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F--k Yellowjackets


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Little assholes.


I have have one, maybe two nests near my back patio. The found some space under my siding and are hidden up inside my house somewhere.


Tried spray foam the crack that they use. Little dickheads chewed right through it when it dried. Bought a $13 trap at Lowes made by W-H-Y and only caught 2. 2 fucking yellowjackets! $6.50 per bug.


can't spray the nest because i can't see it. tried a youtube homemade trap that didn't work.


any ideas? i'm open to CHEAP pest control if it comes to it.

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Start leaving them food. Earn their trust. Make peace with them, and then bed their women and integrate your families to their society.


Maybe this?



trying this cause i have everything


Boric acid mixed with water and sugar on a saucer or something with small lip sat near the area the yellow jackets are nesting.


Borax Powder...absolute solution. It gets on them and they spread it around the hive. A little slow but fail-proof.


i'll try this next.

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I bought some of this and it worked fast! Just spray some around the opening and it causes the nervous system to shut down. The critters get it on them and lick it off. Kills all kinds of pests so be careful where you spray it.



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Spray the siding down with garden hose, tape 6 really good firecrackers together, stick them in the little basterds hole, light fuses and run like fuck.


Me and my brother did this a number of years ago. Worked great and they never came back:fuckyeah:

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I once made a cardboard shelf and taped up up right below their entry/exit hole, then covered the shelf in powdered sevin. They had to crawl through it to get to their nest, which they did. In 2 days the entire nest was dead. Sevin is death to any bee, so be careful around honey bees.
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bang on the siding really hard until they start to come out, grab a tennis racquet and see how many you can kill. You might get stung but it won't cost much and will be a fun way to get some exercise.
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