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Flashing lights to warn speeders....


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My old car really did have a faulty light sensor and would randomly turn the headlights on and off really fast sometimes.

That's actually still a ticketable offense.


I use my fogs instead of rights for this-

Not as easy to read for others I don't think and if you've got the kinda cop to pull you over for your headlights, flashing your fogs are still going to give him an excuse.


I've never understood the logic of this.


Speed traps, under the assumption that police use them for their proper purpose, are for keeping drivers safe and speeds at or below the speed limit.

By flashing high beams, other drivers are able to effectively combat unsafe driving and high speeds.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the speed trap has been accomplished and all high beam flashers are actually aiding justice instead of obstructing it.


Unless, of course, safety was not the ultimate goal of the speed trap, but rather revenue generation.


By the obstruction of justice logic, if I saw my friend's browser history included searches on where to hire a hitman, if I successfully talked him out of meeting with any potential hitmen, I could be obstructing a sting operation and should be hauled off to jail.

Not sure if I agreed to this earlier in the thread or not, but this logic is flawless to me which is why the majority of these cases get thrown out. Any judge who doesn't throw these out make a mental note of that judge; and never ever attend their court.


Deterrence. A hefty ticket is more likely to prevent you from doing it again as opposed to another motorist warning you allowing you to get away with it.

Well, then you might as well let them crash from speeding. That'll teach 'em. ;)

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Driving home down Dublin Road last night, a passing MDX flashed their lights at me. I slowed down as there is usually deer around the area. Not 10 seconds later, a Shawnee Hills cruiser passed by. I thanked that driver in the Acura and will certainly pay it forward.
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I love it when the other Dublin people help and warn other people. They love to hide down Avery road on my way in to work. The speed limit is 35 and most do 45 or faster. My heart jumped when I was doing around 50 and saw him first thur the trees.
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I love it when the other Dublin people help and warn other people. They love to hide down Avery road on my way in to work. The speed limit is 35 and most do 45 or faster. My heart jumped when I was doing around 50 and saw him first thur the trees.


Stop doing 50 in a 35 and you won't have to worry about it lol

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  • 1 month later...



Dude can suckit.


COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVN) -- A southwest Ohio lawmaker wants to make sure you can't get a ticket for flashing your headlights to warn other motorists about police officers enforcing the speed limit.


"The law isn't clear about whether it is legal or illegal," said State Rep. John Becker, a Republican from Clermont County.


Ohio Revised Code does spell out different exemptions for flashing your headlights at other drivers, but warning about police officers isn't one of them. He believes that makes it "arguably illegal."


There have been citations for obstruction of justice issued, but they are rare. It has come up in Ohio courts before and Becker wants to see lawmakers, not judges, make the final call.


"If they want to flash their lights because of some type of danger whether that be police radar, a deer in the highway, an accident or whatever, they'll be able to do that without fear of being charged with some kind of criminal offense," he said.


Becker says warning others on the road should be encouraged.


Mike Weinman with the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police says they aren't planning to lobby against the bill, noting that most citations for flashing your lights are normally tossed anyway. He says the whole point of speed enforcement is to get people to slow down and if this helps meet that goal then they don't have an issue with it.


However, Weinman says there are concerns. He says many times people involved in road rage incidents will flash their lights and police would no longer be able to stop those people just for that offense. It could also blind other motorists on the road at night.




Read more: http://www.610wtvn.com/articles/wtvn-local-news-268656/flashing-your-headlights-illegal-apparently-it-12170023/#ixzz2wQrGnPoj

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So is it cool if I flash my brights at every officer I see bombing down the road far in excess of the limit? Always no siren or lights, just a need for speed, apparently.


If we have gotten to the point where our increasingly paramilitary LE tickets for bullshit like this, it will only increase my desire to do so. I know the cities are desperate for revenue, but Jesus.


If someone is far exceeding the speed limit, I want him to slow down, correct?

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So is it cool if I flash my brights at every officer I see bombing down the road far in excess of the limit? Always no siren or lights, just a need for speed, apparently.




If we have gotten to the point where our increasingly paramilitary LE tickets for bullshit like this, it will only increase my desire to do so. I know the cities are desperate for revenue, but Jesus.




If someone is far exceeding the speed limit, I want him to slow down, correct?




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So is it cool if I flash my brights at every officer I see bombing down the road far in excess of the limit? Always no siren or lights, just a need for speed, apparently.


If we have gotten to the point where our increasingly paramilitary LE tickets for bullshit like this, it will only increase my desire to do so. I know the cities are desperate for revenue, but Jesus.


If someone is far exceeding the speed limit, I want him to slow down, correct?


If you see it as frequent as you claim you do, then call the department and complain.


Emergency vehicles must have lights and audible sirens activated at all times when above the posted limits.


Stop breaking the "bullshit" law and you wont get a "bullshit" ticket.

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I would, but I'm allergic to authoritarianism.


^^^ This ^^^


WE refuse to interact with the fascist servants of the corrupt Illuminati/Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderburg/Jewish/United Nations/Obama/Alec Baldwin ruling class.



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^^^ This ^^^


WE refuse to interact with the fascist servants of the corrupt Illuminati/Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderburg/Jewish/United Nations/Obama/Alec Baldwin ruling class.




I think you missed a few political groups to associate with every police officer on the streets. Are you a Sovereign?

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