11th st. exit Paul pops the hood; having installed K&N air filters, a painted valve cover, and wire Paul has an intimately familiar with his engine bay. In 10 minutes of examination he realizes that his recently installed fuel pressure regulator had blown completely off. With no restriction on his fuel rail, his car is inoperable. He reaches for his pocket to phone his friend. It's dead. He pounds the hood down in frustration for not charging it when he knew he should.


He decides to walk for help.


Unfamiliar with the area he takes a left at 11th avenue. He walks purposefully toward Cleveland Avenue hoping to see the bright lights of a gas station. No luck. He reaches Cleveland Avenue, the aura of lights to his left indicates that there might be hope in that direction. He proceeds down the sidewalk. The Eagle Supermarket on his right is closed. He continues to walk. Bars block the entrance to Ray's market on his left as a pair of black males in hoods loiter outside. He continues to walk. He reaches Windsor Avenue and looks back to notice one of the hooded men following him. Paul walks faster. "What are you doing around here" the man exclaims breathlessly. Paul ducks his head and walks faster. He looks back; the man is still pursuing him. He darts down the stairs and behind some bushes near the Cleveland Avenue Medical Center. He looses sight of his tail but is sure he's still looking for him. 10 minutes passes and he emerges from his hiding spot determined to reach the Fire Station just a few hundred feet away.


He begins to run. A tug pulls at his arm. He spins around and is face to face to the man in the grey hood who had been following him. "What the fuck are you doing in my hood" the aggressor demands as Paul pulls away. The hooded mad tugs at his zipper to reveal a holstered Glock G22. In his immediate panic, a curious though coursed passed Paul's neurons; how did this man of obviously modest means come across such a weapon. The though vanished as quickly as it appeared.


The hooded man reaches for him again. Paul, having recently taken a MMA 101 course redirects the hooded man's momentum and throws him to the ground. Positive he can not retreat and take cover before the man can unholster his weapon and fire, Paul jumps on top of the hooded man in hopes of rendering him unable to retaliate for his initial take down. Having watched dozens of movies where any blow to the head renders an assailant unconscious, Paul slams the hooded man's occipital into the pavement below. Stunned that the hooded man who was a moment ago displaying his gun and pushing him is now screaming for help he tires once more to render him unconscious. He fails; they continue to scuffle. The hooded man reaches his right arm across his body and unholsters his weapon. Unaware the hooded man is reaching for his gun, Paul continues to attempt anything to render his assailant unable to fire at him when he attempts to escape; it is far harder than it is in the movies or video games.


A deafening bang.


Paul's ears ring. His vision goes blurry, then brown. He gasps as he feels a warm fluid quickly drip from the corner of his mouth.


Everything goes black.


Someone asks what you are doing and shows that they have a holstered concealed weapon... you don't attack them. you talk your way out of the situation. if said person reaches for the gun, then you defend yourself. the last thing you're going to do is try to jump on someone who just showed you they are armed. If you did the above, then you deserve to be shot for breaking the law and attacking someone.

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Good on the innocent vote. Z wasn't guilty of anything but defending himself and the nieghborhood.




Has nothing to do with the 2nd ammendment. It's his right to defend himself. If the prosecution was hoping for manslaughter at the worse, then they should have found evidence of provocation. They didn't.




because at the end of the day the general population may feel Zimmerman is a fucking bastard that is tired of the bad guys winning but Trayvon was no fucking angel and the world knows it. About fucking time the bad guys take one in the ass in the public eye. Trayvon should have kept running instead of trying to be all bad-ass. Darwin scores again.

I 100% disagree, We have a legal system for a reason.



Due Process and such?

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I saw Al Sharpton this morning on the Today Show and oh my god, he looked like a walking dead person. Everything he said was unbelievable. I don't all this out rage about this case. It was a white man shooting a white man or black man shooting a black man we would never hear about it.
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I saw Al Sharpton this morning on the Today Show and oh my god, he looked like a walking dead person. Everything he said was unbelievable. I don't all this out rage about this case. It was a white man shooting a white man or black man shooting a black man we would never hear about it.


Jesse and Al need to stop breathing.

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