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Anyone sell VW?

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Looking to pick up a new Jetta Sportwagen TDI @ 0% APR while it's available.

Manual trans is a must!


Anyone on here work at Byers, MAG, Hatfield etc?


Just grabbed a Passat TDI @ 0% from Justin @ Byers:


Justin Riddle




Very quick, easy, painless and straightforward process.

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hmm what about me??? Members first!


MAG Audi here, but I'm able to sell VWs too.


For a guy that sells cars, I would be putting that in my 'occupation' on your profile......that would go for anyone in sales....just my .02

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Just grabbed a Passat TDI @ 0% from Justin @ Byers:


Justin Riddle




Very quick, easy, painless and straightforward process.


This. My dad tried to get 2 dealers in CT to do a Euro delivery program on a Q5, neither would cooperate. I made a call to Justin who immediately called my dad. He (Justin) had never done a Euro order before, but he set it up perfectly and my dad (who has done 3) said Justin was the best.


EDIT: My dad lives in CT, works 1 week/month out here in OH so it was certainly a consideration to Justin's credit that he'd rather buy the car here and drive 700mi home than deal with New England Audi dealers

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Buy from this guy. Worked at Byers with him before. Very professional and straightforward.



Justin Riddle told me the numbers on a car, which I said was more than I expected. He asked me to set down this is the first "go round" that I should counter I said no I expect to get your best offer shook his hand said thanks and walked out. All this happend after I told him what number I wanted to be at on the purchase price. While it is typical I found it annoying.

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Justin Riddle told me the numbers on a car, which I said was more than I expected. He asked me to set down this is the first "go round" that I should counter I said no I expect to get your best offer shook his hand said thanks and walked out. All this happend after I told him what number I wanted to be at on the purchase price. While it is typical I found it annoying.


Take your ass to CarMax, expecting any salesman to give you their best offer up front is naïve.

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Justin Riddle told me the numbers on a car, which I said was more than I expected. He asked me to set down this is the first "go round" that I should counter I said no I expect to get your best offer shook his hand said thanks and walked out. All this happend after I told him what number I wanted to be at on the purchase price. While it is typical I found it annoying.





So you walked in, said "I'LL PAY THIS" and then got mad when he didn't spring into action? You could have at least had the courtesy to have a discussion beforehand about wiggle room or neighborhood of pricing. These guys have to put food on their families table like the rest of us. There is ALWAYS an agreeable price that works for both parties somewhere in the middle. You can't expect a salesmen to be your "friend" if you aren't willing to give a little and meet in the middle.

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Bought my BRZ from Justin on Saturday. Good dude. I told him upfront what I was looking for price wise on the car and trade it. He got within 95% of it on the first offer and I took it. Easy peazy.


You mean you didn't storm out and cry on CR about it?

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I find it funny what people want or think pricing should be. I had a guy on a new Q7 that wanted $5,000 off in the first 20 seconds even getting to know him. I so wanted to tell him I see you are looking for a good buy so goodbye, but I played the game and just helped him make a more informed offer. We all get people wanting perfect retail for there car, but wholesale or invoice pricing for no reason. So never get upset with someone like other people have and just be up front and honest what you want to pay. If we can make it happen we will, but this best deal one shot thing is just dumb. It is a waste of your time and the salesman. I know I'm worth more then another dealer just Internet price matching. Maybe that's just me.
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