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photoshop and windows 8?


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didn't have it......decided to look on ebay for it. Holy Shit!!! I can't believe how much photoshop goes for. I don't do the download thing anymore (haven't in years) but the price of all this stuff is making me re-think my position on that. :lol:
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If its for hobby reasons the price is hard to justify. My wife is currently using the creative cloud. Which is a monthly pay and you get access to all of the adobe programs and every update as soon as it comes out. She has a hefty discount and we only pay 19.99 per month right now. But after the 2 year contract is left over I think normal rate is 49.99 per month which I think is a little silly.
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If its for hobby reasons the price is hard to justify. My wife is currently using the creative cloud. Which is a monthly pay and you get access to all of the adobe programs and every update as soon as it comes out. She has a hefty discount and we only pay 19.99 per month right now. But after the 2 year contract is left over I think normal rate is 49.99 per month which I think is a little silly.


This is what we do. You can use as many programs as you like, they will always be updated to the latest and greatest, plus it saves settings and any actions you might have in the cloud. It's a pretty good deal, beats spending 2G's every time there's a new Creative Suite out. Just depends on how heavy of a user you are.



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Thanks guys....those will help. It's just to dick around on so there's no way to justify that much for it. Office is the same way although much cheaper that photoshop. In the past I've always just downloaded what I need but like I say.....been trying not to do that anymore but at these prices they make it tough. I'll give those links a try & see if those will work for me.
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try gimp it can do allot of the same stuff and its 100% free


Gimp sucks for 90% of anything you'd ever want to use Photoshop for. I've used both for quite a while. Gimp works but its fair unintuitive and takes forever to get the same quality/effects of Photoshop.

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