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home schooling?


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Does anyone have any experience with home schooling? If so, can you please help give me more info.


My step daughter has some how convinced my wife to let her be home schooled and I'm trying to find out more info on it. Please keep in mind, my wife has zero abilities to teach her so it would need to be all online. Any info would be appreciaited.

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Can't help you TOO much, two of my cousins were homeschooled right up until I wanna say junior year of HS, and went on to OSU (both of them). Other side of the fam was home schooled and got into OU just fine.
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I knew some kids that done ECOT and it just seemed horrible. Hour or two and they're done, and the work seemed to be comparable to what kids 4 grades lower were doing.


Don't know of any other places but ECOT is the one you hear about out here.

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honestly her current school is horrible as well.... no lie, she's going to be a junior this year in high school and she didn't even know who the first president was or how to write in cursive.


but online schooling is only 2 hours a day? WTF????

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Can't help you TOO much, two of my cousins were homeschooled right up until I wanna say junior year of HS, and went on to OSU (both of them). Other side of the fam was home schooled and got into OU just fine.

home schooled online or by parents?

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honestly her current school is horrible as well.... no lie, she's going to be a junior this year in high school and she didn't even know who the first president was or how to write in cursive.


but online schooling is only 2 hours a day? WTF????


I don't think they teach cursive in school any more as far as I know but at her age I would think she would have learned it. They must blast right through history these days. I am going to be 32 next month and I always felt they didn't go into each chapter in history near enough. Seems it is worse now. My fiancee is 24. The little her, her siblings and my younger sisters know about history blows my mind. I fucking love history and even I don't know enough to settle my cravings for it. I couldn't imagine not knowing the basic stuff like the younger kids and even folks in their twenties today know.


The ones I knew that done ECOT all said they only needed two hours to knock their work out. Just because some one got through school, whether public, private or via homeschooling, doesn't mean they know much. I didn't go to college out of fear I wouldn't make it. Now today I see college graduates with lack of basic math skills,like really basic and just don't seem very bright at all. Some needing pen, paper or a calculator for simple addition. WTF? lol

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I was home schooled starting in the middle of 5th grade. I was very difficult and in the mid `80's the diagnosis of ASD was almost unheard of so the typical response from the education system was to put me in the trailers out back of the school with the other kids who were really bad off (think actual MR, LD, ADHD.) My parents got an okay from the state to offically home school (this was just before it was technically legal.)


Growing up in the home school community I met a lot of other kids that also home schooled and they vary just like any group, from people such as myself who needed an alternative education system to those who are true "religious nut jobs" toting guns, bibles, and refusing to pay taxes.


I can assure you that the education you receive can easily be on par or above what your child would get in the public schools. If its the social aspect which many worry about, there are plenty of outlets to be in contact with other kids. Especially in a city like Columbus.



If you want any more info pm me.

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Theres plenty of options out there, wether you home school them or they take online classes or in some cases you hand them the material and they go through it..... My wife was home schooled and does just fine but education in opinion is more derived from the parents than anything, if a parent shows no interest or doesn't help or teach their kids wether they go to public school or home schooled ones children they will really never learn much assuming they're willing to or able to (can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink). I went to public school, spent jr and sr years taking college classes, my parents always pushed me to do more and be better. I learned more from my dad than from any class I have ever taken, lifes lessons, true history, morals, work ethic, ect. All in what you want them to get out of it and which you feel will serve them better.
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Can't help you TOO much, two of my cousins were homeschooled right up until I wanna say junior year of HS, and went on to OSU (both of them). Other side of the fam was home schooled and got into OU just fine.


Ha. It is not hard to get into either of those schools.

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My sister did ECOT. No college/university recognizes her "diploma" and for a good reason. It's basically GED equivalent and if she chooses to attend higher education she will need 20-25 credits iirc at a community college. To some people this may not be bad, but if she thinks she will attended a large university then she needs to stay in school or away from ECOT.. IMO it is total bs. Wake up whenever, do 2 hours of work. Oh you're stuck on a problem? Switch to the other computer and google it. Doesn't teach any discipline or make you think outside the box to solve something. No social interaction at all. I could go on for days about ECOT.
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Does anyone have any experience with home schooling? If so, can you please help give me more info.


My step daughter has some how convinced my wife to let her be home schooled and I'm trying to find out more info on it. Please keep in mind, my wife has zero abilities to teach her so it would need to be all online. Any info would be appreciaited.


How old is your step-daughter? I think it's important to know at what stage of her education she is at. I have a close friend who decided to home school her youngest son but my friend is extremely intelligent as are most of her kids, she saw a lot lacking in the public school her kids attended and often volunteered to help teachers and tutors in her free time. I assume would assume shes going to get out of it exactly what you guys put into it, if your daughter just wants an easier way out then maybe you should warn her you'll have high expectations for her if she is home schooled?

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education in opinion is more derived from the parents than anything, if a parent shows no interest or doesn't help or teach their kids wether they go to public school or home schooled ones children they will really never learn much


I am a high school teacher and this hits it on the head. Parents that are involved in their child's education will have a better chance of success no matter public or home schooled.


Home Schooling is like online college courses, you get in what you put in. Many kids that I have seen doing ECOT or similar home schooling do it because they are slackers in class and don't have parents that push them. As a result they end up failing home schooling or just doing the minimum and barely getting anything out of it.


What public school is your daughter going into? What are her current grades? Do you sit down with her daily and go over her homework? Most high schoolers should have over an hour of homework a night. Yes there is study hall, but most kids don't use it properly and you can still check her homework if she did it at school. Is she motivated to learn, to work, to succeed? If so she should do well in home schooling, but home schooling is easy to get distracted and requires a lot of parent involvement. If she is not a motivated learner, like many high schoolers, talking with guidance and her teachers on a weekly basis will help tremendously. Checking her grades online will help keep you in check with what is going on academically. Talking with guidance and her teachers can help you know what is going on socially. Also look through her text messages and see if she is being bullied, boyfriend problems, or a drama queen. You pay for the phone so technically it is yours, at least that is how it will be with my kids (don't give me any privacy speeches). Also I am going to keep the charger in my room, so my kids have to give me their phones at night.


I don't like homeschooling. I am a teacher and can teach almost anything. I teach my content areas extremely well. Something to think about: How can a person be an expert on physics, history, economics, health and English all at once? Sure you might know the basics and be able to stay a few pages ahead in the book, but a good teacher can not be replaced by home schooling and online classes. I understand not all teachers are good, but huge majority of them are.


Just some things to think about. I know school is more then grades such as social life, bullying, goals, peer pressure, drugs, life in general. All those things can affect grades.

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From someone who worked at ECOT for 5 years interacting with staff, students and parents. Stay faarrr away..... Horrible infrastructure issues with their content management system and its geared towards "underprivileged" kids (bad apples) I'm not sure how anyone can learn anything with a place as jacked up as ECOT
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i was home schooled up to my sophomore year. went to a private school then and graduated salutatorian.

sister was home schooled from probably 6th grade till graduation.

brother was home schooled his whole life.

my sister is also home schooling 4 of her kids (her 5th is only 1 year old) as Columbus city schools suck. All the kids are at a higher intelligence level then those in public schools.

I think she uses some co-op that is in columbus.

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My sister did ECOT. No college/university recognizes her "diploma" and for a good reason. It's basically GED equivalent and if she chooses to attend higher education she will need 20-25 credits iirc at a community college. To some people this may not be bad, but if she thinks she will attended a large university then she needs to stay in school or away from ECOT.. IMO it is total bs. Wake up whenever, do 2 hours of work. Oh you're stuck on a problem? Switch to the other computer and google it. Doesn't teach any discipline or make you think outside the box to solve something. No social interaction at all. I could go on for days about ECOT.


Much of what is listed above is why the military requires them to score 19 points higher on the ASVAB and have a compensating TAPIS test with a high score. TAPIS is somewhat of a character test about you.

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I am going to preface this by stating I did not read anything below the OP's original post.


I was home schooled until my Freshman year in HS. I did go to school in the first grade, but that was it. My younger brothers were home schooled until the middle school grades, at which point they started going to public school.


First, let me put this common misconception to death:


Not all home schooled kids are social retards. I (and my brother's as well), played in baseball and soccer leagues, as well as a lot of basketball pickup games at the park. Also, because of my schedule, I was able to get a job at 14 doing cleaning and maintenance work at the local rec center where I played in an indoor soccer league and later went on to be a ref there for 5-6yr old games. So in some ways, I got a lot more social interaction with people of all ages and walks of life than most kids my age had. Yes, there are creepy, socially retarded home schooled kids, but you get those in public school too. What I am saying is, don't buy into the stereotype of home schooled kids.


On to the educational aspect. Neither of my parents had any kind of education degree. They weren't teachers, or anything like that. My mom did a majority of the teaching, but a lot of the education comes from the material itself, and you as the parents have teacher's keys to help, and for grading purposes and such. The state required us to be tested every year to see where we placed. Every year my brothers and I placed well ahead of our grade in all aspects, including reading, mathematics, etc.


One other thing I need to tell you to keep in mind, if you home school up to a certain point/grade, then decide for one reason or another that the kid is going back to public school, be prepared for that kid to be way ahead of all the other kids in his/her respective grade. The one year I went to public school in the first grade, I had already learned every single thing taught that year in my previous year of being home schooled for kindergarten. Then when I went from being home schooled up through 8th grade then started going to public school in 9th grade...I got straight A's with no effort in 9th grade because I had already learned everything my previous year in 8th grade being home schooled.


One other thing these days in comparison to when I was a kid, there are a lot more options for education as well due to technology. Online course taught by live teachers and such.


Anyway, if you have any other questions, hit me up.

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