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Vegas Trip Report


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First time to Vegas





Friends are sports betters so we start here




Try to place bets for some other family




Warming up at Cesars ... I started playing poker in Nov 2012 (its Sept 2013)




Table share from the mega beat! Waiting for the payout was a pain but will take it




1st time at Bellagio ... Don't know what it was but sitting down everything felt so comfortable; good table, good position, beatable players




Went to the Aria




Going in the right direction




Its not all run good. Next session at Bellagio (1/3 NL) got really wet, fast, and cold decked. Grinded back just short of even for the session and went to ARIA; 2nd hand called an all in bluff on the flop after laying a fat value bet OOP (TPGK > AKo ... J22 rainbow board) ... took down the hand, played tight for the hour, got up and met some buddies to see the city.





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