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Need a little techie help with security


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It has been brought to my attention by a neighbor. I have a family member who seems to be coming into my house while I am at work. They have taken food, small amounts of cash. I thought I was going crazy before my neighbor pointed this out.


I am looking to get schooled on low costs solutions for a motion detection web cam type setup that would auto load up to the web or another solution if it would work better. That way if/when they saw the web cam and ripped it out/whatever I would still have the videos.


I am sort of at my last straw with this family member as it has been on going for two years. He gives no respect to my property. However reporting to the police, at this point, it not feasible as I have no concrete proof.

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Nice only concern is getting the video capture off of the camera VS. stored on the camera. My worry is figured out he would take the camera. In reading the review i see I can access it remotely and even get motion detection alerts. However it did not mention if the video was kept local on the camera or not.

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Deer trail motion cams work well also and are cheap.


Yes, and many will take video. Also most are infrared. I would cut the power to a room that still has a little bit of light and hide the camera in there so you can get some good evidence without them finding the cam.

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It has been brought to my attention by a neighbor. . I thought I was going crazy before my neighbor pointed this out.



He gives no respect to my property. However reporting to the police, at this point, it not feasible as I have no concrete proof.

I know your looking for the webcam stuff but I don't see how the cops wouldn't see this as enough to arrest some one if your neighbor is seeing him get in to your house.


This sucks man Hope it works out.






Deer trail motion cams work well also and are cheap.


great idea

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I know your looking for the webcam stuff but I don't see how the cops wouldn't see this as enough to arrest some one if your neighbor is seeing him get in to your house.


This sucks man Hope it works out.



exactly, have you even called the cops?

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That qualifies as B&E. So long as he's not on the mortgage/lease and there's been no "agreement" to him/her coming and going as they please.


Your neighbor is a witness. Typically, it's not up to you to gain your own evidence of the shennanigans. Typically. Unless you have cops that won't listen to you/think you're dumb/have better things to do/are too lazy to do anything about it.

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