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My uncle is deaf and his girlfriend talked him into some surgery and implant to get his hearing back. I think he gave it three months before taking the piece behind his ears off because all the normal noises we're used to were annoying as shit to him. He couldn't stand the sound of something simple like a toilet flushing.


He's completely content reading lips

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My uncle is deaf and his girlfriend talked him into some surgery and implant to get his hearing back. I think he gave it three months before taking the piece behind his ears off because he all the normal noises we're used to were annoying as shit to him. He couldn't stand the sound of something simple like a toilet flushing.


He's completely content reading lips


Sounds like the Cochlear Implant. My wifes mother and stepfather had this done last year him being hard of hearing and her deaf since childhood. She has had pretty good results but him not so much. Wherever the incision was stayed infected and oozed nasty shit for almost a year before he had it taken out. He said he would never go through that again.

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