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Zimmerman found not guilty


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Its good to know I can go pick fights with minorities now and when they fight back, i can kill them.


Ya that is how it happened, again you and the other million people were there. And I bet you expect the same system that gave a non guilty verdict will charge him with something else. That is borderline insanity. Verdict reached case closed go home

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So I was reading an article on the main page at dispatch.com and I noticed Phil may have made an appearance in his red sweater at a protest in Columbus.




http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/Lexus%20parts/trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg' alt='trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg'>

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So I was reading an article on the main page at dispatch.com and I noticed Phil may have made an appearance in his red sweater at a protest in Columbus.




http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/Lexus%20parts/trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg' alt='trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg'>



Click on the pic to make it bigger. Went to photo bucket. Clicked again.






came up. :masturboy:

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Dear George Zimmerman,


For the rest of your life you are now going to feel what it's like to be a black man in America.


You will feel people stare at you. Judging you for what you think are unfair reasons. You will lose out on getting jobs for something you feel is outside of your control. You will believe yourself to be an upstanding citizen and wonder why people choose to not see that.


People will cross the street when they see you coming. They will call you hurtful names. It will drive you so insane some days that you'll want to scream at the top of your lungs. But you will have to wake up the next day, put on a firm look, and push through life.


I bet you never thought that by shooting a black male you'd end up inheriting all of his struggles.


Enjoy your "freedom"


Hmmm.. never thought about it this way. Not 100% on point, but it's fairly accurate. The only good thing about this is that many people learned from his mistake of getting out of the car. Dudes life will definitely never be the same.

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Hmmm.. never thought about it this way. Not 100% on point, but it's fairly accurate. The only good thing about this is that many people learned from his mistake of getting out of the car. Dudes life will definitely never be the same.


that's still better than doing life in prison or whatever he was facing.

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Its good to know I can go pick fights with minorities now and when they fight back, i can kill them.


Only if you are a Minority. :dumb:



that's still better than doing life in prison or whatever he was facing.


This just shows how ignorant some Americans are.

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I saw Al Sharpton this morning on the Today Show and oh my god, he looked like a walking dead person. Everything he said was unbelievable. I don't all this out rage about this case. It was a white man shooting a white man or black man shooting a black man we would never hear about it.


Sharpton and Jackson are part of the problem. I have no respect for them because they only like to push their agenda when its convenient and fits their needs.


Hence, something like this will not get the same level of play: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=513_1373906455


I have dealt with people from every social class, religion, sexual preference and race in various work settings. The only problem I had was when I was dealing with a total POS of a person. You know what? EVERY social class, religion, and race has them.


I don't care what god you worship, what color your skin is, who (or what) you choose to stick your dick in, just don't hate someone because they are not like you.


Jerry Springer's words ring true more than people care to admit "Take care of yourself, and each other." or was it "never pay a hooker with a check"?

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Your takes on this?


Interesting. Thanks for posting.


IB4 all the statistical fact checkers hit the board.


Overall though, a well done, entertaining presentation.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Interesting. Thanks for posting.


IB4 all the statistical fact checkers hit the board.


Overall though, a well done, entertaining presentation.


Fact-checking is always good, even if fact-checking sources can be as biased as anyone else, sample questions can be leading, pools can be concentrated, so on, so forth. I think the more information one explores, the better to draw conclusions one becomes. Here's an interesting piece from Huffpo about Jury Instruction.




Even if I disagree with the conclusion that the judge basically decided the verdict, the evidence would still call for a Not Guilty, IMO, it's interesting to read. What the video I posted best draws attention to is the narrative of "Zimmerman the racist profiler", his history defending a black man who was beaten, and giving some history to the neighborhood problems with burglaries and theft, and why he may have been suspicious of those he didn't recognize regardless of race. No one in their right mind would look at a picture of Zimmerman and call him "white", but our media initially and incorrectly reported "white man kills skittle-snacking 12 yr old unarmed black child" so we move to "well he's a white-hispanic" to keep the circus lights flashing. For once a Facebook meme was spot-on. Zimmerman is as much a white-hispanic, as Obama is a white-African.

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